Monday, June 10, 2024

The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW) Episode 265 - Gadgets & Salmon Safe (audio)

The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW): Gadgets & Salmon Safe with Kim & Mark

Episode Description:
Join Kim and Mark on The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW) exploring all things wine with you!

We discuss two fascinating topics: wine gadgets and sustainable wine choices!

Part 1: Gadgets Galore (or Duds?)
  • We kick things off with a review of a recent VinePair article exploring must-have wine gadgets.
  • Kim and Mark share their experiences with their own wine gadgets, separating the truly useful from the dust-collectors.
  • Get ready for some fun and practical advice on whether those fancy accessories are really worth the splurge!
Part 2: Sipping Sustainably: Salmon-Safe Certification
  • We shift gears to explore the world of sustainable wine with a focus on Salmon-Safe certification.
  • We explain what this certification signifies and how it benefits our environment, particularly salmon habitats.
  • Learn about other eco-conscious certifications you might encounter on wine labels and how they can guide your sustainable wine selections.
This episode is packed with insightful tips, lighthearted banter, and a newfound appreciation for both innovative gadgets and environmentally responsible winemaking!


Kim and Mark
The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW) Episode 265 - Gadgets & Salmon Safe (audio)
The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW) Episode 265 - Gadgets & Salmon Safe (audio)

#wine #thewonderfulworldofwine #gadgets #franklinma #wineeducation 

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