Showing posts with label disability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disability. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Mass Cultural Council launches d/Deaf & Disability Equity Plan

Mass Cultural Council’s first-ever d/Deaf & Disability Equity Plan (FY25-28) went into effect on July 1. This marks the culmination of an inclusive planning process leading us to this key moment in the Agency’s work.

Endorsed by a vote of our governing Council, the d/Deaf and Disability Equity Plan joins a suite of plans developed by the Agency and its stakeholders to center equity as a guiding principle and a strategic practice; directing Agency advancement and investment.

Rooted not only in compliance, the plan incorporates the experiences, responses, and perspectives of people with disabilities. It has been developed in response to the recommendations of people with disabilities at every juncture. People with disabilities were leaders in the research and development of surveys, evaluations, audits, and site visits. People with disabilities were on both sides of the data gathering process.

Direct link to the actual plan (Word doc) -> 

Part of the plan includes a guidebook for organizations to use in planning their event for accessibility (from the National Endowment for the Arts) ->

Elson Fortes paints in his studio at Humphreys Street Studio during Dorchester Open Studios. Photo: Annielly Camargo.
Elson Fortes paints in his studio at Humphreys Street Studio during Dorchester Open Studios. Photo: Annielly Camargo.

Social Security Matters: Celebrate the ADA and Ticket to Work During Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month, a month-long celebration to commemorate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The landmark legislation was signed into law on July 26, 1990. It guarantees that people with disabilities can enjoy the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

The law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in schools, workplaces, transportation, and other spaces and places open to the public.

Our Ticket to Work program relates to the employment piece of the ADA. It celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. President Bill Clinton signed the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 that created the program. The goal is to help more people with disabilities go to work, reach financial independence, and reduce or eliminate their need for benefits.
Continue reading the article at the Social Security Matters blog -> 

Social Security Matters: Celebrate the ADA and Ticket to Work During Disability Pride Month
Social Security Matters: Celebrate the ADA and Ticket to Work During Disability Pride Month


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Government Programs for Children With Special Needs

"For parents of a child with special needs, providing the support and resources their child requires can feel overwhelming. Thankfully, there is help. Let’s explore the most popular government programs available.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI provides payments to adults and children who have disabilities or blindness.

You can learn more on Social Security’s SSI for Children page. For more information about services and supports for SSI transition-aged youths (ages 14 to 17), visit the Youth Resources page."
Continue reading the article on the SSA page ->

Government Programs for Children With Special Needs
Government Programs for Children With Special Needs

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TV settings change to make it easier for setting options for closed captions

"Watching television for those with hearing-impairments will become a bit easier following adoption July 18 of a Federal Communications Commission Report & Order (R&O) that gives viewers greater control over the display of closed captions.

The R&O, the third by the agency to make television more accessible to those with disabilities, puts in place a “readily accessible” requirement for the display of closed captions that makes it simpler for viewers to access the settings of many covered devices to adjust the font, size, color and other features of the captions.

Besides televisions and set top boxes, covered devices include any device manufactured or used in the United States that is designed to receive or play back video transmitted with sound.

While closed captions help all viewers in certain circumstances, such as when actors have accents, they are “vital for the 48 million Americans who are deaf and hard-of-hearing,” said FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel in a statement released following the vote to adopt the R&O."
Continue reading the article about the change:

TV settings change to make it easier for setting options for closed captions
TV settings change to make it easier for setting options for closed captions

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Changes To Past Relevant Work and Disability Determinations

Via Social Security Administration: 

"In general, Social Security finds adult applicants to be disabled only if they have a severe medical condition that either prevents them from doing any substantial work for at least 1 year or is expected to result in death.

Based on this strict definition of disability for both SSDI and SSI, it’s not surprising that Social Security’s disability application focuses on a person’s illnesses and injuries, limitations, treatment, and work history.

