Showing posts with label The Guardian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Guardian. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

PFAS widely added to US pesticides despite EPA denial, study finds | PFAS | The Guardian

"Toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” are widely added to pesticides, and are increasingly used in the products in recent years, new research finds, a practice that creates a health threat by spreading the dangerous compounds directly into the US’s food and water supply.

The analysis of active and inert ingredients that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved for use in pesticides proves recent agency claims that the chemicals aren’t used in pesticides are false.

The researchers also obtained documents that suggest the EPA hid some findings that show PFAS in pesticides.

About 14% of all active ingredients in the country’s pesticides are PFAS, a figure that has doubled to more than 30% of all ingredients approved during the last 10 years."
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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

‘You can’t have barriers’: is pay-to-play having a corrosive effect on US soccer? | USA | The Guardian

"The term ‘pay-to-play’ essentially refers to the often exorbitant fees required of the parents and carers of young people participating in organized youth sports. In soccer, youth clubs can typically cost families thousands of dollars a year with coaching costs, administration fees and travel expenses. Clubs in California have a sticker price ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 a year.

It has long been suggested by those who oppose pay-to-play that the system is too restrictive; that to breed a healthy soccer culture within the US and, ultimately, capture the best talent for the national teams, more children need to have access to the sport.

“Unfortunately the model, I believe, is getting worse in soccer than when I played competitive soccer [growing up],” Alex Morgan said in 2019. “It’s a very inexpensive sport and the fact that we’ve made youth soccer a business is, I think, detrimental to the sport.”

A study by the Sports and Fitness Industry Association in 2018 found that more than 70% of children within the pay-to-play system came from households who earned more than $50,000 a year; 33% came from households making more than $100,000 a year."
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Young players have been priced out of expensive private clubs. Photograph: Washington Post/Getty Images
Young players have been priced out of expensive private clubs. Photograph: Washington Post/Getty Images

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Guardian: "Rising sea levels will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study finds"

"Floods could leave coastal communities in states like Florida and California unlivable in two decades

Sea level rise driven by global heating will disrupt the daily life of millions of Americans, as hundreds of homes, schools and government buildings face frequent and repeated flooding by 2050, a new study has found.

Almost 1,100 critical infrastructure assets that sustain coastal communities will be at risk of monthly flooding by 2050, according to the new research by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). The vast majority of the assets – 934 of them – face the risk of flood disruption every other week, which could make some coastal neighborhoods unlivable within two to three decades.

Almost 3 million people currently live in the 703 US coastal communities with critical infrastructure at risk of monthly disruptive flooding by 2050, including affordable and subsidized housing, wastewater treatment facilities, toxic industrial sites, power plants, fire stations, schools, kindergartens and hospitals."

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The Guardian: "Rising sea levels will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study finds"
The Guardian: "Rising sea levels will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study finds"

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Guardian: Beware QR code scams

"Look before you scan – the QR code scammers are phishing for business"
Here’s a familiar scenario. You’re going to a meeting in an unfamiliar part of town. You’re running late and it’s raining. And there isn’t a car park in sight. Ah, but here’s some on-street parking and you gratefully pull into the empty bay. Now all you have to do is pay for a couple of hours and then scuttle along to your meeting. But the parking meter (of course) no longer takes coins. This is the 21st century, after all.

No worries – you can pay by phone. There are notices plastered all over the meter on how to pay using an app that – of course – you have not yet downloaded. The rain is getting heavier and there’s no mobile signal. You’re getting increasingly flustered. And then you spot that there’s a Quick Response (QR) code – a nice (if incomprehensible) square with lots of funny squares and spaces – on one side of the meter. Phew! All you have to do is scan it and you’ll be through to a website in no time. So you do and you are. Job done. Relax.

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The Guardian: Beware QR code scams
The Guardian: Beware QR code scams

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Teens who discovered new way to prove Pythagoras’s theorem uncover even more proofs | US news | The Guardian

"Two college freshmen who, during their final year of high school, found a new way to prove Pythagoras’s theorem by using trigonometry – which mathematicians for generations thought was impossible – have since uncovered multiple more such proofs, they revealed in a national interview on Sunday.

