Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Boston Globe: A 27-mile community-made trail brings urban hiking to Boston

"Like many fresh ideas in recent years, the inspiration for an official urban hiking trail in Boston came during the COVID-19 pandemic, said Miles Howard, who would go on increasingly longer walks to feel the “escape of a hike” without leaving Greater Boston.

“We really had to make the most of what we had here in our backyard,” Howard, a freelance journalist who has written for The Boston Globe, said of his treks in 2020. “These adventures became kind of a pastime during the first year of the pandemic.”

Then, Howard took a hike on the Crosstown Trail, which connects opposite areas of San Francisco through hidden trails, public parks, and shopping corridors. Upon returning to Boston, Howard set out to create a similar path that would use existing parks, streets, and landmarks in the city.

The result was the Walking City Trail, an unofficial trail mapped by Howard through existing walkways that stretches 27 miles across 17 neighborhoods from its origin in Mattapan to its finish at Bunker Hill."
Continue reading the article at the Boston Globe (subscription maybe required)
A 27-mile community-made trail brings urban hiking to Boston
A 27-mile community-made trail brings urban hiking to Boston

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