Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Live reporting - Sewer study appropriation

1. Resolution 14-09:Appropriation - Sewer – East Central Street Pump Station Study 

Cantoreggi asking for some funding to re-evaluate the sewer plan, the East Central pump station
doesn't have a whole lot of storage capacity
owners were going to build some wet wells.
with Cook's Farm coming online, and Franklin County Club looking to be part of the system
they will come for a permit, I want to provide the best answer
looking to do the analysis to see what is required, we have the overall capacity within the town, it is a matter of how to convey it to the pump station

clarifications on what the study will do
matter of upgrading the pumps themselves and not a new station
looking at the peak times
built large holding tanks, to hold and then flow in the off hours

If bigger pumps, does it mean bigger buildings?
Not really, we should be able to do it within what we have

the owner has been working with us, it is typical thing we can negotiate with them

Country club has a package treatment plant, it holds it breaks it down and then send it on
they are a maintenance issue, it is up to you to allow them to come on board
we'll have to figure out how to meter as they get water from Wrentham and we usually meter from the water use

Nutting - need the study to decide what is needed so we can move accordingly

The same company we have been working with, not something we can do in house

(read the motion after the vote was technically voted)
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

The Finance Committee did not meet to vote on this

Live reporting - Audit report


Jim Dacey, Susan Gagner
  • Auditors
Frank Byron, Karen Snow - Melanson, Heath

management discussion an analysis
puts into words what the numbers say
various stabilization account history
skip this for now and go to the number pages, P14

the only place where capital assets appear

long term liabilities, OPEB = other post employment benefits, added per GASB standard changes

$89M = OPEB full liability
$31.8 M, this amount will increase each year when the town does not meet the actuarial funding requirements

GASB 68 - unfunded pension liabilities
required for reporting in 2015, all at once, not in an incremental fashion (like OPEB)

unassigned balances currently at 8% which is right in the range of 5-10 percent that the fund agencies look for

indicates a very strong financial position

page 20 budget vs actual
surplus of state and local revenues, town has been consistent with conservative revenue estimates

page 21 - balance sheet
includes the enterprise funds

strong cash balances in the enterprise accounts

page 25

Q - Padula - p14 clarification on the unfunded pension costs
A - pension vs the health insurance
the whole amount will appear at once, approx. $43M

Nutting - the difference is that the county has a funding schedule to catch up by 2031, after that there will be a lesser requirement. OPEB has no funding schedule currently. It will grow exponentially if we don't fund it.

Nutting we did put a little more since this Jun 30 2013 position. Every dollar into OPEB is not a dollar to be used for operations

Karen - on the management letter, not material deficiencies
4 this year, 5 last year
some are long term issues will take time to resolve (like the risk plan)
need to develop a formal risk plan with formal controls to mitigate the risk

fund balance policy, in process, provided some examples of other clients and how they have handled this; how to define which money to use when

current year recommendations issues 3 and 4
small debit balances, where did they come from, could be posting errors

looked at the library and departmental receipts
they don't have a real process to provide an audit trail for the receipts
look at ways to improve the reporting around the receipts
a frequent issue in municipalities

this is a good letter things are working well

Susan - did visit three departments to work on the risk assessments
have review the samples provided and have a draft to work with, should have one in place before the end of this fiscal year

will be visiting the library to ensure they have a better register process

Jones - each report has come back sparkling, the audits are great indications of good handling of our money

Karen - no adjustments, just some re-classifications, it is good to see that this is in good shape

Nutting - we always take the management letters seriously, every year the auditors come up with something to make us a stronger entity

Live reporting: Town Council - Mar 5, 2014

Present: Feldman, Padula, Mercer, Kelly, Vallee, Pfeffer, Jones, Bissanti, Williams
Absent:  none

January 15, 2014, January 22, 2014
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by Franklin Matters.

Hillside Nurseries - rescheduled to next meeting

Rich Aucoin, Franklin resident
speaking in favor of the proper oath of office that the Town Council should have been sworn in with
(text to be added)
restoring constitutional governance to Franklin, MA



- Application for a new Wine and Malt Package Store license by Jay Gayatri, Inc., dba Old Gold Convenience

Nutting - provided a map of the existing licenses for other package stores

Attorney representing the client
have been operating several years (since 2001), some renovations planned to accommodate the interior
training on the ABC rules and regulations has been conducted
would work with the local police to obtain training if not already in hand

no expansion of building, additional electrical and shelving to be added

is there a public need?
There is a full liquor store across the street, the clients are looking for beer and wine to compliment their existing business. It is not a competing business, this is a supplement to their existing business

Other services within the store, a convenience store, carry the convenience items

Question to Chief Semerjian, no objection to another license?

This is the last one available at this time (license allocation)
there is no cap on restaurants, there is a cap on the beer and license 6 each (based upon population)

Mark Mann - trustee for the liquor store across the street
invested money in the property, they work hard and smart to do the best for the town
they do quite a bit of business with beer and wine
fear on ability for them to pay their rent down the road due to over saturation
I urge you to deny the application

Cerel - the issue of competition is not of concern, the issue is public need, is there a need for the public at large.