“We found five, and then we found a general format that could potentially produce at least five additional proofs,” Calcea Johnson said on CBS’s 60 Minutes, a little more than a year after she and Ne’Kiya Jackson collaborated on an accomplishment that earned them international recognition.

Nonetheless, in comments that stunned their interviewer, Bill Whitaker, the two graduates of St Mary’s Academy in New Orleans denied seeing themselves as math geniuses and dismissed any interest in pursuing careers in mathematics." 
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Link to video on 60 Minutes ->

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Guardian: gas stove articles

Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study
Science Advances report also finds people of color and low-income residents in US disproportionately affected

Gas stoves emit benzene levels above secondhand smoke, US study finds
Even low doses of airborne benzene raise the risk of a variety of cancers, including lymphomas and leukemia

Gas stove pollution: will air purifiers or even plants make your home safer?
Air quality experts weigh in on different methods to keep air pollution out of the home and refute commonly held beliefs

The Guardian: gas stove articles
The Guardian: gas stove articles

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

‘A roof over our people’s heads’: the Indigenous US tribe building hempcrete homes | US news | The Guardian

"When Earl Pendleton first heard about building houses out of hemp more than a decade ago, it seemed like a far-fetched idea.

To start, it was still illegal to grow hemp – the non-psychoactive strain of Cannabis sativa – in the US. Importing it from overseas was prohibitively expensive. But Pendleton, a member of the Lower Sioux Indian Community, was intrigued by early research that showed hemp could be transformed into non-toxic construction materials that allow for faster build times and result in low-carbon, energy-efficient houses.

Which was exactly what he saw his tribe needed at the time. Roughly half of the tribal nation’s enrolled members – about 1,120 people – are currently in need of housing. With his encouragement, the community started experimenting with hemp as a housing construction material – also known as hempcrete – back in 2016, even before it was decriminalized in the US. This month, the tribal nation is set to open the first vertically integrated hempcrete facility in the nation, complete with its own growing operation."
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Hempcrete, not concrete ->

The Lower Sioux construction crew placing a prefabricated hempcrete wall panel, which weighs approximately 700lb. Photograph: Lower Sioux Industrial Hemp Project
The Lower Sioux construction crew placing a prefabricated hempcrete wall panel, which weighs approximately 700lb. Photograph: Lower Sioux Industrial Hemp Project

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Homicides in major US cities falling at ‘one of fastest rates ever’ – report | US crime | The Guardian

"Homicides in major US cities are falling at likely “one of the fastest rates of decline ever recorded”, a crime analysis has found.

Jeff Asher of AH Datalytics, a New Orleans-based data-analytics company focused on criminal justice, education and the non-profit sector, discussed that finding with the Wall Street Journal on Monday after combing through quarterly data recently released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

“There’s just a ton of places that you can point to that are showing widespread, very positive trends,” Asher told the Journal.

In the company’s sample of almost 200 cities with varying population sizes, murder was down by 20.8% from the period beginning in January through the end of March of this year when compared with the same time period in 2023, as Asher wrote in a recent Substack post on the subject."
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Homicides in major US cities falling at ‘one of fastest rates ever’ – report | US crime | The Guardian
Homicides in major US cities falling at ‘one of fastest rates ever’ – report | US crime | The Guardian

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Guardian: "How to spot five of the fossil fuel industry’s biggest disinformation tactics"

"Amy Westervelt and Kyle Pope have covered climate disinformation for a combined 20-plus years – here’s their guide on how to decode it

Increasingly sophisticated and better-funded disinformation is making climate coverage trickier both for journalists to produce and for the public to fully understand and trust.

But telling the story, and understanding it, has never been more urgent with half of Earth’s population eligible to vote in elections that could decisively impact the world’s ability to act in time to stave off the worst of the climate crisis.

