Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Live reporting: Presentations


  • FY 16 Budget
Jeff Nutting, apparently the charter school enrollment is incorrect which should help the budget forecasted as the proper numbers roll through

Awaiting the fire fighters arbitration award

Once the last numbers come in, will go through the process, beginning with the Finance Committee

  • Gus Brown - Building Commissioner
3 years as building commissioner

review and process residential and commercial permit applications
interpret and enforce zoning

totals of permits on one slide (hopefully will be posted later)

140 unit at Chestnut Ridge under construction

Starbucks and 3 other businesses in the one building

picture of a fire inspection: due to the sheet rock in the garage, the fire stayed in the garage and did not enter the building

there are no unregistered cars allowed unless you are a registered dealer

State offering a program to help manage abandoned homes
the property can be repaired through a court ordered receiver process

136 Chestut St - part of the Affordable Housing Trust

15 Beaver Court - being constructed by students at Tri-County
the framing was done at the school, moved to the site and now the working to complete the house is being done inplace on site

housing zoning starts with Building Commissioner and gets routed through to the Zoning Board of Appeals

Q - on solar panels
A - recent surge, checking for the ability of the roof to support the solar panels especially with snow

Q - what is the outlook on permits
A - it has evened out, several projects on Grove St are coming along
a tenate will potentially use the section of the building wil use the rail connection

Q - Pfeffer - kudos to Gus for working with the Housing Trust

Q - Padula - are the students taking it through to the finish?
A - yes, Glenn Jones is working on the electrical and is doing a great job. If you get a chance to see the kids operating, it is a joy to watch

Q - Bissanti - as far as the vacant homes, are you getting this money?
A - yes, we are. You are not dealing with the home owner, you are dealing with the other entity and they sometimes think that you are trying to buy the home. we don't want to. We want to kept up to keep up the neighborhood.

Q - are you collecting the fees?
A - yes, we are. With out this being in place, they could fly under the radar, now that can't hide.

Q - Dellorco - are we going to have other projects for Tri-County?
A - yes, but we are inline, other towns are seeing what is being done by the students and they want some of that too!

Nutting - I get so many comments about the professional courtesy of he and his staff

Gus - you can't put a price tag on having Mark here to answer questions

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