Monday, August 1, 2016

Register O'Donnell Promotes Registry's Social Media

Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

Register O'Donnell Promotes Registry's Social Media

Underscoring the importance of communicating directly with the citizens of Norfolk County, Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell today reminded consumers about the various social media applications made available for their use through the Registry.

O'Donnell noted, "Our mission here at the Registry of Deeds is to make important information readily available on a 24/7 basis to all consumers. After all, just because our doors close at the end of the business day doesn't mean the Registry has to stop working. Our website is a valuable resource to review scanned images of up to 5 million land documents dating back to 1793, as well as to learn about the latest consumer protection programs. I am proud to report that we recently completed a redesign of our website which has made it more user friendly for those using smartphones and tablets."

For example, the register noted that residents can print out an application of the popular Homestead Act on its website, a law which provides a homeowner with limited protection against the forced sale of their primary residence up to $500,000, or sign-up directly on-line for its Consumer Notification System. This program will alert a person anytime a land document has been recorded or amended against their name in Norfolk County.

Additionally noted Register O'Donnell, "There is valuable county real estate information that can be researched and tracked on the website based on the monthly and quarterly real estate statistical reports done by the Registry, such as the number of homes sold, average prices of property sold, mortgage discharges, homestead applications and much, much more."

Other forms of social media utilized by the Registry of Deeds include Facebook,, Twitter, and Instagram, "The Registry has had a robust presence on both Facebook and Twitter. We are very excited about joining Instagram which will capture the demographics of younger property owners and real estate professionals. We are really hopeful too that first-time homeowners will avail themselves of these social media platforms. They can learn more about home ownership, and consumer initiatives like protecting against Deed Scam rip-offs, along with other Registry outreach services," said O'Donnell.

The Registry has also filmed multiple public service announcements (PSA's) which are available on the Registry's website and YouTube. These PSA's have touched on a variety of issues such as assistance for residents who have received a Notice to Foreclose Mortgage from a lender. Videos highlighting the Registry's various philanthropic initiatives, such as its Annual Holiday Food Drive or its Suits for Success program which helps people who are attempting to re-enter the workforce, can also be viewed.

Concluding, Register O'Donnell stated, "My office continues to focus on ways the Internet and social media can provide Registry access and services to Registry users. If you have questions related to real property, we urge you to take a look at our social media offerings."

To learn more about these and other Registry of Deeds events and initiatives, like us at or follow us on and/or

The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds, located at 649 High Street, Dedham, is the principal office for real property in Norfolk County. The Registry is a resource for homeowners, title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities and others with a need for secure, accurate, accessible land record information. Residents in need of assistance can contact the Registry of Deeds Customer Service Center at (781) 461-6101, or on the web at

Register William P. O'Donnell

Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

phone: 781-234-3336
Norfolk County Registry of Deeds, 649 High Street, Dedham,, MA 02026-1831

Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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