Saturday, March 12, 2011

"ensure greater transparency in government"

To ensure a continued and consistent focus on the Open Meeting Law, Coakley created the Division of Open Government to educate individuals about the law, enforce the law, and act as a readily accessible resource for members of public bodies, members of the public, municipal officials, and the press. The division has focused its efforts on educating members of public bodies and the public at large about the revisions to the OML, establishing a complaint process, and resolving Open Meeting Law complaints. 
“The goal of the new law is to promote uniform interpretation of the Open Meeting Law and ensure greater transparency in government,” said Coakley. “As we move forward, we will continue to work with these governmental bodies, news media, and the public to ensure that we reach this shared goal of good governance.”

Read more: In first year, AG's office handled Open Meeting Law complaints, conducted training sessions 

Franklin provides a "Visitor's Orientation to Meetings" focused on the Town Council but generally applicable to other committee meetings.

The Pew Internet and American Life Project released a report that showed:

"... government transparency is associated with residents’ feelings of efficacy and empowerment: Those who think their government shares information well are more likely to say that people like them can have an impact on government. It might be the case that signals from government that “we want to be open about what we do” make people think they can take advantage of that openness and influence the way the government operates."
This report helps foster the activities that you and I have been taking here. Our engagement on the website, through the weekly and daily newsletters, and on Facebook are helping to encourage Franklin to do more in these areas. Franklin regularly wins an award for for government information sharing but it can still do better. One of the major issues with the budget crisis we face is the lack of trust in the information provided. Increasing the transparency will foster trust.

The full report can be found here: 

Franklin, MA

In the News - Fenway, VFW

Franklin men's group hosts program about Fenway

Franklin VFW to celebrate 75 years

"I think for the VFW to succeed we're going to have to take in new members," said member Howard Crawford, 87, who served in the U.S. Army in World War II and Korea. He said he is confident soldiers from the Gulf War and conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan will become active as they get older. 
"When people are returning from war (today), they are consumed with their family and want nothing to do with us. They just want to forget it."

Franklin, MA

Friday, March 11, 2011

Reach Out for Youth and Families

The Bernon Family Branch of the Hockomock Area YMCA will be holding a fund raising event at 3 Restaurant on March 22, 2011.

Reach Out for Youth and Families

Details can be found in the flyer below. Please RSVP by March 15, 2011.

YMCA Invitation

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view the document.

Franklin, MA

In the News - unpaid taxes, Trivia Bee

Franklin seeks unpaid taxes

Franklin trivia bee raises funds, and provides fun

Franklin, MA

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Citizens against waste

There are folks who complain about the money Franklin spends. This form will enable those Franklin residents identify an item where the expense is questioned.

You ask the question. I'll facilitate to get an answer.
(The collection of questions and answers can be found here)

This should at least get the discussion respectfully focused on facts and details.

The 2010 Annual Report can be found here (PDF)

Other reference links for the FY 2012 Budget can be found here

Franklin, MA

Attention: knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners, dyers, and anyone curious about fiber crafts

For the fiber crafters amongst us, a good event this weekend at MIT.
FiberCamp Boston is a PodCamp like community un-conference for fiber craft enthusiasts including knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners, dyers, and anyone curious about fiber crafts. Fibercamp is based on the fact that everyone has something to share and teach. Connect with the community by sharing your passion.
More about FiberCamp on their website

You can register via Eventbrite here

The FiberCamp blog with information from last year's event can be found here

Franklin, MA

"It's misinformation that makes barriers to good decisions"

"There are very well-educated, insightful people who say I don't have enough information, so I'm always going to vote no," Chairman Doug Hardesty said. "To me if we can define what the questions are that will really provide a roadmap ... I think Franklin will be better off because you will have a bigger group of people more confident about decision they will make." 
In 2009, the committee, which was then composed of members of the Town Council, School Committee and Finance Committee, produced a 45-page report that explained how the town was facing a structural budget deficit where annual revenue growth was less than what was required to maintain town services. They projected that, through 2014, expenses would grow faster than revenue by $7 million to $10 million. 
The following year, voters rejected a $3 million property tax override. 
Graydon Smith, one of the seven residents who comprise this year's committee, noted many residents may assume the town has direct control over costs such as pensions and benefits provided to part-time employees. Instead, those are mostly determined at the state level and are difficult to change.
Read more: Franklin financial planners at work again

My notes from the meeting can be found here:

Franklin, MA