Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Live reporting - DPW - Sewer extensions

Sewer System Discussion

Nutting - looking for some direction on the current sewer extension bylaw, intent to not extend it
Should the council decide to change it? More of a struggle when it is a sub-division but not for a single house

Mason - how long ago was the bylaw passed?
Nutting - I'd have to look at it, it has been amended a couple of times

Mason - maybe 15 or so times have is been used?
Nutting - yes

Mason - what is the issue, do we have some latitude?
Nutting/Cerel - #6 was added in 2005 to give the Council greater discretion

Pfeffer - this was put in to control the growth, and last time we had a seven unit sub-division and I was the only one to object. Should we continue to try to do this?

Mason - I am not opposed to way to try and tighten it up. Maybe we are not seeing the growth and it is not as big an issue.

Nutting - For a Town going to spend millions of dollars on storm water, a septic system is better for us

Pfeffer - I am not looking to change this, I am looking to enforce what we already have,

Vallee - you're not going to see uncontrolled growth for a long time. All we have to do is say no.

Powderly - the issue is what is the intent? Some of the environmental concerns were not discussed before but given the storm water situation, maybe we should look at it again

Cerel - #6 was given in the sense of the Council to provide some leeway for negotiation, you could eliminate #6 and not be in danger of anything else.

three minute recess

Franklin, MA

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