Friday, September 10, 2010

Charter Changes - ballot question text

Jeff Nutting sent this along to share with you. This should be the text for the two ballot questions that Franklin voters will get to cast their ballot on in November:


Question #1 Summary:

The proposed changes to the Franklin Charter contained in Sections 1-7, 10-13, and 15-25 of the Home Rule legislation include updates to various provisions to comply with existing law or to reflect current municipal practice; they also include several technical corrections.
The major changes are summarized as follows: redefining duties of Town Council Clerk to comply with Open Meeting and Public Records laws, providing the Town Council with the ability to reorganize itself and flexibility in scheduling meetings, clarifying the Town Administrator's authority and duties including his appointing authority, updating the listing of standing committees and appointed positions to eliminate obsolete ones, provision for both a temporary and acting town administrator if the town administrator is absent or the position is vacant, reduction of the finance committee from eleven to nine members and updating of the process for their appointment, updating of annual budget and financial planning processes, elimination of obsolete section governing personnel suspension and removals, and elimination of obsolete transitional provisions in connection with charter's original adoption and prior amendment.

Question #2 Summary:

The proposed changes contained in Sections 8, 9, 14 and 26 of the Home Rule legislation eliminate Treasurer-Collector as an elected position and make it an appointed one; the appointment will be made by the Town Administrator and ratified by the Town Council as is presently the case for all other town officers except the Town Clerk. A transitional provision allows the incumbent Treasurer-Collector to continue in office until the end of his elected term.

Franklin, MA

Franklin Citizens Rail Trail Committee Meeting - Agenda - 9/14/10

Proposed Agenda for Sept. 14, 2010
Location: Franklin YMCA 45 Forge Hill Road
Start Time: 7:30PM

I. Call to Order / Introductions of New Attendees
A. Introduction of new attendees
B. Review & approve minutes of previous meeting
C. Ask for volunteer to keep minutes of meeting

II. Report from our representative from DCR
A. Gates & Grading
B. Sheet of Acrylic Glass & Painting of Kiosk. What information can we place under the Glass?

III. Membership Committee Report
Committee to report on membership activity
Corporate Membership questions & policy decisions

IV. Report from Finance Committee
Report from Treasurer

V. Report of Fund Raising Committee
Report on fund raising activities
Report Road Race Committee

VI. Report from Grant Writing Committee
A. Chris & Dave to Grant Writing Workshop on Sept 17th

VII. Report on addition of Network Solutions as our new web site hosp provider
Remote monitoring
Navigation & Links

VII. Unfinished Business:
Discuss proposed meeting with Scott Brown
Build business plan
Who to attend & when

VIII. New Business:
SWAP Legislative Breakfast slated for Sept 24th. Invitation from Beth Dahlstrom to Comm Chair and one other.

IX. Set Date & place for Next Meeting and Adjourn

Franklin, MA

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Franklin on Chronicle - Monday, Sep 13 at 7:30 PM

You may recall that Chronicle came to record in Franklin during August. The word is out now that the Franklin town segment on Chronicle will air Monday, September 13th 7:30 PM on Channel 5 TV

Franklin, MA

Charter Changes - Approved by Governor

The changes to Franklin's charter were approved by Governor Patrick and are confirmed to be on the November ballot. The November election will give Franklin voters the chance to approve or reject the changes as proposed.

The actual PDF (Chapter 331 Acts of 2010) as signed by the House, Senate and Governor can be viewed here:

This will result in two ballot questions to appear on the November ballot. The text of those questions will be published here as well.


My reporting from Town Council meetings earlier this year on the Charter changes can be found here

1 - Charter revisions reviewed by subcommittee 

2 - Charter revisions got a formal hearing 

3 - Charter changes approved by a 6-2 vote (Jones, Zollo, voted no – Vallee was absent) 

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view the document.

Franklin, MA

5th Annual Casino Night - Nov 19

On Friday, November 19, 2010, the Franklin Education Foundation (FEF) will hold its 5th Annual Casino Night at the Franklin Elks from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. The event will feature Black Jack, Roulette and Money Wheel as well as raffles, a Silent Auction, cash bar and FREE hors d’oeuvres. The event is well known as a fun evening out with friends and neighbors, all while contributing to a worthwhile cause.

FEF is currently seeking table sponsors as well as auction donations. If you have an item to donate or if your company is interested in sponsoring, contact FEF. It’s a great way for local companies to show their commitment to education in Franklin.

Admission is $25. To avoid waiting in line at the door, advance ticket purchase is recommended. For ticket purchase, auction donation or sponsorship information, please contact Peter Minor at (508) 541-6700 or Cash only accepted for chip purchase. Checks and Visa/MC accepted for Silent Auction items. For more information visit

Since 1997, The Franklin Education Foundation events have raised well over $190,000 which has been distributed to Franklin public schools in the form of special grants. All Franklin Public School staff members are eligible to submit creative, innovative ideas for programs or activities that would not traditionally be funded by tax dollars. To see a list of programs FEF have funded over the years, visit

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: the sign in question

During the Citizens Comment portion of the Town Council meeting Weds evening, Ken Norman objected to the sign on the Town Common near the revamped war memorials.

Going back to May 2009, these signs were present (one in front, one further behind)

A more recent photo (March 2010) shows the enhanced sign.

This seems to be a more permanent sign than the one depicted in 2009. The coloring is aligned with the monument color scheme.

What do you think? Should the sign be there?

Franklin, MA

Town Council - 09/08/10

The collection of posts reported live during the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Sep 8, 2010 can be found here:

Franklin, MA