Tuesday, January 14, 2014

In the News: community loss, trash delays

A community reeling and frozen in shock looked to loved ones for solace Monday after the Norfolk District Attorney’s office confirmed the deaths of two children who were found unresponsive in a wooden hope chest at their Chestnut Street home Sunday night. -

See more at: http://www.milforddailynews.com/article/20140113/NEWS/140119569#sthash.OmhqNOQw.dpuf

Delays in trash and recycling will continue at least another two days as Waste Management recovers from truck problems caused in the last two weeks by frigid weather.
See more at: http://www.milforddailynews.com/article/20140114/NEWS/140119547#sthash.lZJWCD1C.dpuf

Monday, January 13, 2014


January 13, 2014
Dear Parents, Guardians, Faculty, Staff and Community Members: 
Today was a challenging day for our community as we face the profound loss of two of our young students.  We want to take a moment to apprise you of what happened today and what will happen in our elementary schools tomorrow. 
Today grief counselors were on site to work with faculty, staff and students. Counselors collaborated with classroom teachers to conduct Open Circle about the accident. As we did not have information on the status of the children, we supported our students and attempted to make them feel safe in the learning environment. We did not have any conversation about loss or grief as this personal conversation is more appropriate between a parent and child. We respect the relationship and role of family in understanding tragedy and how each family approaches these events is based on religious, moral and the values of the family. School personnel do want to usurp the role or authority of the family. 
After school our counselors met with faculty and staff to debrief and plan for Tuesday. We also offered counseling services to parents and families during the evening. Our counselors offer strategies, vocabulary and a script to facilitate these difficult conversations with children. 
On Tuesday our counselors will conduct an Open Circle discussion with classroom teachers in all Davis Thayer classrooms. In all of our other elementary schools the faculty will monitor and assess the status of students and respond accordingly. If students in a class are struggling with this tragedy the staff has prepared an Open Circle dialog.  Other communities have been gracious in offering assistance and as we understand that counseling will be ongoing we will assess on a daily basis. 
If your child/children are experiencing difficulty understanding this tragedy we encourage you to contact your child's school and speak with the administration, the classroom teacher or a counselor. If you do not wish for your child to participate in an Open Circle discussion at your school, please notify your principal, assistant principal or classroom teacher. 
As we face this tragedy we will face it as a community. One of the most enduring characteristics of Franklin is how our community supports one another in times of need. The family of these two young children will need all of our support in the coming days and months. 
On behalf of the school community-thank you. 
The Administrative Team/Franklin Schools
Davis Thayer Elementary School
Davis Thayer Elementary School

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Franklin Public Schools: Sad News




The administration of the Franklin Public Schools received confirmation this morning that two of our elementary students passed away in a tragic accident on Sunday. 

This is a sad and tragic event and our thoughts, prayers and sympathy go out to the family, friends and all those affected.

We have a crisis team in place at the school. We will have counseling services available after school for parents, students and faculty. 

We ask that the community respect the privacy of the family at this time.

Maureen Sabolinski

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name that rain garden project!

The Franklin DPW is partnering with the Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) to develop a rain garden project for the residents of Franklin. This program will offer a workshop to interested residents in which they will learn about rain gardens and how to reduce stormwater runoff by building their own.

Before the project gets underway, we need your help! Click the link below to vote for the slogan you feel best represents this project and Franklin's efforts to reduce stormwater runoff.

Vote Here!

Stay tuned for more information on the Franklin Rain Garden Project!

rain garden at Parmenter School
rain garden at Parmenter School

As posted on the official Franklin webpage

You can read more about the Charles River Watershed Association  http://www.crwa.org/

Update on trash/recycle schedule

Regular reader Renata received an email with this to share:
I just received an email from Chris White (DPW) - here is what it says: "Leave the trash and recycling in the carts at the curb, Waste Management is behind and trying to catch up ASAP." Please share with your friends/neighbors.

trash/recycling ready for pickup on Union St
trash/recycling ready for pickup on Union St

 I would add that this week should be a 'normal' schedule while they are playing catch up.

NECN News report on Chestnut St

A link to the NECN news report on the situation with 2 children found 'unresponsive' at a home on Chestnut St here in Franklin

Pothole season

This info was updated here

With the changing weather, this is prime time for potholes. As announced previously, you can use your smart phone (and the built in GPS) to report a pothole. If you don't have a smart phone, you can also do so online.

You can follow this link from the DPW page

or go directly to SeeClickFix.com and find the Franklin, MA page

Walking on Saturday, I reported the pothole which is continuing to grow in front of the Rome Restaurant. Someone else reported it on Sunday.

pothole by Rome Restaurant
pothole by Rome Restaurant

You can also report problems with street lights and with traffic lights. It is anticipated other problems will be added to this system over time.