Friday, June 24, 2011

Wired Teens - Good Netiquette

The Wired Teens group from Sullivan Middle School developed this set of tips on passwords and good netiquette.

Wired Teens Summer Reminders

In the News - development approved, culvert replacement, Harvest Festival

10-unit Franklin housing development approved

Franklin to replace Partridge Street culvert

Register for Franklin Harvest Festival

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Harvest Festival Press Release

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Franklin Downtown Partnership by (Franklin Downtown Partnership) on 6/22/11

Register Now for the Franklin Harvest Festival

The Franklin Downtown Partnership is busy planning for the Harvest Festival and currently is registering crafters, artists, vendors and community groups for this year's event.

The festival will be held Sunday, October 2, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. The Harvest Festival is the Partnership's largest event and more than 4,500 people are expected to attend this year.  Once again, Main Street will be closed to car traffic for the festival, which will span East and West Central Streets, Summer Street and Main Street. 

Space is limited. Anyone interested in participating should e-mail Angie Grant at for more details and a registration form. More information and the form also can be found on the Partnership's website, The registration deadline is August 20th for discounted booth fees. Prior to August 20th, booths are $100. After the 20th deadline the fee is $150. 

The Partnership is also looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of the event. As a non-profit organization the Downtown Partnership depends on sponsors to fund the downtown festivals and events. For more information about sponsorship go to our website or contact the Executive Director at or (774)571-3109.  

Things you can do from here:

In the News - tornado help, fireworks illegal

Franklin to help Monson tornado victims

Franklin reminds residents that firework use is illegal

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

5 for Wednesday - investment

Time for something a little different today. I have this drive to learn something new everyday, to share something in a meaningful way with someone and to laugh. The more I can do of each of these three things, each day, the more successful the day is for me. Christopher S Penn started #the5 awhile ago. I picked up on it because it fit with what I was already doing (learning, sharing, laughing). I extended Chris' #the5 by creating Twitter Bingo. This mixes a game I played growing up with the new world of Twitter.

So that much said, here is #the5 for today. These are five articles I found of interest in a quick read this morning. I was able to connect them all with the theme of investment.
“Learning the tools is much easier, because no one can help you lead.”  goodness from   
Liz Strauss tells a good story about Hunter S Thompson and suggests a rewording of one of his sentences to make her point.

"These people believed in you, now tell them what you are doing with their investment"    
Geoff Livingston previews the findings of a study on non-profit fund raising that will be discussed in a webinar. The findings have good info to help reinforce some of what we'll be doing at the Franklin Food Pantry.

“Anything, everything, is not only possible, it’s probable.  No one person has more value than another"  
Deb Brown writes a summary of what she saw and heard at the 140 Conference last week in NYC. The quote is from a talk by Ann Curry.

"People don’t internalize depressing images; they tune them out"  goodness from  
Tom Asacker shares his insights on the new FDA anti-smoking ad campaign. I think he is spot on!

"For too many elders, a cut as small as five or ten dollars makes a negative difference in their lives"  
Ronni Bennett shares her views on the AARP position statement about Social Security that was announced last Friday. If the AARP position has truly changed, this could be a big deal!

When something matters to you, you end up spending time and money.
When either time or money is short, you end up prioritizing, making choices.
When making choices, you should consider the big picture and where these choices fit.
You should also recognize that you are not alone, someone else maybe making the same choices.
Maybe you can learn from with they are doing, maybe you and they can do it better together than either of you could do it alone.

You can get to this point of collaboration, cooperation by starting with conversation.
Overtime the conversation can build a relationship, can build some understanding, and some trust.

What do you think?

This was originally posted on my website Steve's 2 Cents. If you would like to read more like this, you can visit there and subscribe via email or RSS Feed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Important Franklin Downtown Partnership Updates

Happy 1st Day of Summer!
Important Partnership Updates
Please read below.........
Office Hours
FDP Office will be closed the week of June 27-July 5th.  Regular office hours
are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 8:00-2:00.
Harvest Festival Details
Questions should be e-mailed to Angie Grant our New Festival Chair at 
All Downtown Merchants need to fill out and mail the HFest Registration Form before August 20th or your space will not be reserved for your store. 
Harvest Festival Sponsors Needed
Please e-mail us if you would like to sponsor this
exciting event. Over 4,500 visitors are expected to attend this year!
Franklin Downtown PWED Improvement Project
If you would like to be on the town's e-mail list and receive timely updates on road construction please contact Maxine Kinhart at and she will put you on the town e-mail list.
FDP Website Link
If you are an FDP Business Member and have not contacted us yet to add you to the FDP Website
please send us an e-mail and we will get you on the site. Free advertising!  Don't miss this opportunity!
Strawberry Stroll Success
The Strawberry Stroll was a huge success!  We sold out of shortcakes!  Special thanks to our SponsorsDean College, Dean Bank, Middlesex Savings Bank, Garelick, Chestnut Dental,
CVS, Hampton Inn, Keefe Insurance and NHS Print.
...and to our event Chairs; Nicole Fortier and Diane Glass
...and to the Dean Bank team for serving the shortcakes and Dean College
for cutting up all those fabulous strawberries!
FDP General Meeting
Thursday, July 21st-8:30 Am
Dean College Campus Center
Note: New location-Room across from the Dining Hall
New members-If you would like to introduce your business at this meeting please contact the FDP office.
We have over 150 members and counting....thanks for your continued support....
Have a Happy and Safe Summer! 

Franklin Food Pantry announces “Plant a Row”

What grows in your garden? Do you have tomatoes and peas , or are you like Mary here

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With peppers, beans, and lots of greens,
And tall sweet corn in a row!

Have you considered planting a row in your garden for the Franklin Food Pantry? Modeled after the national “Plant a Row” program, this is a good way for gardeners to contribute. Grow some fresh and healthy food to share. Then, when it is ready, take those healthy fruits, herbs, and veggies to the Food Pantry, where they will be distributed to your neighbors and families.

Why Plant a Row? Plant a Row is rooted in the heartfelt tradition of gardeners sharing a bountiful harvest with others. Sharing can happen on many levels. Home gardeners, schools, church groups, youth and community organizations, and even area businesses can all help make a difference for their neighbors who experience hunger or the threat of hunger.

Nothing beats the taste and nutrition of fresh-picked vegetables. Growing and eating from your own garden can improve your health, save you money, increase your sustainability, and decrease your carbon footprint. And most important, your Franklin Food Pantry announces garden can help your Franklin neighbors.

You can sign up by emailing or visit Franklin’s Plant a Row website