Friday, November 4, 2011

Question: Who can help with blueberry bushes?

Hey Steve,

I recently found your site and as a long-time resident of Franklin, I love it! I have a quick question........ Do you know of any site (perhaps even yours) which connects people who need some work with homeowners like me who need help? I'm very able bodied but I have a few specialized tasks which I need help with (trimming blueberry bushes, etc) . I've tried Craigslist but I'd rather stay with someone local who needs some cash.

Wanted: Able bodied Franklinite who has experience in gardening (particularly Blueberry bushes) to teach/help me trim a patch of Blueberry bushes.  I will pay for your time.

Just tossing it out there.  I am community minded myself.  In fact, I am going to be at Dacey Field this Saturday helping dig fence post holes for the new Dog Park ( ).  Again, thanks for the reply and if it's not something you want to add on to your site, no problem!  I just figured that there are people in town who need help with things and people who have the time/talent who may be out of work or whatnot.  I've been on both sides of that equation.


Dave Wolfe


In the News - Delfino

Meet the Franklin Candidate: Charles Delfino Jr., constable

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jeffrey Roy answers 3 questions

Jeffrey Roy submitted his answers to the three questions:

FM - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family and your life here in Franklin?

JR - I have been a trial lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts for the last 25 years. Locally, I have been a member of the School Committee for the last 10 years, and have served as the Chairman for nine of those 10 years. I have also served as a member of Franklin's Horace Mann School Building Committee, and as an elected Town Meeting Member in Milford, Massachusetts.

I am married to Maureen Roy and have two daughters (ages 21 and 18) and a son (age 15). All of my children were educated in the Franklin Public Schools. My oldest daughter currently attends Bates College in Lewiston, ME, and my other daughter is a freshman at Boston College. My son is a sophomore at Franklin High.

I am a 1986 cum laude graduate of Boston College Law School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. I received my undergraduate degree from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine in 1983, where I served as Editor-in-Chief of the Bates Student newspaper. In addition, I received engineering training at Worcester Polytechnic Institute from 1979 to 1981 and one year of legal training at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.

After growing up in Milford, I moved to Franklin in 1986 and this has been our family home for the last 25 years.

2 - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? or What do you think makes you a good candidate to fulfill this role?

JR - I spent the last 10 years working with the Franklin School Committee and enjoyed the challenges of working in municipal government. I am proud of the accomplishments made by the Franklin Public Schools team over the past 10 years and I will bring that spirit of hard work and commitment to the Council. In addition, as a trial lawyer, I am a problem solver. I will bring those skills to the table to address issues that we will face on the Town Council.

I have put together a website at which more fully articulates my vision and priorities for this community and details why I am running for Town Council.

3 - What do you see as your role’s biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?

JR - From a big-picture perspective, funding for education, public safety, public works, and our other town services is the biggest challenge. Addressing that will require strategic planning. Strategic planning will invite us to visit the questions of who we are and what we want for our community. The Town Council should do everything in its power to bolster and strengthen our programs in education, public safety, public works, and other town services. In addition, as a Town Council, we must develop policies that embrace economic development with the goal of creating jobs, attracting business, and improving our infrastructure. We also need to restore decorum and pledge fairness, integrity, and civility, not only in Town Council meetings, but also in all written and oral communications. Finally, we must deliver a Franklin High School building project that will serve this community and our students for a long time. The project was first advanced in 2005 and I am encouraged that the question will be presented to the voters in the near future. I will devote time, energy, and enthusiasm to completing this project.

Rail Trail Committee: Clean-Up Day and Grand Trunk Meeting

Just as a reminder, a SNETT clean-up day will take place this Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 8:00 to noon.  The clean-up will take place on the trail in Bellingham at the Lake St crossing.  For more details you can check the web site at or email Kathy Wicks at

Also, the Grand Truck Trail Blazers will hold a meeting tonight in Franklin at the YMCA at 7:00 pm.  Sorry for the late notice, but we were just informed of it.  You are welcome to attend.  See details below.

Finally, attached for your continued review is the list of potential new committee names and the mission statement. We will discuss both of these at the next meeting on Tuesday, November 8.  

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott B
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 11:11 PM
Subject: GTTB Nov. meeting

Our November meeting of the Grand Trunk Trail Blazers will be at the Franklin YMCA at 45 Forge Hill Rd, tomorrow, Thursday, Nov 3rd at 7 pm.

Upcoming meetings are
December 1st at the Southbridge Police Station, 1 Mechanic St. 01550  7 pm
January 5th at the Palmer Library, 1455 N. Main St 01069  6 pm

Scott Benoit

FCRTC: Names and Mission Statement

"did not officially discuss or take action"

"This will allow us to staff a position that was eliminated last year," Fire Chief Gary McCarraher said. 
The town employs 44 firefighters, but, because of budget cuts, just nine - rather than the 10 needed - can been used at any one time. The department has been fully staffing only the station in the center of town, leading to increased response time for emergencies, McCarraher said. 
The money approved last night will go toward paying current firefighters to work more hours. The $85,000 comes from new growth, or extra tax revenue, councilors said. 
The budget amendment also included $8,000 for the Planning Board and $9,000 for the Board of Health, which would allow each to hire two temporary clerks working 16 hours per week.

Read more:

The full set of my notes from the Town Council meeting can be found here

In the News - Carroll, i495 region, power

Meet the Franklin Candidate: John Carroll, Planning Board

Meetings talk about growth in the Rte. 495 region

Power back for most local residents

Town Council - 11/02/11

The collection of posts reported live for the Town Council meeting held on Nov 2, 2011 can be found here

Live reporting - Closing