Showing posts with label stamp out hunger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stamp out hunger. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Franklin Food Pantry says "Thank you" for more than 11,000 pounds of food for "Stamp Out Hunger" campaign

On Saturday, May 11, 2024, Franklin, Massachusetts letter carriers participated in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive to benefit the Franklin Food Pantry.

More than 11,000 pounds of food was collected from Franklin residents, which equates to more than 9,000 meals. The Pantry extends its gratitude to the letter carriers who filled their truck with the much-needed food. 

Thank you to the generous residents of Franklin, the committed volunteers who sorted and restocked the food, Stop & Shop in Franklin for lending grocery carts to easily transport the food, the extra support from Jim Sierra, and the Franklin Senior Center for providing the extra space to collect, check, and sort the food.

grocery carts helped to unload the postal vans
grocery carts helped to unload the postal vans

carts brought the bags to the processing line where they were weighed & sorted
carts brought the bags to the processing line where they were weighed & sorted

the sorting line
the sorting line

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Reminder: Help the Food Pantry with the Stamp Out Hunger campaign on Saturday

The Franklin Food Pantry is partnering with Franklin letter carriers for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive taking place Saturday, May 11, 2024, Franklin residents are encouraged to leave a bag of nonperishable food items by their mailbox. Letter carriers will collect the donations and deliver the items to the Franklin Food Pantry.

For more information on Stamp Out Hunger, including The Pantry's greatest needs ->

Did you get your brown paper bag this week?

Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive 1
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive 1

Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive 2
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive 2

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Help Stamp Out Hunger! Saturday, May 11, 2024

Food insecurity in our community is on the rise, but you can help! 

Please place non-perishable food donations in a bag, place the bag near your mailbox on Saturday, May 11, 2024, and your mail carrier will deliver your donation to the Franklin Food Pantry.

For details on what items we accept, please visit

Help Stamp Out Hunger
Help Stamp Out Hunger

Download a copy of the flyer to share or as a reminder ->

Franklin letter carriers will collect for Stamp Out Hunger on May 11 Franklin letter carriers will collect for Stamp Out Hunger on May 11
Franklin letter carriers will collect for Stamp Out Hunger on May 11 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Franklin letter carriers will collect for Stamp Out Hunger on May 11

Mark your calendars - Stamp Out Hunger is Saturday, May 11, 2024!

Leave non-perishable food in a sturdy bag by your mailbox and Franklin letter carriers will collect the items and deliver to The Pantry.

We need you to help make this fundraiser a success.

For details on what items we accept, please visit

Franklin letter carriers will collect for Stamp Out Hunger on May 11
Franklin letter carriers will collect for Stamp Out Hunger on May 11

Saturday, May 7, 2022

It's May! And time for Stamp Out Hunger & the Empty Bowls Dinner

May 2022
It's May! And time for Stamp Out Hunger & the Empty Bowls Dinner
Stamp Out Hunger
It's May! And time for Stamp Out Hunger
Stamp Out Hunger has returned to Franklin! On Saturday, May 14, Franklin letter carriers will pick up donated goods from town residents at their mailboxes and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.

There are two ways you can help. You can sign up to volunteer to help unload the food, sort, and date check donations and/or you can leave specific food items at your mailbox for your letter carrier to pick up and return to the Pantry. #franklincanstampouthunger
It's May! And time for the Empty Bowls Dinner
Get your tickets today and join us and the Franklin High School Empty Bowls Club on Thursday, May 19. Attendees will receive a simple meal of soup and bread and leave with an empty bowl to remind them that somewhere, someone's bowl is empty. There will also be a silent auction, a giving wall, and a kids' art table! Buy your tickets here or at the door (cash or check only at the door!) The Empty Bowls Club has been generously supported by the Franklin Cultural Council.

We have a variety of Empty Bowls Sponsorships available for businesses and individuals who want to support The Pantry. Sponsorships range from "Soup Starter" at $500 to "Pot of Gold" at $3000. Visit here for more information or to sign up! #FranklinCanfillemptybowls.

