"Happy New Year! For me, January is a time of both reflection and planning. A chance to look back at the year past, and a chance to look forward to the year that lies ahead. This January also marks my six month anniversary at the Pantry. So it's a good opportunity to think about my first few months and goals for the year.
I have been so fortunate to meet so many wonderful people in the Franklin Community: our volunteers, who are so dedicated to help and serve, our donors, who give selflessly to help reduce food insecurities, our neighbors, who share their stories and their hearts with us, the businesses in the community that partner with us and help with our mission, and my fellow staff members who make such a wonderful team to ensure the Pantry runs smoothly.
This year, I look forward to growing those relationships and working with everyone to continue to help our Franklin neighbors receive healthy food. We have several events coming up early this year that I am very excited about. Both the Party for the Pantry and Empty Bowls events are celebrating their five year anniversary of raising funds for us. Party for the Pantry is April 4 and Empty Bowls is May 7. I hope to see you at one or both of the events. If we haven't met yet, please come and introduce yourself!
I look forward to a wonderful year of partnerships, connections and service. Thank you for all that you do for our community. "
Lynn Calling
Executive Director
The newsletter was shortened for publication here, to review the full contents follow this link:
Visit the food pantry online to donate or volunteer https://www.franklinfoodpantry.org/
Franklin Food Pantry: Connections through the Year |
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