Saturday, August 5, 2023

OneFranklin: Recap of Wednesday's Joint Budget Subcmte Meeting - 08/02/23

Thank you One Franklin for attending last night's budget meeting! We were just about 200 strong (half in person and half zooming in) and our engagement was recognized and commended by our elected leaders. There is a link to the YouTube recording of the meeting at the bottom of this post.
We want to thank Tom Mercer, Chair of the Town Council, for bringing this group together to solve this financial crisis, and for his many years of leadership in Franklin. Councilor Mercer praised the One Franklin Committee's efforts to engage the community and went on to validate our initiative during his opening remarks.
"We are thrilled to see a dedicated group of folks that are ready to dig into the details of overrides and ballot questions…most in the community still have a lot to learn about the town's financial situation. Personally, I believe an override is needed just to continue the level of services provided to the community."
The meeting continued with our Town Administrator, Jamie Hellen's budget forecast, which is bleak. There is simply not enough revenue to support the services we have in town, and the deficit will increase over the next five years forcing cuts to all departments. The only debate was whether the forecast was too conservative and the outlook worse than anticipated as inflation (forecast at 2.5%)has shot up at rates of 7% in 2021 and 6.5% in 2022. In addition, Administrator Hellen identified several other potentially significant risks that are not accounted for in his budget (reduced state funding, increased IT expenses, etc.).
Department directors were asked about some of the most significant cost drivers in their expense budgets. DPW discussed how our lack of funding has caused our road ratings to go down. Police talked about how items required are not funded in their expense budget and instead must rely on the capital budget, which Franklin has in place for improvement projects (for example the new van for the senior center). Many will recall the staffing shortages that are affecting our police department as well, most recently losing two officers due to mandatory overtime obligations.
These were high level discussions, and more granular details will come as departments present to the full Town Council in the coming months. However, this session of the Joint Budget Subcommittee highlighted that it's not only our schools that are being forced to go without. Across the board our elected leaders continue to stress that the 'pot is not big enough'.
This is the starting point. Here is what we can expect, and what we all can do to support progress.
Our expectation is that the School Committee and the Superintendent will meet and begin to formulate the amount of money (above what was presented) they believe is required for an adequate school budget. They will bring this back to the Joint Budget Subcommittee. Concurrently, the Town Administrator will meet and gather information from the other municipal departments and do the same. For the sake of transparency, these amounts will specifically outline what the revenue will fund. The Joint Budget Subcommittee will facilitate this effort in order to bring all departments together and present an override amount to the entire Town Council.
This is not going to be an easy endeavor. It's crucial that we determine the correct number to bring forward for a vote, meaning we present the community with a number that is high enough to accomplish our goals, and low enough to be accepted. There are some that will find no number acceptable, and this is always the case. However, we believe that through education and transparency, our residents will show up unified in support of those providing our most essential services here in Franklin.
As discussed in last night's meeting, we want to ask the community to do their part in allowing this difficult and tedious process to be completed as quickly as possible. That said, our Superintendent and Town Administrator are expected to have little bandwidth for projects above and beyond this undertaking plus their standard professional obligations. One Franklin wants to support their effort every way we can.
Stay tuned for emails from and spread the word! There will be upcoming events, activities and opportunities to contribute to the success of our goal.
We are One Franklin!!!
OneFranklin: Recap of Wednesday's Joint Budget Subcmte Meeting - 08/02/23
OneFranklin: Recap of Wednesday's Joint Budget Subcmte Meeting - 08/02/23

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