But recalling the details of 15 years of employment – job titles, duties, dates, etc. – can be a major challenge. At the Urban Justice Center, our clients often struggle to provide accurate information from their past. To improve their work history narrative while their disability application is pending, we routinely help them to update and clarify information about their previous jobs."
Continue reading about this important change -> 

Related Press Release copy ->

Changes To Past Relevant Work and Disability Determinations
Changes To Past Relevant Work and Disability Determinations

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

🌄 Rise Up with Special Events this Saturday July 20

Hi friend!

I'm so excited for Rise Up this Saturday, with two special happenings, including free clothes!!

Here are the details:

- Date: Saturday, July 20
- Time: 10-11 AM
- Location: Franklin United Methodist Church

82 West Central Street, Franklin (parking and entrance on left side) 


  - Open social time as people come in

  - Group introductions and special visit with Lisa Drennan from Merge Consulting, about community inclusion

  - More open social time and free clothes shopping from the church's Community Closet (we are having an accessible shopping experience where we meet on the first floor, as the clothing is usually located on the second floor, but volunteers will be bringing some down for us) ***

***If you have any particular clothing items you would be looking for, please reply by Wednesday evening with your item and size preferences, so the church can pull some items down for you

Example: size small women's tank tops or size large men's shorts


This one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a safe space for:
  • individuals navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons

For additional information about this event, please visit ->

Rise Up with Special Events this Saturday July 20
Rise Up with Special Events this Saturday July 20

Friday, May 17, 2024

Navigating life with disability? Check out the Rise Up group meeting Saturday at 10 AM to see if it is for you

Hi friend!!

Rise Up is tomorrow, Saturday, May 18th: so exciting!!! 

Time: 10am-11am

Location: Franklin United Methodist Church

82 West Central St, Franklin

*Parking and entrance/ramp on left side

Note: Dean College commencement is tomorrow at 11am, so I encourage you to arrive to Rise Up for 10am if you can (I'll be there at 9:50am to unlock the door)

**Reminder to please help keep this a fragrance-free space (yes, deodorant is okay lol)

If you need anything tomorrow, feel free to call or text me at 508-954-7641

See you tomorrow!!


This one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a safe space for:
  • individuals navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons

For additional information about this event, please visit ->

Navigating life with disability? Check out the Rise Up group meeting Saturday at 10 AM to see if it is for you
Navigating life with disability? Check out the Rise Up group meeting Saturday at 10 AM to see if it is for you

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Save the Date -> Disability Expo - May 4

"Save the Date!! 
Last year's expo was well attended the entire time, and this year is even bigger, so be sure to join the fun, hosted by the Franklin Disability Commission!!"
Save the Date -> Disability Expo - May 4
Save the Date -> Disability Expo - May 4

Yes, may the fourth be with you! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Fundraising for Paige W's Worksman Side-By-Side Electric

"I work with special needs students. There’s a little girl in my classroom that entered a fundraiser to win a bike to improve her quality of life.  
I’m sending you the link to it in hopes that you can reach your followers and I’m hoping with your assistance we can win this child her first bicycle!  
Donations aren’t necessary unless people feel inclined to! If she gets enough votes and places 1st in her bike category; she’ll receive one!  
Pedaling our way to a victory! Please help us"
Link ->

Fundraising for Paige W's Worksman Side-By-Side Electric
Fundraising for Paige W's Worksman Side-By-Side Electric

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Next Rise Up comes along March 16 with featured guest - Franklin Police Dept

Hey friend!!

It's so exciting to realize that our next Rise Up is just a week away: Saturday, March 16, at 10 AM.

We'll be meeting at the same location as last time: 

Franklin United Methodist Church

82 West Central Street, Franklin

*Entrance on the left, with a ramp available

We will be joined by Franklin Police Dept, who will hang out with us, have open discussion and Q&A time, and also talk to us about personal safety with disability

PS, You'll really want to save the date for April 20's Rise Up because I've collaborated with some town personnel for an amazing social opportunity... more info to come!

See you next Saturday!


