The Department of Public Works provides a wide range of services to the residents of Franklin. The DPW is organized into eight (8) divisions:
1. Administration2. Engineering3. Highway and Grounds (including Highway Maintenance and Construction, Central Motors, Snow & Ice, Parks, Town and School Grounds Maintenance and Forestry/Insect Control)4. Stormwater5. Water (including groundwater withdrawals, water treatment and distribution)6. Sewer7. Solid Waste and Recycling (including the operation of the Beaver St. Recycling Center)8. Street Lighting
The major functions of the Administrative Division include developing capital projects, long range planning, intergovernmental relations and compliance, grant writing, processing various private construction permits and drainlayer licenses, purchasing, budgeting, accounting, payroll, and multiple forms of utility billing.
Capital Projects
The Administrative Division, in conjunction with Engineering and the operating divisions, develops major capital projects.
The DPW continues to design and construct long-range projects over three to four years. Progress on specific capital construction projects is outlined in subsequent portions of this report.
It is important to note that many of these projects are performed by existing staff members, which saves significant amounts of money by avoiding the need to contract out these services. The process of planning, designing, permitting, and oversight of these projects is an arduous task that requires a great level of coordination and cooperation between DPW divisions and other state, municipal and Federal departments.
Grant Writing
The Town was awarded several Grants ranging in all sizes that support projects such as DPW roadway improvements, recycling incentives, engineering studies and workplace training, to name a few.
Our largest award was a $2,220,000 grant from the Massworks Infrastructure Program to support infrastructure improvements along the Grove Street corridor. Work began in July of 2022 and we expect the project to be completed by 2024. In addition to the improvements on Grove St, we were able to utilize an additional roadwork grant, the MASS DOT WRAP grant totaling $463,000, to pay for a portion of the Jefferson Road area cape seal project.
For the fifth year in a row, we partnered with the Great American Rain Barrel Company to offer the discounted purchase of rain barrels to Franklin residents. Along with the discount, residents were eligible to receive a $50 rebate, if qualified.
The Town once again received grants for our innovative programs at the recycling center to support the proper recycling of mattresses, electronics, and Styrofoam. For FY 23, the grant total was approximately $12,000.
We also received a grant totalling $70,000 to perform quiet zone studies for the railroad crossings in town as well as a $4,000 grant from the Department of Industrial Accidents for workplace safety training.
Permits and Long Range Planning
Long range planning is critical in the area of Public Works and must be accomplished consistently in order to ensure that the Town water, sewer, stormwater and roadway infrastructure can support the needs of our residents. Details on specific projects and locations can be found in other parts of this report.
The DPW has continued to work with both the DEP and the Massachusetts Department of Recreation and Conservation to facilitate the final closing and capping of the Beaver Street Landfill Site.
The Town of Franklin has continued to work with other area towns and conservation groups towards ensuring that regional water supplies are protected.
Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Program
The single stream automated solid waste and recycling program continues to be a very successful program. Recycling participation has increased, and recycling contamination rates have decreased. Improvements continue to be made to the Beaver St. Recycling Center to make the facility more attractive and customer friendly.
Hails and Farewells
We had several employees move on from their roles with the DPW and I would like to thank them for their years of dedication and service to the Town of Franklin! Mr. Steve D'Angelo, our Grounds Foreman, retired after 24 years of service. His hard work, expertise, and dedication will be missed! Mr. Mike Cisternelli of the Highway Dept. also retired after 21 years! His dedication and commitment to our Department was always appreciated. Ms. Cindy Elz, a long time Administrative Assistant for the Town, also retired. Cindy worked tirelessly to support many departments over the years including: the Town Administrator's Office, Town Attorney's office, Town Clerk's office and finally finished up her career in the DPW. Her extensive knowledge of the Town and incredible customer service skills will be missed! We also had several employees move on to pursue other endeavors, in particular, Mr. Tom Trinque, a long time employee in our Central Motors Department, Mr. Jim Henchy, a Highway and Sewer Department employee, and Mr. Jon Currier from our Stormwater Division. With these losses there were also gains. We welcomed a new Administrative Assistant to our team, Ms. Rebecca Smiles along with a new Staff Engineer, Mr. Elijah Gerrior. The DPW was also fortunate to hire some new employees to our Operations Team. These included: Mr. Richard Costello, Mr. Andrew Hatch, Mr. Glen Camire, Mr. Corey Lambert, Mr. Steve Nasuti, Mr. Thomas Ruth, Mr. Sean Roddy, and Mr. Joe Clinton. We are lucky to have them all.
We also had the good fortune of promoting many employees on our team. These employees include: Mr. Jay Stearns, Fleet Manager, Mr. Ken Semerjian, Central Motors Foreman, Mr. John Pucel, Grounds Foreman, Mr. Nathan Macdonald, Grounds Crew Leader, Mr. Artur Cardoso, Meter Technician, Mr. Harrison Marcotte, Sign Technician, Mr. John Simons, Mark out Technician, and Mr. Justin Mercer, Saturday Crew Leader. We wish them all the best of luck in their new roles!
As the Director, I owe many thanks to my entire staff as they make this department work and serve all residents in a timely manner. Everyone is committed to providing extraordinary service to the Town in the most cost effective manner possible.
The DPW staff are all dedicated professionals who put in so much extra time and effort to make this department a success. The Town and I are very fortunate to have such talented individuals to work with. I would like to thank, The Town Engineer Mr. Mike Maglio, Assistant Town Engineer Ms. Brooke Morganelli (Cotta), Admin & Budget Manager Ms. Kathy Mooradd, Assistant Admin & Budget Manager Ms. Roseanne Szczepanowski, Highway and Grounds Superintendent Mr. Carlos Rebelo, Assistant Highway & Grounds Superintendent Mr. Anthony Brunetta, Water & Sewer Superintendent Mr. Doug Martin, Assistant Water & Sewer Superintendent Mr. Jacob Standley, Environmental Affairs Superintendent, Mr. Derek Adams, and GIS Director, Ms. Kate Sjoberg.
I would also like to thank, Ms. Lynne Marchand, Ms. Paula Juarez, Ms. Marissa Allen, and Ms. Rebecca Smiles, who support the Administration Division as well as Mr. Warren Groth, Mr. Bill Wenners, Mr. Elijah Gerrior, and Ms. Natalie Regan-Lampert, from the Engineering Division. These individuals respond quickly and with courtesy to thousands of requests for assistance and information throughout the year.
We would like to thank the entire Recycling Center staff who continue to do a wonderful job.
I would especially like to thank the "Crew" and the mechanics that work out of the DPW garage. These are the employees who are not always seen, but provide the day to day services that are all too often taken for granted. They pump, treat and deliver safe drinking water, care for parks and ball fields, maintain the roadways, repair and sustain all Town and school vehicles and handle all our waste. They are always available, day and night, and work long hours to assist in any emergency situation whether it is snow removal, water breaks, sewer backups, wind, lightning storms and flooding, among many others. They are all extremely professional and dedicated to their jobs. I cannot thank them enough.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert A. Cantoreggi II
Director of Public Works
Kathy Mooradd
Administration & Budget Manager
“Gettin’ It Done”
With 8 section the full DPW report is too long to republish here. You can find the complete report in one PDF ->
The full Town of Franklin FY 2023 Annual Report can be found online
Annual Report Of The Department Of Public Works: FY 2023 Report |