Wednesday, January 15, 2014

In the News: ruled accidental, still in shock, invasive plants

The Norfolk District Attorney said that preliminary autopsy results show the deaths of two children trapped in a cedar chest were accidental. 
The statement also confirms that the chest manufactured by the Lane Furniture Co. of Altavista, Va, on July 13, 1939 had been recalled because of an unsafe locking mechanism.

Read more:

Still in shock over the loss of her daughter’s best friend, Dawn Powers kept repeating how Lexi and Sean Munroe were the "best kids a parent could ask for."
See more at:

Botanists with the New England Wild Flower Society have not found any trace of two of the more troublesome invasive plant species thought to have been present at the new DelCarte recreation park. 
See more at:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Update from Neighbor Brigade

From: Neighbor Brigade -
Subject: Monroe Family
Date: January 14, 2014 8:54:16 PM EST


Hello Volunteers:

Thank you all for your heartfelt eagerness to help the Monroe family!  We met as leaders of the brigade today to pull together the outpouring of new volunteer applications as a result of this tragedy. We also received many emails and calls that required our immediate attention.

In the mix of all this, the friends and family of the Monroe's are well aware of Neighbor Brigade and our mission to be helping hands for this family.

We will stay in contact with them and await how we can assist them as a Brigade.

Supporting the family's privacy is the biggest request right now and respecting the time that is needed in their deep grief and loss is essential.

At this time, there are two funds that will support the long term needs of this family and their challenges that lie ahead.

Please feel free to share with others and support if you can:

The Lexi and Sean Munroe Memorial Fund

c/o Dean Bank

PO Box 307

Franklin, MA 02038


As a Brigade looking to serve our neighbors, the Monroe's, in their time of great loss, we encourage you to use this time as an opportunity to help others. Perhaps a friendly visit for someone who lives alone, some home made soup for someone with the flu, or any way to volunteer in assisting a neighbor in any kind of need.

We will continually update you as we receive our requests for help.  Thank you for your care and attention to this crisis.

With thanks,

Linda Gagnon, Cheryl Ferri and Karen Anderson

Chapter Leaders

Linda Gagnon
Like us on Facebook!

neighbor brigade | p.o. box 248 | lexington, ma 02420 | 781.325.8580 |
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This email and the information it contains is intended for Neighbor Brigade volunteers only. Please do not forward this email. If you would like to encourage a friend to join, please direct them to Thank you!

Live reporting: Finance Committee

Present: Dewsnap, Quinn, Dowd, Fleming, Smith, Dufour, Huempfner, as well as Nutting, Gagner, Dacey
Absent: (tbd)

Approval of minutes from Nov 3 meeting
Seconded, passed unanimously

Jeff introduces the proposal for the land purchase
map copy to be added later
the plot available will add 18.1 acres to two existing plots of 18.2 and 30.8 acres already in Town hands
no plans for development but could be used for a park or at least green space

appraised about $288K sale price negotiated at $326K
funds from the Open Space Trust Account targeted for allocation in this use

currently bylaws require land be kept as open space or recreation

discussion on other open space items, history recap of bylaws governing growth, mention of bylaw workshop coming up Jan 29th

motion to approve purchase as outlined, seconded, passed unanimously

discussion on minor item of $5K for Fire detail account
reconciliation of account revealed a small shortage to settle past due accounts and details
1st full reconcile of account in Susan Gagner's time here (about 12 years)

motion to approve transfer as outlined, seconded, passed unanimously

Capital budget still be worked in the final phases, all requests are in, need some follow up meetings with a couple of departments to clarify the requests

anticipate Library architect final report in a couple of weeks, recommends a walk through of the building
this is a follow up of the work done a few years ago when the outside was done, the inside was left alone
likely to include a small addition to resolve some space and ADA issues at the Library

would like to put the crossing lights similar to those at Parmenter up for the High School and other locations that could use it

examination of small accounts to see what is still needed and what may be re-purposed
for example, approx $70K left from the Downtown Project and another $100+ in the King St/Constitution St crossing due to the Franklin share of work done by MADOT

will need to bring forward the technical PC license dollars to cover the Windows XP licenses rather than wait for the full capital budget

will attached draft of 5 year fiscal forecast later
executive summary

it is draft as Jeff is looking for feedback from the FinCom and Town Council to see if something was left out before it becomes a final document

we get 60% of our funds from property taxes, we have less state aid than we got years ago, don't see that changing

the state budget was based upon the casino deal which has been slow moving
they will have some additional money due to the stock market increases but they have learned not to increase based upon the fluctuation

salary side for the next 5 years, contracts now for a couple of years out
changing mix of full-time vs part-time
turnover is also a consideration, if you turn someone every 8 months and it takes 2 years to learn the position, maybe it doesn't make much sense to do so without taking a hit on customer service

negotiated 2 phase contracts, new folks get different set of benefits than those who were already in

save countless dollars in health insurance through cooperation with the employees
maybe facing an issue with our rates being so low, other carriers won't want to bid for the business
the rates will need to go up

