Glen Pharmer proudly presents a stand-up comedy show on Wednesday, March 27, featuring three hilarious comedians from Laugh Boston!
Stand-Up Comedy Show with Laugh Boston! at Glen Pharma |
Say goodbye to winter blues and hello to longer days! The arrival of daylight savings means a new season of laughter with our Spring Comedy Show. This hilarious event promises to swing you into the cheerful spirit of spring, faster than the clocks spring forward!
Your ticket includes your first cocktail, beer, or glass of wine.
Hungry? Join us before the show in our main Tasting Room.
(Appy Hour from 4-6 PM with 1/2 priced appetizers!)
If dining with us, separate reservations are strongly recommended.
(Note: Food is not included with the comedy show.)
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Show starts at 7:30 PM
$49.95 per person (plus tax)