Swayed for 30 years by fossil fuel industry propaganda, the media has been as likely to unknowingly amplify falsehoods as they were to bat them down. It’s only in recent years that more journalists started to shy away from “both-sides-ing” the climate crisis – decades after scientists reached an overwhelming consensus on the scope of the problem and its causes."
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‘Basically it’s a propaganda campaign.’ Composite: Getty Images, Guardian Design
‘Basically it’s a propaganda campaign.’ Composite: Getty Images, Guardian Design

Thursday, March 14, 2024

How did Norway become the electric car superpower? Oil money, civil disobedience – and Morten from a-ha | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian

"More than 90% of new cars sold in Norway are electric. And it all started with some pop stars driving around in a jerry-built Fiat Panda

I’m kneeling on the snow outside the king’s house, impersonating a 1980s heart-throb, with a man named Harald and an electric car. It’s a situation that probably needs some explanation.

Harald isn’t the king, although the king of Norway is also called Harald; we just happen to be outside the monarch’s residence, a handsome red manor. I’m in Stavanger to find out how, in a world where transport contributes about 20% of CO2 emissions, Norway came to lead the world in electric car take-up. In 2023, 82.4% of private vehicles sold in the country were electric. In January, the figure was 92.1%. The goal is to hit 100% by next year."

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Although Norway leads the world in EV uptake, its wealth is built on petroleum, which still accounts for 52% of exports. Photograph: Ryhor Bruyeu/Alamy
Although Norway leads the world in EV uptake, its wealth is built on petroleum, which still accounts for 52% of exports. Photograph: Ryhor Bruyeu/Alamy

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Cop28 deal will fail unless rich countries quit fossil fuels, says climate negotiator | Fossil fuels | The Guardian

"The credibility of the Cop28 agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels rides on the world’s biggest historical polluters like the US, UK and Canada rethinking current plans to expand oil and gas production, according to the climate negotiator representing 135 developing countries.

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, Pedro Pedroso, the outgoing president of the G77 plus China bloc of developing countries, warned that the landmark deal made at last year’s climate talks in Dubai risked failing.

“We achieved some important outcomes at Cop28 but the challenge now is how we translate the deal into meaningful action for the people,” Pedroso said.

“As we speak, unless we lie to ourselves, none of the major developed countries, who are the most important historical emitters, have policies that are moving away from fossil fuels, on the contrary, they are expanding,” said Pedroso."

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds | Inflation | The Guardian

"A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.

The report, compiled by the progressive Groundwork Collaborative thinktank, found corporate profits accounted for about 53% of inflation during last year’s second and third quarters. Profits drove just 11% of price growth in the 40 years prior to the pandemic, according to the report.

Prices for consumers rose by 3.4% over the past year, but input costs for producers increased by just 1%, according to the authors’ calculations, which were based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and National Income and Products Accounts.

“Costs have come down substantially, and while corporations were quick to pass on their increased costs to consumers, they are surprisingly less quick to pass on their savings to consumers,” Liz Pancotti, a Groundwork strategic adviser and paper co-author, said."
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Direct link to report referenced ->

The Groundwork Collaborative thinktank found prices for consumers rose by 3.4% over the past year, but input costs for producers increased by just 1%. Illustration: The Guardian
The Groundwork Collaborative thinktank found prices for consumers rose by 3.4% over the past year, but input costs for producers increased by just 1%. Illustration: The Guardian

Friday, January 19, 2024

Supreme court hears key case that could strangle power of US federal agencies | US news | The Guardian

"The US supreme court heard arguments on Wednesday in a dispute involving a government-run program to monitor for overfishing of herring off New England’s coast that gives its conservative majority a chance to further limit the regulatory powers of federal agencies.

The justices are weighing appeals by two fishing companies of lower court rulings allowing the National Marine Fisheries Service to require commercial fishermen to help fund the program. The companies – led by New Jersey-based Loper Bright Enterprises and Rhode Island-based Relentless – have argued that Congress did not authorize the agency, part of the commerce department, to establish the program.

Arguments were ongoing.

The companies have asked the court, with its 6-3 conservative majority, to rein in or overturn a precedent established in 1984 that calls for judges to defer to federal agency interpretation of US laws deemed to be ambiguous, a doctrine called “Chevron deference”.
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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists | Climate crisis | The Guardian

“We’ve socially engineered ourselves the way we geoengineered the planet,” says Joseph Merz, lead author of a new paper which proposes that climate breakdown is a symptom of ecological overshoot, which in turn is caused by the deliberate exploitation of human behaviour.

