Saturday, September 18, 2010

Encourage them to answer the survey

The early returns have shifted already from almost an even split (13-no, 12-yes) to almost 2-1 margin favoring the No vote.

Should the Main St traffic pattern be changed from 1-way to 2-way?

No   - 40

Yes -   23

Total  -  63

This is a small number of the total residents (approx. 33,000) and of the registered voters (approx. 19,000)

The survey will remain open until midnight 9/28/10 so the numbers can be prepared for the Town Council meeting and public hearing on the 29th..

Encourage your friends and neighbors to have their say. Now is the time!

Visit the Franklin Downtown Partnership website to participate.

Franklin, MA


  1. Would the responses change if the public realized that fire & rescue response times improve with 2 way traffic? I think that should be part of the question.

    Ken Norman
    Fire Station Building committee

  2. If there was more information about the traffic patterns and amounts that would help the decision process. The information if it is available has not yet been shared.

    I recall you were on the building committee for the Downtown station, is there a new committee to look at a new station for the north side of town? or as an alternative, is there work on a cooperative agreement to cover the north side of the town with Medway?

  3. I signed as a member of the Central Station Building Committee. We have always been concerned with response times. We sited the station with the understanding there would be 2-way traffic leaving the station.

    I believe Medway still has a volunteer fire department which does not lend itself to reliable response times.