Jack Fadel - 50% of our business is on beer and wine, would end up getting into crazy competition

Nutting - when we have had one left before, we have done an advertisement through a public process

Mercer - our practice has been to announce to the public?
Cerel - in those cases, it has been an all alcohol license, that is usually more desirable. This came from the Davita's receipt of the all alcohol license

Nutting - it is available based upon census results so every ten years, or can ask the Legislature for one

Bissanti - can the argument be made?

Cerel - it would be dependent upon the needs and the geography being served

Owner - had tried before but couldn't get it would like to get it to meet the needs of their clients

Lawyer - it has been sitting in town hall for some time, they filled the application since Nov, no one else has come forward. The convenience store owners all know what they are doing.

Padula - just because you can have competition, doesn't mean they should. They are not a stones throw away, they are right across the way

Lawyer - by statue there is a liceses available, we can argue about where, this council has previously granted licenses a stone throw away. The map shows other licenses making decisions to put them together.

Padula - help me understand what is the public need?

Lawyer - this would be an extremely valuable compliment to my clients service to their customers. They are two different establishments, one selling convenience items with a beer/wine and the other is a full liquor store which can sell the convenience items

Bissanti - I like the fact that this store is in the commercial district, the other possible locations are not in the commercial district zone

Feldman - when had they applied?

Owner -

Mercer, Jones, Pfeffer, Williams, Vallee - voted no
vote failed 5-4

motion for denial on basis for no public need on basis of over saturation in current area
Williams, Peffer, Jones, Vallee, Mercer - voted yes
same 5-4 vote

Walk for Hunger - Sunday, May 4

Project Bread will hold its 46th Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 4.

More than 40,000 people are expected for the 20-mile walk, which raises more than $3.5 million to fight hunger in Massachusetts.

The route weaves through Boston, Brookline, Newton, Watertow, and Cambridge, and includes entertainment and free snacks.

Registration is now open at, or call 617-723-5000 for more information.

project bread's Walk for Hunger
project bread's Walk for Hunger

Ladies Night Out - Thursday, March 6

LNO* at Pour Richard's Wine and Spirits!

Thursday, March 6 6:30-8:30 PM

Introducing the cuisine of Twelve Fine Food and Spirits, opening soon just over the Bellingham line!

Featuring the cocktail creations of Fair Spirits: gluten-free, quinoa-based, organic Fair-Trade certified vodka and liqueurs.

Also Featuring Painted Lady Flower Farm, an organic flower farm located right here in Franklin. They will be selling CSA-style flower shares.

As always, Pour Richard's will be pouring samples of delicious wine.
C'mon, what were you going to do Thursday night? (And doesn't this sound like more fun?)

14 Grove Street in Franklin-see you there!


"town has bigger issues on its plate"

The Milford Daily News reported on the public meeting Tuesday writing in part:
Residents on Tuesday saw several conceptual designs for the redevelopment of the former town hall, including detailed proposals with parks, cafés, offices, retail shops and performance spaces.

More than 50 people attended the workshop on what exactly should happen to the less than 1-acre piece of land at 150 Emmons St., considered by town officials to be an "important gateway" to the downtown.

Hoping to come away with ideas that will drive their decisions for the space, Town Councilors also sat in on the nearly two-hour meeting.

Read the full article here

For my reporting on the meeting you can find that here

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Live reporting - Emmons St public meeting

Jeff Nutting opens with an overview of the evening, some conceptual drawings to be presented a couple of minutes each, followed by general discussion

photos of some of the design proposals from Allevato interns

Meghan's first up to describe her concept

Nick Testa's conceptual drawing
a park with Horace Mann theme, open to multiple 
Andrew Javier presenting for Juan who couldn't make it tonight
food stands, food trucks, and farmers market space

Corinne Javier presenting along with Andrew

mixed use retail or offices, with park space, terraced for performance space

Axel and David collaborated on this
a gravity well soaking everything in, build on this concept of urban fabric, the park as a gateway, a gem
mom and pop deli or intranet cafe

UMass Student coudn't be here tonight
UMass student couldn't be here tonight

The sale price would be dependent upon the use of the land and possible building. Lease option could also be considered.

The park would depend upon how much space would be used for it vs. the remainder of the lot, placement of the building, etc.

* Lisa Piana, Downtown Partnership Executive Director, presenting goals collected from the partnership members

  • enhance downtown center and support the downtown businesses
  • gateway property
  • encourage foot traffic and avoid traffic issues
  • safety of the area

Dean College students already cross in many spots in that area
Thanks to the Economic Development Committee for involving us in the planning process
We are happy to continue to work on this important piece of the downtown

* Paul Cheli, member of the Citizens Committee
important Recreation Dept already located in this space, need to maximize the revenue from the property to enhance what the Rec Dept does

  1. up front money to relocate the Rec Dept
  2. ongoing revenue of more than $20K per year
  3. reputation of the developer

If there is a desire for a park, there is a longer list of waiting for senior housing before

