Sunday, July 29, 2012

10th Norfolk: Collected questions for Democratic debate

My questions:

What have you done or are planning to do to prepare for serving Franklin in the Legislature?

Two part Q: What do you see as Franklin’s key issue at the State level and how do you plan to address it?

Do you have any relationships with folks in or around the State House or in the Legislature that you can leverage when you are in office to help serve Franklin? Please elaborate.

Based upon the flyer on the door, it seems like you are both walking the neighborhoods. What is one thing that going door to door does for your campaign?

How much will websites and other social media tools help your campaign?

Questions submitted by others in Franklin:

If elected what changes would you propose to help commuters from Franklin/Medway afford to get into Boston for work?

What are your thoughts about the MA higher education costs. Is there anything you would propose to help more students afford MA State higher education?

Local officials often complain to voters that costly state mandates tie their hands and prevent them from making common-sense fiscal policies for the town. What will you do as state rep to remove burdensome state mandates and un-tie local officials' hands?

What will be your priorities if you are selected to serve in the state legislature?

How can we make health care in Massachusetts more affordable for the commonwealth, cities, towns, businesses and individuals?

How do you feel about what Gov Patrick has done so far about containing health care costs?

My question to all is This... I think all of you are educated well, are lawyers and have held local seats on a board but what Policical experience so you have that I may not know about that you feel makes you qualified to be sucessful at this job?

Don't see a question topic here that you would like an answer to, add yours to the mix via email or the form here

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