"IT WAS A YEAR AGO this week that it became clear how completely our world would be turned upside down. After mounting global concern about a deadly new respiratory illness originating in China, the novel coronavirus, as we initially referred to it, established a firm foothold in the US and the country was soon in a nearly complete lockdown. On March 10, Gov. Charlie Baker declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts. A year later, more than 500,000 lives have been lost in the US, more than 2.5 million people have died worldwide.
With an all-out vaccination effort now underway, we are hoping the worst is behind us. As much as we long for a return to life as we knew it, the pandemic seems destined to have a lasting effect on many aspects of our daily world, changes that will endure long after we have corralled the virus itself.
CommonWealth asked a range of leading thinkers and doers in various fields to offer their best take, one year after the pandemic outbreak, on how the experience will reshape our world going forward."
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