* Brian Kelly, Facilities Director for Dean College
highly interested in working with the town on development of the space
While economic growth is critical, folks will pay more for space closer to home that is green space and recreation
parks revived demand for neighboring office space in NYC according to a study quoted
organized events at the parks generate other revenues for neighboring businesses
where the sense of community is strong, the crime rates are down
it is not for the Dean students, this is for Franklin

* Sue Sheridan, representing the Franklin Art Association
agree that this property should be for community use, should not be just retail space
looking for space all over to get space to hold their art shows, forced to go to the library in Bellingham for their recent show
pursuing a cultural district designation, should be a cultural space, public performance space
perhaps even an art museum, get a 501(c)(3) org to leverage grants from the State to explore this

* AK Bistro owner
where is everybody going to park? you have to put the infrastructure in place before people can gather
there is a retail space next to us that is hard to fill because they are worried about parking
there needs to be more space for people to gather

* Jeff Roy, State Representative for Franklin and Medway
delighted to see that the proposals included a status of Horace Mann
since we are his birthplace, it is a shame that we don't have a fitting memorial place to recognize him
The FSPA are going to bring a live theater into that area
green space does have a way to bring people
the proposals are great ways to use this space
we are the home of the birthplace of the father of education

*Jim Schultz, member of the partnership
founded and based upon culture, arts, books, etc.
lesson from Lehigh Valley after the steel mills left, provide space where art and farmers can sell their wares
in all cases, the spaces are filled on the weekends
don't look short term on the sale proceeds, look long term to preserve art and culture

* (add name)
affordable care act, folks are utilizing the ER for their care
there is space downstairs could be used as a free clinic
a big supporter of what they want but also what they need, medical services, free legal services
not for selling it outright

*Debbie Pellegri, Town Clerk
it was the Horace Mann High School at one point and torn down
it needs to be a better building, a better design
I see too many brick buildings
we would love to see some green space
we have been talking about this for years, where we could put the status for Horace Mann
garden, gateway, welcome to Franklin
keep or sell, developer would be willing to work with us

* Tina Guarnio, retired art teacher
kids love art, they need a place to shine
having an area in this spot would be wonderful for the kids as well as the adults involved in the arts

* Gary Carrentino (?)
a triangle park in downtown Providence
weekend, farmers market, kids crafts,
Weds and Sat, look at it and see and bring it back here

* Bob Brown, resident
I see a parking garage in there, it wouldn't be any uglier than what is already there
the box theater would be looking for parking
parking in downtown gets people there
it could be a revenue generator

* Judy Pfeffer, Town Council
where does anyone think we are going to find a million dollars to put a park
a children's park on that corner is the worse space
it is a money thing, we don't have the capability to take this off the tax rolls

* AK Bistro owner clarify position
parking is needed,the geography is what it is, teach people that you can walk from one side to another
if you provide the resources to actually come downtown, there will be an incentive for businesses to come
there is a retraining that needs to happen

* Brian Kelly, again
evidence shows it brings revenue to town, it might not be much right now but it will be there forever

* Pandora Carlucci,
thanks for inviting the participation, I never thought about having the clinic and coupling the needs of the Food Pantry
think about who we are, we have before us an opportunity to consider what we want
it is a complicated decision
I drive by this site everyday, sometimes multiple times a day
we are very fortunate to be able to make this decision, we have time to make the decision
thank you for including Horace Mann

* Joel D'Errico, resident
 would like to touch on what Cheli mentioned to see if it could be kept in the municipal use
we have the need for retired senior housing, housing authority would control folks that live there
it would increase the foot traffic downtown

* Jeff Nutting
outside engineering evaluation on the road conditions, approx 45-50 million needed to bring the roads to currency; the council will put on for consideration, a debt override to put money to the roads and sidewalks
some years we can give money for roads, some years we can't
would people support a dedicated override, not a regular override, but dedicated to this purpose, a provision added later

* Cheli
45-50 M is a conservative answer

Davis Thayer may be closed in a couple of year given the student population decline

* Andy Bissanti, Town Council
what would you perceive of the timing and construction for the project?

* Calareese
would be dictated by the RFP,
it is important that the curb cuts get integrated prior to the project to get done

* Glenn Jones, Town Council
thanks for coming out tonight for sharing your ideas

* Nutting
any money from the sale of this building could be used for any other project that would be a similar asset
$20-30,000/space estimated for above ground parking garage

* Beth Dahlstrom, Town Planner
could the town use CPA funds?

* Nutting
explains the Community Preservation Act, there is a lot of communities that have joined
the real estate market isn't what it was, it failed at the ballot box before
it would be a tough issue to balance

* Rae Lynn Mercer, FSPA Director
opening the Black Box at 15 W Central St
currently responsible for a lot of traffic downtown
thrilled that the project has come full circle to come downtown
I hope that this decision is dealt with carefully and with the big picture
we happen to have a beautiful Town Common but it is not downtown
the economic impact of art and entertainment needs to be considered as the gateway
our theater with Artistry Kitchen could help to transform Franklin
we need to be careful about the big picture
focus on culture and gathering space

meeting closed

The documents that were handed out that night were shared online later and can be found here