Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Live reporting - Legislation through to closing

1. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-742:Changes to Chapter 185-§4. Districts Enumerated – 2nd Reading Requires 2/3 Vote

motion to accept, seconded

technical corrections, no substantial changes, just minor typo corrections to language

Pfeffer - why weren't these caught before hand?
The review by the Town Clerk's office caught these, some of the terminology has changed over time and it was not caught before

vote via roll call, 8-0

2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-743:Changes to Chapter 185-§20. Signs - 2nd Reading Requires 2/3 Vote
motion to accept, seconded

technical corrections, no substantial changes, just minor typo corrections to language

Kelly - I know we talk about how hard it is but I got someone to do a new sign for us and in one meeting it was done. I was impressed

Joking about him being a councilor!

vote via roll call, 8-0

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-744:Changes to Chapter 185-§31. Site Plan and Design Review - 2nd Reading Requires 2/3 Vote

motion to waive reading, seconded, passed 8-0

motion to accept, seconded,

vote via roll call, 8-0

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 15-745: Amendment to Chapter 185, Attachment 7, Part VI, Use Regulation Schedule, Residential Uses, Office Zoning District – Referral to Planning Board

note amendment being changed to 15-745 from 14- as it would not be accepted until 2015
motion to change, passed 8-0

Nutting - recap of discussion on the RFP for Pond St, which while it was late did include a residential component. The Council could chose to include it, or leave it out, to limit the number of units, etc.

R6 zoning doesn't exist on the map, if anyone should get it, we can take the first crack at it
it is not considered spot zoning as it is the whole zone

the business zoning we are talking about will include multi-family
Need to make the zoning change before redoing the RFP

motion to refer to planning board, passed 8-0

5. Resolution 14-87: 2015 Town Council Meeting Schedule
motion to accept, second, passed 8-0
looking for Feb 18th meeting to be moved to the 11th to avoid school vacation

motion to change, seconded, 8-0

vote on amended resolution, 8-0

6. Resolution 14-88: Legal Notices

motion to accept, seconded, 8-0
annual requirement, and there currently is no option

7. Resolution 14-89: Creation of a Library Building Committee
already covered earlier in meeting

congratulations to Mr Dellorco, welcome back
thanks to all the town employees

the culvert problem was resolved in short order

Franklin Fire Dept has a home visit program (look for on website)

posting no parking on Main St to Pleasant on outbound side, parking remains on inbound side

Cottage St has same parking problem but it is not currently enforced (per Vallee)

free parking is still for a 2 hour period, they will be ticketed

railroad property has been posted with a for sale sign up (finally)
price to the Town was $600,000 what it is to the marketplace is unknown
zoned for C1, deed restrictions will apply

comments on the sanding situation Dec 2, not forecasted by any meterologist
police should be notifying the DPW

we go through this every year with the first snow or ice, people forget how to drive

Kelly- happy holidays

Vallee - the common is looking good, another 4-5 trees and we'll really be good

motion to adjourn, seconded, passed 8-0

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