Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Live reporting: Discussion Only Items (BICO Collaborative, Calendar)

3. Discussion Only Items

Policy – Elimination (First Reading)
o GCBA – Professional Staff Salary Schedules
subcommittee discussion recommends removal of this one 
it hung around and is not really being used or followed

BICO Collaborative Agreement 
Adopted in the fall, there was a member community that had not shown up
the district finally did decide to leave the agreement as they were not using it
the agreement needed to be re-done to exclude them
2015-2016 School Calendar Draft

if we were to start after Labor Day, the last day would be June 24 or so without snow days; which is too late
with other days in Sep there are three four day weeks which makes education choppy
the Friday before Labor Day allows parents to have a long weekend

the high school has an accrediation process to do next year
a compromise with the high school 

request to look at Apr and Feb and do a week in March
the PARC schedule just came out which scheduled predominately in March

time on testing data, PARC vs MCAS (already on website)

The testing schedule for spring

parent teacher conf days are not yet on this version of the calendar
the academic terms need to be set and then put in the conferences

Looking ahead

look at the start to school day, could be done budget neutral
would need to get parents notice as it affects their scheduling
there are alot of kids standing on street corners ar 6:45 (not sitting in cars)
would be a good direction to go for safety as well as other reasons
will come to the School Committee to preview the proposal
and then potentially put it out for SurveyMonkey or some form of survey

an hour buys some time in the morning

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