“We need to become mindful of the way we’re being manipulated,” says Merz, who is co-founder of the Merz Institute, an organisation that researches the systemic causes of the climate crisis and how to tackle them.

Merz and colleagues believe that most climate “solutions” proposed so far only tackle symptoms rather than the root cause of the crisis. This, they say, leads to increasing levels of the three “levers” of overshoot: consumption, waste and population.

They claim that unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster. “We can deal with climate change and worsen overshoot,” says Merz. “The material footprint of renewable energy is dangerously underdiscussed. These energy farms have to be rebuilt every few decades – they’re not going to solve the bigger problem unless we tackle demand.”
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A globe at a CES technology consumer show in Las Vegas this week. Climate experts claim ‘creativity and innovation are driving overconsumption’. Photograph: Ethan Miller/Getty Images
A globe at a CES technology consumer show in Las Vegas this week. Climate experts claim ‘creativity and innovation are driving overconsumption’. Photograph: Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Guardian view on Cop28: a phase-out of fossil fuels is the only decision that makes sense | Editorial | The Guardian

"It was never really in doubt. But the first week of Cop28, which ended with a rest day on Thursday, made one crucial fact impossible to ignore: the fossil fuel industry is not planning to go quietly. Far more of its lobbyists are in the UAE than have attended UN climate talks before. One analysis counted 2,456 of them – nearly four times the number registered last year in Egypt.

The battle is hotting up over what next week’s report on progress towards the Paris goals, known as the global stocktake, will say. Fossil fuel interests – both corporate and national – are pushing hard to avoid references to the phase-out that would signal the end of their business model and vast profits. They don’t want an energy transition that leads to their demise.

Last week, the Guardian revealed that Sultan Al Jaber, who holds the Cop presidency and leads the UAE’s state oil company, recently asserted that “no science” indicates that “a phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C”. Forced on to the defensive, he later said that “the phase-down and phase-out of fossil fuel is inevitable”. But it is the nations at Cop28 that will decide, and there is no guarantee that any such pledge will appear in the final text.

One of the key battlegrounds at Cop28 is that of language: whether fossil fuels will be phased “down” or “out”. The choice is either reducing carbon energy sources or getting rid of them entirely. The latter would be preferable, but there are many other battles to be won. There will be haggling over whether a transition to a cleaner future should see fossil fuels “unabated”, with greenhouse gas emissions released directly into the atmosphere, or “abated”, where carbon capture technology and carbon offsets reduce the harm caused. The latter have so far failed to deliver promised benefits, appearing more of a risk than a solution, in enabling the necessity of replacing fossil fuels to be ducked."
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Monday, November 27, 2023

Electric heat costs way less than reports say, new data suggests | Technology | The Guardian

"Each year, the federal Energy Information Agency publishes a winter fuels outlook, forecasting how much households using different fuels will pay for heat from November through March. This year, it says heating-oil customers will face the steepest costs, at $1,856; followed by propane users, at $1,337; electricity users, at $1,063; and finally gas users, at just $605.

But that number doesn’t distinguish between older electric-resistance appliances, such as electric baseboard heaters and electric space heaters – which are much more expensive to run – and highly efficient electric heat pumps.

“Both run on electricity, but they’re fundamentally different machines,” said Wael Kanj, a research associate at Rewiring America. “It’s like averaging the top speed of a Power Wheels [toy car] and a Tesla.”
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Electric heat costs way less than reports say, new data suggests | Technology | The Guardian
Electric heat costs way less than reports say, new data suggests | Technology | The Guardian

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The jet set: 200 celebrities’ aircraft have flown for combined total of 11 years since 2022 | Travel and transport | The Guardian

"Private jets belonging to 200 celebrities, CEOs, oligarchs and billionaires have spent a combined total of 11 years in the air since the start of 2022.

The carbon footprint of all those flights – a jaw-dropping 44,739 journeys – would be the equivalent of the total emissions of almost 40,000 Britons.

The Guardian used public data to track flights by private aircraft owned by celebrities and businesspeople including Elon Musk, the Rolling Stones, the Murdoch family and Kylie Jenner over 21 months.