This one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a safe space for:
  • individuals navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons

For additional information about this event, please visit ->

Next Rise Up comes along March 16 featuring the Franklin Police Dept as guest
Next Rise Up comes along March 16 featuring the Franklin Police Dept as guest

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Boston Globe: "At a Worcester workshop, designers improvise with fabric, plastic, and metal to ease life for people with disabilities"

"Walkers and wheelchairs with missing parts or improvised upgrades crowd the floor of the workshop on the outskirts of Worcester.

At the facility, one of four Assistive Technology Centers run by the state, designers and technicians customize and adapt equipment, from shower chairs to iPads, to make them safer, more comfortable, or easier to use for people with developmental disabilities. The solutions can be as complicated as rebuilding a motorized chair, or as basic as laminating a cardboard box, as one of the adaptive equipment designers, Gabrielle Reis, discovered during weeks of trial and error as she attempted to build a tray for a wheelchair.

“Some of the hardest situations have some of the easiest solutions,” said Reis, 30, of Boston.

Massachusetts is among the few states with facilities dedicated to devising creative solutions to accommodate the unique needs of people with developmental disabilities, according to officials with the state’s Department of Developmental Services, or DDS. About $2 million is budgeted annually for the program, though it has other funding sources, including insurance payments and donations."
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)
Worcester is home to one of four “innovation centers” run by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where technicians can build and invent adaptive equipment to help people with disabilities. Technician Joey Watt works on a donated wheelchair, which will be rehabbed with parts from another wheelchair that allow the seat to be angled backward and forward. JOHN TLUMACKI/GLOBE STAFF
Worcester is home to one of four “innovation centers” run by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where technicians can build and invent adaptive equipment to help people with disabilities. Technician Joey Watt works on a donated wheelchair, which will be rehabbed with parts from another wheelchair that allow the seat to be angled backward and forward. JOHN TLUMACKI/GLOBE STAF

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

This Saturday, Nov 11: Rise Up! meets again at the Franklin TV Studios

Hi there!

It's so exciting to see that our next Rise Up gathering is this Saturday, November 11th at 10am

We are meeting at Franklin TV again, which is 23 Hutchinson St, Franklin. It's all accessible and the community room is a great space to meet. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

This one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a safe space for:
  • individuals navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons

Looking forward to seeing you on Nov 11!

For additional information about this event, please visit ->

RISE Up - next social hour gathering Saturday, Nov 11 at 10 AM  at Franklin TV
RISE Up - next social hour gathering Saturday, Nov 11 at 10 AM  at Franklin TV

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Help for blind and impaired vision coming via MA Blind Commission

"The commission has now officially turned the page. Last month, Health and Human Services Secretary Kate Walsh replaced D’Arcangelo with John Oliveira, a veteran worker whose appointment prompted sustained applause during a staff meeting when it was announced, according to union representatives.

Head of Massachusetts child welfare agency to leave for D.C. advocacy organization
Oliveira, 62, is respected and well liked, said people who fought to oust the previous commissioner, but his appointment alone won’t rebuild an agency that remains plagued with slow service and overwhelming case loads.

“It took a long time for the commission to deteriorate as much as it did,” said Amy Ruell, a Maine-based national advocate for blind people with impaired vision who until recently lived in Massachusetts. “It’s going to take a long time for it to recapture some of its power and service delivery.”
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

John Oliveira, the new commissioner of the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.LANE TURNER/GLOBE STAFF
John Oliveira, the new commissioner of the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.LANE TURNER/GLOBE STAFF

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Rise Up scheduled for Saturday, at 10 AM at the Sculpture Park

This one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a safe space for:
  • individuals navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons
Where: Franklin Sculpture Park, Panther Way
When: Saturday, Sep 9 at 10 AM

For additional information about this event, please visit ->

Rise Up scheduled for Saturday, at 10 AM at the Sculpture Park
Rise Up scheduled for Saturday, at 10 AM at the Sculpture Park

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Disability: visible, or invisible, or in-between

"Disabilities are usually categorized as visible or invisible — but what about the in-between? I was born with a congenital foot deformity that affects the muscles, bones, and tendons. But thanks to early surgeries and years of casting, I look pretty normal to the average person. The only catch? Chronic pain, limited mobility and a “special occasions” wheelchair that my friends and family have never seen."