Franklin Food Pantry | 43 WEST CENTRAL STREET, Franklin, MA 02038

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Franklin Food Pantry: Stamp Out Hunger on May 14 #FranklinCANStampOutHunger

Franklin Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger on May 14
Franklin Food Pantry Asks for Special Items and No Expired Food

After a two-year absence, Stamp Out Hunger has returned to Franklin. On Saturday, May 14, Franklin letter carriers will pick up donated goods from town residents at their mailboxes and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.  The Franklin Food Pantry is appealing to the community for some very specific items in this year's Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive:

  • Tomato Paste
  • Assorted Cereal Boxes 10oz - 20oz
  • Coffee - Cans or Bags 12oz - 16oz. 
  • Shampoo 8oz-24oz
  • Conditioner 8oz-24oz
  • Body / Hand Lotion 8oz- 16oz
  • Baby Wipes
  • Foil / Plastic Wrap/ Ziplock Baggies

"In our current building, we have very limited space to store a surplus of items," said Tina Powderly, Executive Director of the Franklin Food Pantry. "That's why we are asking the community for these very specific items, as well as no expired food. We are so appreciative of all the donations we receive, but given our space constraints, we hope to focus donations on items currently in highest need."

The Pantry is emphasizing its request to please check expiration dates on every item donated.  Processing expired items is resource intensive.  Volunteers must check every donated item's expiration dates. The expired food must be sorted separately and then disposed of, which costs the Pantry time and money. According to Powderly, "We plan for 10,000 pounds of food during Stamp Out Hunger.  Even with the 100 volunteers we hope to have over the entire day, each volunteer will need to handle one item each minute to keep up.  It's an incredible amount of work, and expired items slow down the process, create waste, and lead to volunteer burnout. Checking donated food for expired items would be a huge help to us, and much appreciated by our hard-working volunteers."

Volunteers are still needed for the event. If anyone is interested, they can sign up online here.

Franklin residents can donate to the food drive by leaving a bag of non-perishable food and hygiene items where their letter carrier normally delivers their mail on Saturday, May 14. Letter carriers will pick up the bags during their normal mail rounds and will deliver the food to the Franklin Food Pantry.

"We are so thankful to the letter carriers, and a supportive community, for helping us acquire the items that are most needed," said Powderly. "We have almost 1,100 individuals who count on us for food and supplies on a regular basis. We could not provide for them without the support of such a generous community."

In lieu of donating goods, individuals who want to support the Pantry can donate online.

"Monetary donations give us the flexibility to purchase what we need, when we need it," said Powderly. "We can also purchase fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products to supplement the canned and boxed food donations. We count on both types of donations to provide a wholesome and balanced inventory of products for our neighbors."

For more information on the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit . The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide effort organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) that provides food to local food banks and pantries that would otherwise be faced with depleted stocks during the summer months.

About the Franklin Food Pantry 

The Franklin Food Pantry offers supplemental food assistance and household necessities to almost 1,100 individuals per year. The Franklin Food Pantry is not funded by the Town of Franklin. As a private, nonprofit organization, we depend on donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and other strategic partners. We are grateful for our many partnerships, including that with the Greater Boston Food Bank, that allow us to achieve greater buying power and lower our costs. Donations and grants fund our food purchases, keep our lights on, and put gas in our food truck. Other programs include home delivery, Weekend Backpack Program for Franklin school children in need, mobile pantry, emergency food bags and holiday meal packages. The Pantry is located at 43 W. Central St. in Franklin on Route 140 across from the Franklin Fire Station. 

Visit for more information.   


Franklin Food Pantry: Stamp Out Hunger on May 14
Franklin Food Pantry: Stamp Out Hunger on May 14

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Franklin Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger on May 11 - Franklin Food Pantry Asks for Specific Items and No Expired Food

The Franklin Food Pantry is asking the community for some very specific items in this year’s Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. On Saturday, May 11, Franklin letter carriers will pick up donated goods from town residents at their mailboxes and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.

The Pantry is asking for residents to please consider donating the items most needed:
• Canned vegetables (potatoes, yams, carrots)
• Soups (chowder, cream of (any kind) soup)
• Canned pasta (spaghetti, ravioli, etc.)
• Beef stew
• Chili
• Tomato products
• Pasta sauce
• Pasta and rice side dishes
• White, red and baked beans
• White Tuna
• Baking items (brownie and cake mixes, flour, sugar, etc.)
• Cereal
• Oatmeal
• Personal care items (toothpaste/toothbrushes, shampoo/conditioner, body wash/soap, deodorant, body lotion, feminine hygiene products and hand soap)

The Pantry does not need chicken soup, garbanzo beans/chick peas, black beans, green beans and boxed macaroni and cheese since it is overstocked with these items.

Stamp Out Hunger is a great opportunity for high schoolers to earn community service hours
Stamp Out Hunger is a great opportunity
for high schoolers to earn community service hours

“We have very limited building space to store a surplus of items,” said Amy Cataldo, interim executive director of the Franklin Food Pantry. “We are asking the community for these very specific items, as well as no expired food. We are so grateful for all the donations we receive, but unfortunately, we have space constraints.”

