Showing posts with label recognition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recognition. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Fallen Hero Recognitions: Video parts 8 & 9 (2024)

The Town of Franklin has one of the most beautiful Veteran’s Memorial areas in the state.  If you haven’t been there recently, it is worth a visit.  There are monuments for all wars centered in front of the WWI “Doughboy” monument.  At the rear of the monument area is the Veterans’ Memorial Walkway which currently honors 1866 veterans who have served America.

Perhaps the most moving part of the Memorial area are the 45 granite posts which line the Veterans’ Walkway. Each one of these posts is dedicated to a Franklin veteran who gave his life, defending our freedom. These columns are beautifully done, marked with bronze plaques and a flag. During the holidays, each is also decorated with a beautiful wreath.

Over the past few months, Franklin’s Veterans’ organizations, the Edward L. Grant American Legion Post 75, and the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 3402, under the auspices of the Town’s Veterans Council, have developed a program to further honor those who died for our nation, to ensure they are remembered, and their stories are kept alive.

This program will include the placing of a Memorial Wreath for the day, the playing of Taps, a salute from those present, and a reading of whatever history we may have on that veteran. This is a way of keeping the memory of that veteran alive.

This event will happen 45 times during the coming year.  Some months, like January, only one ceremony will be held. Other months will have multiple ceremonies, such as February with 4 and June with 7.   On March 10, April 9, July 18, and September 21, there will be dual ceremonies as we lost two veterans on the same day.

Families of the veterans are welcome to attend the ceremony.

The public is invited to attend these ceremonies to honor those who gave their lives.

Franklin’s military organizations support numerous veterans’ activities  and encourage all veterans in town to join them.

Video of the set for #8 ->

Video of the set for #9  (last one for 2024)->

You can find all the videos for 2024 in one playlist -> 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fallen Hero Recognition: Charles E. Mason - Dec 28, 2024 - 9:00 AM

Memorial event today (12/28/24) at 9 AM on the Town Common Veterans Walkway to honor Private Charles E. Mason.

This program will include the placing of a Memorial Wreath for the day, the playing of Taps, a salute from those present, and a reading of whatever history  may be available for that veteran.  This is a way of keeping the memory of that veteran alive.


Fallen Hero: Private Charles E. Mason, U.S. Army 
Private Charles E. Mason, U.S. Army Signal Corps, was born on February 24, 1916, son of Fred and Minta Mason. Charles lived at 62 Pleasant Street with his parents and sister. Charles attended the Franklin Public Schools graduating from Franklin High School in 1934. During his high school years, he participated in the Memorial Day ceremonies on the Common by reciting the Gettysburg Address.  
Prior to entering the army, Charles was a member of a Naval Reserve Unit located here in Franklin and served under the command of Fred Cook. David Bullukian, another one of our Fallen 23, also served in this Franklin unit.  
Charles attended Boston Radio and Television School prior to his induction in July of 1941. PVT Charles Mason used this special interest in ham radios and used this skill to converse with people in the area while in the army.  
Private Charles E. Mason died of injuries received in an automobile accident at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey on December 28, 1941 at the age of 25.


Fallen Hero: Private Mason
For the full published series of Fallen Heroes you can visit this link

Photo album of the Fallen Hero pillars along the Veterans Walkway

The video series of recognition ceremonies for 2024 (YTD) 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Town Council recognizes Youth football teams, keeps Ben & adds logo, hears of forthcoming survey & more (audio)

FM #1345  This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1345 in the series. 

This session shares the Franklin (MA) Town Council Meeting of Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024.  8 of the 9 members participated in Council Chambers, 1 absent (Jones). Special vote to appoint Frongillo as temporary clerk for the meeting to be authorized to sign the documents (approved 8-0-1). 

An overflow audience filled the Chambers to start and then filtered away as their recognition section was completed.

Quick recap:

PROCLAMATIONS / RECOGNITIONS  a. Fourth and Sixth Grade Youth Football Teams -> 

b. Peter Brunelli

c. Steve Carlucci -> 

5. APPOINTMENTS a. Agricultural Commission - Benjamin Rousseau

Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 

Annual License Renewals = Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 


a. National Citizen Survey (aka Citizen Satisfaction Survey) - Kate Hinckley, Director of GIS 

b. Biennial Town Council - Town Administrator Midterm Goals Review - Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator  motion tabled from a resolution vote perspective as some of the goals will be noted as unable to complete due to funding/resource constraints.

c. Town Seal and Logo Presentation - Amy Frigulietti, Deputy Town Administrator

after some contentious discussion, the vote to approve the logo passes 6-2-1 (1 absent)

d. The Distribution of Town Initiated Ballot Question Materials - Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator; Mark Cerel, Town Attorney; and Nancy Danello, Town Clerk   

