Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Live reporting - medical marijuana zoning


Change of Manager – T.D. Beverage Inc.
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

Medical Marijuana Zoning

a number of permits are required to be allowed per county
we are part of Norfolk County which stretches quite a distance
proposing to put it into the Industrial park area, would avoid locations near schools
some communities are looking to put it into their hospital zone

Mark Cerel recommends a new use line rather than putting it into another district

there are two considerations; one the use table, and two the zoned location

Q - We don't have anyone asking for this yet?
A - there have been requests in other towns

Q - put it into an overlay district?
A - Yes, it would make sense to do so

Cerel there are some towns considering what Jeff has mentioned, there are towns saying no, period
There is authority to grow there, not just distribution
Out in Colorado, they are doing this in huge facilities

Powderly - we need to respect the will of the voters, so many open questions, keeps the safety of the residence in mind. What are you proposing to do with this in the Economic Development? I would like to see something sooner than later

Nutting - meeting being put together on the 22nd, would give another sounding board before coming to the Council. I don't see it slowing down the process. We could come to the Council in Feb

Cerel - Wakefield and Reading did go down the no path, the Attorney General needs to weigh in

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