Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Brainstorming Rules

Rules for brainstorming? Are you sure?
Yes, most definitely. Every game has rules even if they are made up along the way.

Is brainstorming a game?
If we treat it as such, with rules, then the best ideas will win. Note: the ideas win! Not the people who play, the ideas!

The Rules

  1. Generate as Many Ideas as Possible
  2. Encourage Wild and Exaggerated Ideas, No Matter How Crazy, Ridiculous, or Farfetched the Idea Might Be
  3. There will be No Detailed Discussions about an Idea, Except to Provide Clarification
  4. Assign Someone as the Scribe. The Scribe Should Write Down Every Idea – No Screening
  5. Keep a Copy of the Rules in Plain View (That's called transparency!)
  6. The Brainstorming List Must Be Visible to Everyone (also transparency!)
  7. Snowballing on Other Ideas is Encouraged
  8. Postpone and Withhold Judgment of Any Idea (Yes, this will be a tough one)
  9. Leave Your Titles at the Door (and likely the hardest!)
  10. The Optimum Number of People is Between 8 And 12, with One-Third of the Group Being Outsiders

Would you like to play?

Note: the rules come from Mark L Fox and his book DaVinci and the 40 Answers

Franklin, MA

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Franklin Blogger: Susan Speers

Susan Speers writes:
Are you due to get a tax refund or an "economic stimulus rebate" this spring? Why not spend it on energy-saving improvements or other steps to reduce your carbon footprint? The Bush rebate of $1,200 for a working couple might not pay all the cost of a solar-powered hot water system but it would go a long way for less intensive, smaller-ticket items! A few ideas for the typical Massachusetts home:
Click through to read if one of the dozen ideas she lists would be something you could do.