No real good way to accomplish this

Resolution 24-82: Adoption of Updated Fiscal Policies

approved after discussion around implication for directing school budget policy

Resolution 24-80: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4  Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 

Resolution 24-81: Gift Acceptance - Veterans’ Services Department ($2,735), Senior Center ($130.02) , Fire Dept. ($1,515)  Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 

Let’s listen to the meeting recording which runs 2 hours & 45 miuntes.  Audio link ->


Franklin TV video of the meeting available for replay -> 

The agenda doc -> 

My set of notes collected in one PDF -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

  • And if you have interest in reporting on meetings or events, please reach. We’ll share and show you what and how we do what we do

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

vote to approve the logo passes 6-2-1 (1 absent)
vote to approve the logo passes 6-2-1 (1 absent)

Sunday, December 22, 2024

This Quarterbacking session recaps the Joint Budget & the Town Council meetings (audio)

FM #1344 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1344 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares our “Town Council Quarterbacking” with Town Council Chair Tom Mercer. We had our conversation via the Zoom Conference Bridge on Thursday, December 19, 2024.  

ok, what just happened? 

What does it mean for Franklin residents and taxpayers?

Topics for this session

Joint Budget meeting

Health care, pension cost updates; deficit was 3.7ish, now more like 4.5

Communications planned with 5 or 6 listening sessions at different locations, end of Jan through March…

Town Council meeting


Fourth and Sixth Grade Youth Football Teams

Peter Brunelli

Steve Carlucci

5. APPOINTMENTS =  Agricultural Commission - Benjamin Rousseau

Annual License Renewals


  • National Citizen Survey (aka Citizen Satisfaction Survey) - Kate Hinckley, Director of GIS   

  • Biennial Town Council - Town Administrator Midterm Goals Review - Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator

  • Town Seal and Logo Presentation - Amy Frigulietti, Deputy Town Administrator 


  • Resolution 24-82: Adoption of Updated Fiscal Policies

  • Resolution 24-80: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4

  • Resolution 24-81: Gift Acceptance - Veterans’ Services Department ($2,735), Senior Center ($130.02) , Fire Dept. ($1,515)

The recording runs about 40 minutes. Let’s listen to my conversation with Tom as we recap both the Joint Budget and Town Council meetings held this week. Audio link ->


Franklin TV video

Joint Budget -> 

Town Council -> 


Joint Budget -> 

Town Council -> 

My set of notes in one PDF ->  

Joint Budget -> 

Town Council -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

  • And if you have interest in reporting on meetings or events, please reach. We’ll share and show you what and how we do what we do

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

This Quarterbacking session recaps the Joint Budget & the Town Council meetings (audio)
This Quarterbacking session recaps the Joint Budget & the Town Council meetings (audio)

Friday, December 20, 2024

Town Council recognizes Youth football teams, keeps Ben & adds logo, hears of forthcoming survey & more (video)

The Franklin, MA Town Council met on Wednesday Dec 18, 2024 as scheduled. 8 of the 9 members participated in Council Chambers,, 1 absent (Jones). Special vote to appoint Frongillo as temporary clerk for the meeting to be authorized to sign the documents (approved 8-0-1). 

An overflow audience filled the Chambers to start and then filtered away as their recognition section was completed.

Franklin TV video of the meeting available for replay ->

Quick recap:

a. Fourth and Sixth Grade Youth Football Teams ->

Fourth and Sixth Grade Youth Football Teams
Fourth and Sixth Grade Youth Football Teams

b. Peter Brunelli ->

Peter Brunelli recognition
Peter Brunelli recognition

c. Steve Carlucci

Steve Carlucci family & coworkers photo
Steve Carlucci family & coworkers photo


a. Agricultural Commission - Benjamin Rousseau

Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 

Annual License Renewals = Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 


a. National Citizen Survey (aka Citizen Satisfaction Survey) - Kate Hinckley, Director of GIS

b. Biennial Town Council - Town Administrator Midterm Goals Review - Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator motion tabled from a resolution vote perspective as some of the goals will be noted as unable to complete due to funding/resource constraints.

c. Town Seal and Logo Presentation - Amy Frigulietti, Deputy Town Administrator

after some contentious discussion, the vote to approve the logo passes 6-2-1 (1 absent)

vote to approve the logo passes 6-2-1 (1 absent)
vote to approve the logo passes 6-2-1 (1 absent)

d. The Distribution of Town Initiated Ballot Question Materials - Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator; Mark Cerel, Town Attorney; and Nancy Danello, Town Clerk   

No real good way to accomplish this

Resolution 24-82: Adoption of Updated Fiscal Policies

approved after discussion around implication for directing school budget policy

Resolution 24-80: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent) 

Resolution 24-81: Gift Acceptance - Veterans’ Services Department ($2,735), Senior Center ($130.02) , Fire Dept. ($1,515) Approved by vote 8-0-1 (1 absent)