Sunday, August 14, 2022

Franklin.TV: Citizen Frank - Seeking Political Wisdom & Truth!

by Pete Fasciano, Executive Director 08/14/2022

There are basic truths. Some are the ones you learn in civics class, and they stick with you. A principle often attributed to Thomas Jefferson is one for me.

“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

With mid-terms looming, and a number of Massachusetts candidates seeking state offices, Frank Falvey is on the phone, chasing down campaign managers and various assigns to arrange appearances and interviews for Franklin●TV and wfpr●fm.

This last decade has set all-time records for national candidates and office holders to engage in gaslighting, deflection, disinformation and bombast in order to garner attention and votes. They want to win in the worst way – and that’s exactly how they do it. Hollywood writers can’t keep up with the antics of the worst.
Frank Falvey
Frank Falvey

However, we in Massachusetts are fortunate to have a robust exchange with candidates through our regional and local media. Interviews, debates, and candidates’ own messages let we the people get to know our officials.

We in Massachusetts also have citizens who volunteer – truth seekers like Frank. His tenet is as Jeffersonian a statement as you may find. ‘Seek Wisdom’.

Frank has labored at this noble endeavor long before I have had the good fortune to know him.

Frank is our modern day Diogenes. As we wade into this election season, check out our weekly program guide for Frank’s interviews with state and local candidates. Let us all be the wiser for watching – as Frank Presents….

And – as always –
Thank you for listening to wfpr●fm. 
And, thank you for watching.

Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online  

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