Sunday, May 12, 2024

Franklin TV: Summer Days Ahead

Horological Summer is here – 90 longest days 

by Pete Fasciano, Executive Director 05/12/2024

Memorial Day weekend is touted as the unofficial start of Summer across the U.S., but the official start of the season? It depends. The Summer solstice occurs on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:51 P.M. EDT. This is when Astronomical Summer begins. Some finer points to note – The Sun actually rises at its earliest about a week before and sets at its latest about a week after. This is because of the Earth’s slightly elliptical orbit. (Google: analemma)

Horological (Solar) Summer refers to the 90 longest days of the year from May 6 to about August 5. So – Solar Summer is already here, and ushering in:

Meteorological Summer – which is fast approaching. This is the 91-ish days of the year containing the warmest weather – from June to August. The time difference between Horological and Meteorological Summer is about 3 to 4 weeks, give-take. This is the typical lag in the worldwide weather system and the Sun’s local effects.
Franklin TV: Summer Days Ahead
Franklin TV: Summer Days Ahead

The hottest day of the year on average – is July 21st. The ‘hottest day’ in any year can occur at any time between late June and most of August, depending on the weather and location. The hot ‘Dog Days of Summer’ run from Jul 3 to Aug 11- ish. This year, with El Nino still in effect, we might see some records broken – again. The last two Summers were recorded by NOAA as the hottest yet.

Perhaps call the HVAC folks to run a health check on your air conditioning? 
Thanks for listening to 102.9 wfpr●fm.
And – as always – thanks for watching.


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