Monday, October 1, 2018

Franklin Veterans Memorial Walkway - construction begins

On Saturday, September 29, the construction of the Franklin Veterans Memorial Walkway began with the opening of the walkway path. 

Work will continue through October in preparation of the Dedication on Veterans Day, 11 November at 1:30 PM on the Town Common.

Franklin’s Veterans Service Officer thank the DPW crew and Building Commissioner for their work to begin the construction.

preparing the walkway
preparing the walkway

digging for the foundation
digging for the foundation
done for the day
done for the day
The Brick order form

Make checks payable to Franklin VFW Post 3402

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to have a brick inscribed in honor of my dad, Louis Dunn, U.S. Navy. This is a lovely tribute for our area Veterans.
