Saturday, September 3, 2011

Community Garden Walkabout

Last Saturday morning, before Irene brought her rain and wind to Franklin, Chris Clay held a "Community Garden Walkabout". Only a few took advantage of this and it was worthwhile.

Here Chris is pulling up some mint which is prolific and he wanted to remove it before if took over the bed.

Franklin Community Gardens

See how deep and expansive the roots for this plant are. This growth is just since May.

In the walkabout, as Chris and I took pictures, he shared some insights on what we were seeing. On the face of it, these cucumbers look good and healthy.

Franklin Community Gardens

While they are healthy, the key to picking a cucumber is to do so while there are still some numbs along them. The dark green one in the center is a good example, the two lighter cucumbers on either side are bigger, less or no numbs showing and past prime for picking.

I have more photos and stories from the walkabout to share. The sharing is meant to learn from. I don't mean to pick on anyone for doing something wrong. I am learning so much from this and I hope we all will continue to share and learn and grow better gardens!


  1. Heehe! I just harvested a bag of cucumbers from Chris' garden a few days ago. You blink, and suddenly there are cucumbers as long as footballs. We had so many, I was forced to lob some over the fence for a neighbor. ("Shannon, catch!)

  2. Sharing is good! Despite the earthquake, hurricane and tornado we have had good growing weather.
