Via Priya ( who is a clean energy attorney @CLF Massachusetts, we share the following Twitter thread:
"Good news: @MassAGO has asked the Department of Public Utilities to
dismiss Liberty Gas’ request for approval to receive so-called “renewable” natural gas (aka biomethane, yet another
dangerous, polluting fuel) for the next 20 years. A thread: 1/6 #MAPoli
now, the DPU is considering what the role of gas companies will be in our clean energy
future, which requires utility companies to present plans for their energy supply. (Spoiler: an ideal plan doesn’t include
any climate-damaging, polluting fuels: just clean
energy). 2/6
Much to no one’s surprise, utility companies presented plans that were fancy pretenses for business as usual.
Liberty Gas was one of these companies, and like others,
its plan relied heavily on using biomethane in its
fuel mix. 3/6
According to @MassAGO, the DPU can’t
approve Liberty’s request
while it’s still investigating the “future of gas” And, by requesting DPU’s approval WHILE the investigation
is happening, Liberty
is trying to bypass thorough
review of biomethane’s impacts. 4/6
We agree with the AG. Reality check: Biomethane used for home heating still pollutes our climate while clogging
and dirtying our air. This isn’t a climate solution,
this is a cover for maintaining the status quo. 5/6
Now, we wait to see what the DPU will do. Utility
companies’ claims, especially regarding biomethane, are highly
doubtful. And it won’t help MA reach
our climate goals – which,
at this point, is a matter of our lives. Stay tuned for what the department decides.
The thread can be found in the ThreadReader App