The Pantry receives thousands of pounds of food donations monthly. Every item is checked for expiration dates by volunteers. The expired food must be disposed of, which costs the Pantry time and money.

According to Cataldo, “We are asking the community to please check expiration dates on their donations so that we can prevent excess waste and avoid volunteer burnout. This would be such a huge help to us, and much appreciated by our hard-working volunteers.”
In last year’s drive, volunteers helped unload 8,000 pounds of donations
In last year’s drive, volunteers helped
unload 8,000 pounds of donations 

Volunteers are still needed for the event. If anyone is interested, they can sign up online at

Franklin residents can donate to the food drive by leaving a bag of non-perishable food where their letter carrier normally delivers their mail on Saturday, May 11. Some residents may receive the yellow Stamp Out Hunger grocery bags to use, but any paper or plastic bag can be used. Letter carriers will pick up the bags during their normal mail rounds and will deliver the food to the Franklin Food Pantry.

“We are so thankful to the letter carriers, and a supportive community, for helping us acquire the items that are most needed,” said Cataldo. “We have more than 1,100 individuals who count on us for food on a regular basis. We could not provide for them without the support of such a generous community.”

Cataldo said that in lieu of donating goods, individuals who want to support the Pantry can donate online at Monetary donations allow the Pantry to purchase fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products to supplement the canned and boxed food donations.

For more information on the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide effort organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) that provides food to local food banks and pantries.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Franklin Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger on May 12 - Franklin Food Pantry Asks for Special Items and No Expired Food

The Franklin Food Pantry is appealing to the community for some very specific items in this year’s Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. On Saturday, May 12, Franklin letter carriers will pick up donated goods from town residents at their mailboxes and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.

Because the Pantry is currently overstocked with green beans, black beans, chicken soup and tomato soup, it is asking for residents to please consider donating the items most needed:

  • Canned fruit
  • Cream of (any kind) soup
  • Chowder (any kind)
  • Corn
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Coffee, tea and cocoa
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Deodorant
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Liquid hand soap

“In our current building, we have very limited space to store a surplus of items,” said Erin Lynch, executive director of the Franklin Food Pantry. “That’s why we are asking the community for these very specific items, as well as no expired food. We are so appreciative of all the donations we receive, but unfortunately, we have space limitations.”
The Pantry receives roughly 14,000 pounds of food donations monthly. Every item is checked for expiration dates by volunteers. The expired food must be disposed of, which costs the Pantry time and money. Processing expired food items is challenging for the nonprofit because of its limited resources.

Nearly 100 volunteers helped process food donations in last year’s Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Nearly 100 volunteers helped process food donations
in last year’s Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive 

According to Lynch, “We receive thousands of pounds of outdated products each year. We are asking the community to please check expiration dates on their donations so that we can prevent excess waste and avoid volunteer burnout. This would be such a huge help to us, and much appreciated by our hard-working volunteers.”

Volunteers are still needed for the event. If anyone is interested, they can sign up online at
Franklin residents can donate to the food drive by leaving a bag of non-perishable food where their letter carrier normally delivers their mail on Saturday, May 12. Some residents may receive the special yellow Stamp Out Hunger grocery bags to use, but any paper or plastic bag can be used. Letter carriers will pick up the bags during their normal mail rounds and will deliver the food to the Franklin Food Pantry.

“We are so thankful to the letter carriers, and a supportive community, for helping us acquire the items that are most needed,” said Lynch. “We have nearly 1,000 individuals who count on us for food on a regular basis. We could not provide for them without the support of such a generous community.”

Lynch said that in lieu of donating goods, individuals who want to support the Pantry can donate online at

Franklin Letter Carriers picked up 9,000 pounds of donations from Franklin residents
Franklin Letter Carriers picked up 9,000 pounds of
donations from Franklin residents 

“Monetary donations give us the flexibility to purchase what we need, when we need it,” said Lynch. “We can also purchase fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products to supplement the canned and boxed food donations. We count on both types of donations to provide a wholesome and balanced inventory of products for our clients.”

The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide effort organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) that provides food to local food banks and pantries that would otherwise be faced with depleted stocks during the summer months. The food drive is the nation’s largest single-day drive, collecting a record 80 million pounds of nonperishable food last year.  For more information on the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Franklin Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger on May 13 - Franklin Food Pantry Asks for Special Items and No Expired Food

The Franklin Food Pantry is appealing to the community for some very specific items in this year’s Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. On Saturday, May 13, Franklin letter carriers will pick up donated goods from town residents at their mailboxes and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.