Continue reading the visual article online (a gift article from my subscription)

Friday, July 28, 2023

SSA: The ADA Benefits All People, Not Just “Americans with Disabilities”

"July 26, 2023, marks the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

This landmark civil rights law protects millions of people with disabilities across the country.

The Access Board is celebrating accessible design features encountered in everyday life that benefit everyone, not just those with disabilities. Read on to learn more!"
Continue reading how the Americans with Disabilities Act benefits all of us

SSA: The ADA Benefits All People, Not Just “Americans with Disabilities”
SSA: The ADA Benefits All People, Not Just “Americans with Disabilities”

Monday, July 3, 2023

From the April audio archives - if you missed this then, you can catch up to it now (audio)

FM #975 - School Committee member Dave Callaghan and I start this session as the first of a series

FM #982 - The all important audio session on what you need to know about the Storm water fee starting July 1

FM #983 - Talking with Ali Rheaume on disability, art, and the Disability Expo

You can find more in the Franklin Matters Radio podcast page here ->

Franklin Matters Radio podcast page
Franklin Matters Radio podcast page

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Crowd sourced info for navigating with disabilities: "Boston entrepreneur looks to build a ‘Waze for accessibility’"

"Great ideas sometimes come to people in the shower or while stuck in traffic. For Jake Haendel, lightning struck when he was accidentally locked in a bathroom stall at a nightclub near North Station.

Haendel, 34, suffers from a rare neurological disorder, has trouble with fine motor control, and needs an electric scooter to get around. After being unable to grasp and unlock the stall door, he had to text his friends at their table in the restaurant next door, Guy Fieri’s Tequila Cocina, to come help.

“It’s definitely not funny, but I do laugh about the absurdity of it,” he told a Globe reporter in recounting the incident, which happened in September 2021. “Places are called ‘accessible,’ but in this meaningless, broad term.”
Continue reading the article at the Boston Globe (subscription may be required)

Crowd sourced info for navigating with disabilities: "Boston entrepreneur looks to build a ‘Waze for accessibility’"
Crowd sourced info for navigating with disabilities: "Boston entrepreneur looks to build a ‘Waze for accessibility’"

Monday, May 1, 2023

Talking with Ali Rheaume on disability, art, and the Disability Expo - 04/25/23 (audio)

FM #983 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 983 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my recorded conversation with Franklin resident, artist, and disability advocate Ali Rheaume. We had our conversation via the Zoom conference bridge on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. 

Our conversation introduces Ali to the community as she shares some of her story living with a brain injury. We talk about her art work, and in particular, about the forthcoming free Disability Expo scheduled for Saturday, May 20 at Franklin Senior Center from 11 AM to 2 PM.

The recording runs about 25 minutes so let’s listen to my conversation with Ali Rheaume. Audio file ->


Ali Rheaume’s Embracing Unique page -> 

Town calendar - (not on there yet) 

Disability Expo - May 20 -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Talking with Ali Rheaume on disability, art, and the Disability Expo - 04/25/23 (audio)
Talking with Ali Rheaume on disability, art, and the Disability Expo - 04/25/23 (audio)

Thursday, April 13, 2023

2023 Disability Expo - scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2023

The 2023 Disability Expo is scheduled for individuals with disability, support persons, community partners, and more. It will be held at the Franklin Senior Center on Saturday, May 20, 2023 from 11 AM to 2 PM.

Representatives are scheduled to be on site to share a variety of resources regarding disability services that are available.

Questions? call Disability Chairperson Mary O'Neill at 508-440-1265

Download the flyer to share or as your reminder

2023 Disability Expo - scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2023
2023 Disability Expo - scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2023