Thursday, December 31, 2015

Annual Report - 2015: Police Department

I would be remiss if I did not thank the members of the Franklin Police Department for their fine work throughout the year. Once again, were it not for the hard work and dedication our Police Officers have for their jobs and the Franklin Community we would not be hailed as one of the Safest Places to Live in Massachusetts for the 2015 Year. This by the way is the third such distinction in as many years.

It goes without saying that you, the Community Members and Residents of Franklin play a very large part in this distinction. The phrase “voluntary compliance” comes to mind. The meaning is just that and it is a credit to all of you who live, work and travel through our Community. Town Government also plays a significant role in the designation as a “Safest City”. The decisions at the government level affect each and every one of us daily. There are those who may criticize, but the proof is in the pudding, Franklin is a fine community to live and raise your family in. We offer any number of extracurricular activities for our young people and with the most recent forming of our Opioid Abuse Coalition, Franklin has shown its willingness and concern to address the more serious issues faced by society today.

Police Station - 911 Panther Way
Police Station - 911 Panther Way

I’ve learned many things since becoming your Chief of Police. First and foremost is that there are more often than not three sides to any given story and that it is naïve to believe that any one person can satisfy or make everyone happy. I speak not only for myself but for my police employees as well, men and women that I work very closely with on a daily basis. We face head-on the challenges of trying to always “get it right”; something I say to you in all confidence that we do very well. To think differently of your Police Officers is a disservice.

If you have a question, complaint or misunderstanding I encourage you to call my office @ 508-440-2709 and we can have a discussion that will answer all of your questions so you may have a better understanding of the police department’s mission and position.

The dynamics of our Society have made us realize that arrest and detention is not the one and only answer for society’s ills. Don’t get me wrong because there are those incidents in which arrest and detention are the only answers, but to that end we need to listen, seek out appropriate resources for those in trouble and point them in the right direction. Policing has become much more of an “Outreach” style of profession as opposed to the old days of strictly being a Law Enforcing profession and that balance can oftentimes be very difficult. As we move forward time and experience will tell us if this approach has been a turn for the better.

I thank you all once again for a challenging and rewarding year as Chief of Police.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephan H. Semerjian
Chief of Police


"Prior to November 1 of each year, the Town Clerk shall cause to be prepared and made available to the inhabitants of the Town an annual report for the preceding fiscal year which shall include: the annual Town budget, the reports of all Town officers, the records of all Town Council bylaw amendments and resolutions, an abstract of births, marriages and deaths, and the wages, salaries, or other compensation of all Town employees." [Added 5-2-2012 by Bylaw Amendment 12-681]

Shared from the full and complete PDF version of the Town of Franklin Annual Report for 2015


For additional info on the Police Dept visit their page on the Town of Franklin website

Follow the Police Det on Twitter

Sir Robert Peel 's Principles of Law Enforcement - 1829 (PDF)

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