The figures track the almost 300 jets belonging to those on the list and find that they emitted an estimated 415,518 tonnes of CO2."
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From left; Rupert Murdoch, Mick Jagger and Lawrence Stroll. Illustration: Guardian Design
From left; Rupert Murdoch, Mick Jagger and Lawrence Stroll. Illustration: Guardian Design

Monday, October 16, 2023

“In reality, they amount to another corporate scam"

"The US Department of Energy has selected seven projects for a $7bn program to launch the development and production of hydrogen fuel, the White House announced on Friday.

The Biden administration says the program will constitute a major boost to the country’s nascent clean hydrogen industry, helping it achieve its climate goals. But many climate advocates are skeptical that it will actually help reduce emissions.

Unlike coal, oil and gas, when burned, hydrogen does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. It can be produced using carbon-free energy, but roughly 96% of it is currently derived from planet-heating fossil fuels – something the Biden administration hopes to change.

“With this historic investment, the Biden-Harris administration is laying the foundation for a new, American-led industry that will propel the global clean energy transition,” said Jennifer Granholm, the secretary of energy, in a statement."
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A 2021 Toyota Prius that runs on a hydrogen fuel cell on display at the Denver auto show on 17 September 2021. Photograph: David Zalubowski/AP
A 2021 Toyota Prius that runs on a hydrogen fuel cell on display at the Denver auto show on 17 September 2021. Photograph: David Zalubowski/AP

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Two articles, two different locations, indicate a return to paper (long print news & paper fliers)

"In a digital age of 24-hour rolling news, newspapers worldwide are investing resources in their online editions. But a US publisher has gone back in time by launching a print-only broadsheet in the style of a 19th-century newspaper.

Called County Highway, it is responding to a demand from readers for in-depth stories and writing that needs time to savour. It will not have an internet edition.

Focusing primarily on the US and publishing every two months, it has a format partly inspired by Charles Dickens and other 19th-century authors whose stories were serialised in journals. It will include serialised books from its own new publishing house – an independent company that is taking on the conglomerates that dominate the industry.

“People read differently on the printed page than they do on a screen,” said the newspaper’s editor, David Samuels. “The printed page is an immersive experience without constant distractions or the spectre of other people’s responses on social media. It’s a much more enriching and human experience.”
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County Highway is designed to look like a 19th-century newspaper.
County Highway is designed to look like a 19th-century newspaper.

"Billy Markowitz knows there aren’t many people into “cardistry,” the art of shuffling, tossing, and manipulating playing cards in impressive ways.
But if you’re searching for fellow fans of the niche hobby, targeting the throngs of college kids, artists, and creatives who pass through Cambridge and Somerville daily is a good place to start.

So when it came time to promote his new monthly “cardistry” meetups, that’s where he headed.

And he knew just how to get their attention: paper fliers."
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Boston-area artists, businesses, promoters, and event planners are still relying on an old-standby: paper fliers.DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF
Boston-area artists, businesses, promoters, and event planners are still relying on an old-standby: paper fliers.DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Guardian: Dispelling a myth on homelessness and cash gifts

"In 2002, the then San Francisco supervisor Gavin Newsom proposed legislation to cut welfare assistance to nearly 3,000 homeless people living in the city from $395 a month to $59 a month, and divert the budgetary savings toward shelters and other services. It was promoted with the name “Care Not Cash”.

Newsom’s campaign tied the unconditional payments to drug and alcohol abuse. As the San Francisco voter’s guide spelled out: “[H]omeless people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol end up spending their welfare checks on their addictions instead of meeting their basic needs.” The framing worked. The measure passed with nearly 60% of the vote, and Newsom used the publicity to propel his political career to San Francisco mayor and, ultimately, California governor.

Newsom’s framing was just a different iteration of an old message: it doesn’t help to give poor people money. As that thinking goes, the unhoused, Ronald Reagan’s “welfare queens” and those with substance abuse issues will just waste it.

The results of a new study in Vancouver, Canada, test this stereotype. Through its New Leaf Project, the charitable organization Foundations for Social Change gave people who have been homeless for less than two years a one-time deposit of $7,500 in Canadian dollars (about US$5,600). They also received coaching and workshops about spending. Other groups received the money and workshops with no coaching, while some received the training but no cash and no resources at all."
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