Saturday, May 2, 2020

Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #17


Friday, May 1, 2020

Hi friends,

It's been another week in the pandemic period. I know this isn't getting any easier as time goes on, especially as closure orders get extended and we still don't have a good handle on this virus, but the sun is shining and testing capacity is increasing and we're getting better at using video conferencing tools and I hope everyone is getting as many extra hugs as possible. We're also starting to see the beginnings of a forward-looking plan to reopen, slowly and safely, and I've been hard at work with my colleagues to get a plan in place for virtual town meetings.

My team and I have been sending these COVID-19 updates twice a week for some time now. We'll shift to once-weekly Wednesday updates next week, so we can increase our individualized constituent work. If you need anything in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help! For real-time updates, please follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

A few updates from my office on the COVID-19 outbreak and your government's response:
  • Please wear a facemask! Following the leadership of a number of cities and towns, including many in our district, Governor Baker issued an order requiring face masks to be worn in all public spaces -- both indoor and outdoor -- where adequate social distancing cannot be achieved (like on the sidewalk in densely populated areas!). The order allows businesses to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask, and includes a possible $300 fine for noncompliance. I encourage you to wear a facemask as much as possible outside your home; this is a critical step to protecting ourselves and our neighbors, reducing coronavirus transmission, and helping our communities open up sooner.
  • Do not forego necessary emergency care: Massachusetts hospitals have noticed a severe drop in emergency care for conditions like heart attacks, strokes, and more. Delaying emergency care due to COVID-19 can be deadly, and Boston-area hospitals are still encouraging individuals to go to the emergency room if necessary.
  • Child care is still closed through the end of June: Amid conversations of reopening non-essential businesses, I've been advocating for our early education centers and teachers. We can't reopen anything without child care, period. If you're an early educator, a child care center administrator, or a parent or caregiver and you have a story to tell or information to share relevant to this advocacy, I want to hear from you. Please email me at with "CHILD CARE ADVOCACY" in the subject line.

As always, my team and I are here for you. Call us at 617-722-1555 or email me directly at and one of us will get back to you as quickly as we can.

Be well and stay safe.

Yours in service,
Senator Becca Rausch

The newsletter was shortened for publication here. To review the full set of contents

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