Because the Pantry is currently overstocked with green beans, chicken soup and canned corn, it is asking for residents to please consider donating the items most needed:
 Franklin Food Pantry Asks for Special Items and No Expired Food
 Franklin Food Pantry Asks for Special Items and No Expired Food
  • Canned fruit
  • White tuna
  • Coffee
  • Laundry detergent
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine hygiene products

“In our current building, we have very limited space to store a surplus of items,” said Erin Lynch, executive director of the Franklin Food Pantry. “That’s why we are asking the community for these very specific items, as well as no expired food. We are so appreciative of all the donations we receive, but unfortunately, we have space limitations.”

The Pantry receives roughly 13,000 pounds of food donations monthly. Every item is checked for expiration dates by volunteers. The expired food must be disposed of, which costs the Pantry time and money. Processing expired food items is challenging for the nonprofit because of its limited resources.

According to Sue Kilcoyne, pantry operations manager, “We receive thousands of pounds of outdated products each year. We are asking the community to please check expiration dates on their donations so that we can prevent excess waste and avoid volunteer burnout. This would be such a huge help to us, and much appreciated by our hard-working volunteers.”

If anyone is interested in volunteering for the event, they can sign up online at

Franklin residents can donate to the food drive by leaving a bag of non-perishable food where their letter carrier normally delivers their mail on Saturday, May 13. Some residents may receive the special yellow Stamp Out Hunger grocery bags to use, but any paper or plastic bag can be used. Letter carriers will pick up the bags during their normal mail rounds and will deliver the food to the Franklin Food Pantry.

“We are so thankful to the letter carriers, and a supportive community, for helping us acquire the items that are most needed,” said Lynch. “We have more than 1,000 individuals who count on us for food on a regular basis. We could not provide for them without the support of such a generous community.”

Lynch said that in lieu of donating goods, individuals who want to support the Pantry can donate online at

“Monetary donations give us the flexibility to purchase what we need, when we need it,” said Lynch. “We can also purchase fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products to supplement the canned and boxed food donations. We count on both types of donations to provide a wholesome and balanced inventory of products for our clients.”

For more information on the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit or call the Franklin Food Pantry at 508-528-3115. The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide effort organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) that provides food to local food banks and pantries that would otherwise be faced with depleted stocks during the summer months. The food drive is the nation’s largest single-day drive, collecting a record 80 million pounds of nonperishable food last year.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Franklin Food Pantry: Great Opportunity for Community Service Hours for Students

Stamp Out Hunger is right around the corner, and the Franklin Food Pantry is looking for volunteers to help organize all of the goods that the Franklin Letter Carriers will collect on May 13 as part of the national food drive.

All food collected by the Franklin Letter Carriers is brought to the Franklin Food Pantry. The canned and boxed food donations from area residents supplement the fresh food that the Pantry purchases for clients through monetary donations.
Volunteers Needed for Stamp Out Hunger on May 13
Volunteers Needed for
Stamp Out Hunger on May 13

Adult and youth volunteers are needed to help unload the donations from the mail trucks, date check and sort the items, then organize them by types of food. Volunteers will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. We will send you an email reminder a few days before the event with any additional information.

Please use the links below to sign up for the shift that interests you. Please sign up for ONE shift only.

10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Shift is full. Please consider another shift.)

12 – 3 p.m. (20 volunteers needed)

2:30 – 5:30 p.m. (30 volunteers needed)

Thank you!

This was shared from the Franklin Food Pantry webpage

Friday, May 15, 2015

Franklin Letter Carriers’ Food Drive a Record-breaking Success

Postal workers deliver 4.5 tons of food to the Franklin Food Pantry

The Franklin letter carriers collected more than 9,229 pounds of food from area residents and delivered it to the Franklin Food Pantry on May 9 in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive. The amount is more than double last year’s record of 4,585 pounds of food that was donated by residents and picked up by postal workers during normal mail rounds.

The record 9,229 pounds of food was more than double last year’s tally of 4,585 pounds.
The record 9,229 pounds of food was more than double last year’s tally of 4,585 pounds.

Stamp Out Hunger is a nationwide effort organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) that provides food to local food banks and pantries that would otherwise be faced with depleted stocks during the summer months. The food drive is the nation’s largest single-day drive, collecting almost 73 million pounds of food last year.

“We were completely overwhelmed by the amount of food and household necessities we received this year,” said Erin Lynch, executive director of the Franklin Food Pantry. “The generosity of this community and the outpouring of support are truly heartwarming. We are so thankful for the hard work of the postal carriers, the kindness of our neighbors, and the help of so many volunteers on that day. Many people in our community were engaged in making this effort such a success.”

Franklin letter carrier Rich Maloney organized this year’s record-breaking Stamp Out Hunger food drive, part of a nationwide effort sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers
Franklin letter carrier Rich Maloney organized this year’s record-breaking Stamp Out Hunger food drive, part of a nationwide effort sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers

Part of the success of this year’s drive was due to yellow Stamp Out Hunger bags that were placed in residents’ mailboxes as a reminder to put out their food donations. The postal workers were thrilled to see the impact that resulted – double the amount of donations over last year.

Postmaster Mike Catalano and wife Lauren came out to the event to show support and lend a hand in unloading the trucks. “We are really honored to be a part of such a worthwhile cause,” said Catalano. “I was so proud to see our trucks arrive overflowing with food donations. The letter carriers gladly worked twice as hard this year to help families in need in Franklin. What a great community to be a part of.” Catalano said that Franklin letter carrier and Stamp Out Hunger coordinator Rich Maloney was instrumental in organizing such a successful drive this year.

Erin Lynch, Franklin Food Pantry executive director, and Mike Catalano, Franklin Postmaster, lend a hand in the Stamp Out Hunger food drive for the Franklin Food Pantry
Erin Lynch, Franklin Food Pantry executive director, and Mike Catalano, Franklin Postmaster, lend a hand in the Stamp Out Hunger food drive for the Franklin Food Pantry

During Saturday’s food drive, the fleet of mail trucks was greeted by dozens of Pantry volunteers who unloaded the trucks, weighed the bags, sorted items and stacked them on shelves. The Stamp Out Hunger food drive helps replenish the Pantry’s inventory that has been depleted of its donations received during its busiest time of the year, the November/December holiday season.

The Franklin Food Pantry, established in 1987, provides immediate hunger relief and healthy sustainable solutions by empowering the community through resources, education and collaboration. It is part of the Greater Boston Food Bank network and depends entirely on support and donations from volunteers, corporate partners, schools, churches and community members. For more information, or to make a donation, visit or call 508-528-3115. The Franklin Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

“Stamp Out Hunger is truly a community-wide effort"

On Saturday, May 9, Franklin letter carriers will help the Franklin Food Pantry Stamp Out Hunger when the carriers pick up food donations from town residents at their mailboxes and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.

The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide effort organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) that provides food to local food banks and pantries that would otherwise be faced with depleted stocks during the summer months. The food drive is the nation’s largest single-day drive, collecting almost 73 million pounds of food last year.
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

The Franklin letter carriers collected and delivered more than 4,585 pounds of food to the Franklin Food Pantry in last year’s drive. The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive comes at an ideal time for the Pantry.

“Stamp Out Hunger is truly a community-wide effort that gives us the inventory boost we need to help us through the summer,” says Erin Lynch, executive director for the Franklin Food Pantry. “Donations slow down after the first of the year, and by springtime, our inventory is depleted of the generous provisions we received over the holidays. We are so thankful to the letter carriers, and a supportive community, for helping us replenish our Pantry for the summer season.”

Nearly 600 households in Franklin count on the Franklin Food Pantry for supplemental food assistance.

Franklin residents can donate to the food drive by leaving a bag of non-perishable food where their letter carrier normally delivers their mail on Saturday, May 9. Some residents may receive the special yellow Stamp Out Hunger grocery bags to use, but any paper or plastic bag can be used. Letter carriers will pick up the bags during their normal mail rounds and will deliver the food to the Franklin Food Pantry.

Residents can also drop their donations off at the Franklin Food Pantry from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 9, or during the Pantry’s regular business hours, Tuesday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Pantry is located at 43 West Central Street, Route 140, adjacent to the Rockland Trust parking lot across from the Franklin fire station.

While all non-perishable food donations are welcome, items that are currently most needed at the Pantry include:
  • Tuna
  • Juice boxes
  • Granola bars
  • Pudding
  • Sugar-free Jell-O
  • Crackers
  • Cake/cookie/brownie mix
  • Coffee

The Pantry is also in need of the following non-food items:
  • Toilet paper
  • Deodorant
  • Dish soap
  • Hand soap

If residents prefer to give a monetary donation (please no cash), please write a check payable to the Franklin Food Pantry, seal it in an envelope (no postage required), write “Letter Carriers’ Food Drive” on the envelope, and leave it in your mailbox. 

Donations can also be made online at, or mailed to the Franklin Food Pantry, P.O. Box 116, Franklin, MA 02038.

For more information on the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit or call the Franklin Food Pantry at 508-528-3115.