Franklin's health insurance is determined by collective bargaining
town pays 2/3 and employee pay 1/3, others communities pay more and will be looking to do likewise

teachers were in a pool unto themselves in the GIC system, manage to remove the teachers from that system and take them back to the Franklin plan; established a trust fund for that pool of teachers, it will fade away as that population declines

would like to move the retired teachers to the Franklin account out of the School budget someday to more fairly reflect this on both budgets

one of the possible moves would be to move some of the retires to a 50/50 split from the 60/40 split

pensions will go up and hurt until 2031

on the expense side, I don't see too much more dramatically different
50% of the increase will be in facilities and DPW, not much money to be saved elsewhere
our money is in personnel
do we not look elsewhere, we did the solar deal, that will save
we are going to LED lights to get both energy and maintenance savings
we are part of the state bid list to gain purchase power where ever possible

payback on solar systems for roofs is not always working
we don't get the tax advantages, we did put the unit at Parmenter with a grant

we have $1.3M in the budget reserve we can use when we need to
we need to maintain our reserves to keep our credit rating, etc.

how do we fix the roads? an override is probably the only way to solve it
it is a political decision left to the taxpayers and voters

it is so hard to get regional services, it is 300 years of history and tradition

currently spending $15K to put GPS units in the snow contractor units to monitor their whereabouts
on a $900K budget for snow, it is a small payout with potential for some savings

anything we can do to increase the opportunity for hotel and meal tax it is 'easy money'

Q - we funded 4 firemen with a grant, what is the prediction for next budget?
A - next page

if stormwater comes (someday) we will need to fund that we fees, there is no other way, the DPW will not be able to handle that otherwise

environmental folks looking at manganese and treating it to remove it from the water
would require a couple of buildings at two of our wells to help treat the water

hearing on use of the Emmons St building coming up on Jan 21

cost for the Lincoln St bridge is unknown

is Prop 2 1/2 likely to stay? Yes, don't see that going away anytime

when we designed this building, we did so to put the Schools and Town offices together
it has worked out so well

ultimately the Council is the legislative body that sets the budget, yet better than a true city form of government with an elected mayor

any ideas for feedback are welcomed...

found mistake in FY 17 where the total for the Regional Dispatch ($47K) is missing)

Old business
no subcommittee meetings have been held due to the holidays, but they should be starting again soon

one vacancy scheduled to be filled with Council meeting on the 15th

appointment of Dacey also scheduled for the Council meeting
posted internally and followed the remainder of the interview process

all the senior management positions in Town are scheduled for retirement over the next 5 years
transition and documentation, succession planning is important and becoming more so

New Business
opportunity for a small increase in the FinCom budget for training and conferences

FinCom used to have a reserve fund to provide for some small transfers of funds to cover minor expenses within the overall Town budget

During February try to figure out the budget calendar

next meeting Feb 4th, joint budget subcommittee scheduled for 2/3/14 at 6:00 PM

motion to adjourn, approved

Franklin School District: Schools Update



Our  counseling and administrative team collaborated today to provide meaningful counseling and  support to the faculty, staff and students at Davis Thayer.  The Open Circle conversations went well and students transitioned  quickly into the daily routines of learning. We are appreciative for the assistance and support of our colleagues from the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School and Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School. Both schools sent counselors to help us during this difficult time. Their support and expertise made a difference to our staff and most especially our students. 
We also want to extend our thanks to the community members who have reached out to support our school staff and students. Many in the community are asking what they can do to help during this tragic time family. At this time we are trying to respect the privacy of the family but we understand that many in the community want to help. We encourage anyone wanting to offer assistance do so by donating  to the memorial fund established at Dean Bank. Donations may be sent to the Lexi and Sean Munroe Memorial Fund, c/o Dean Bank  PO Box 307,  Franklin, MA 02038.

Thank you again for all of your well wishes.
Respectfully, Maureen Sabolinski

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Come Together to support the Munroe Family

For a few years, Neighbor Brigade (a non-profit) has quietly been assisting our people/families in our Franklin Community who have had medical/emergency or other types of crisis in their world.  The local chapter is run by Linda Gagnon who has received many phone calls/text/emails about ways to help the Munroe family.  She will be meeting with her co-leaders to gather more information but if you would like to help, please head to the website and find the Franklin chapter.  This organization uses their website to coordinate the needs.  It truly streamlines the process and the Brigade members get right to work.
Here is some info from the Neighbor Brigade website:
Neighbor Brigade establishes and mobilizes community-based networks of volunteers to provide immediate and free assistance to neighbors experiencing sudden crises such as cancer treatment, illness, accident, or other tragedy.  Neighbor Brigade transforms local communities into networks of support through which neighbors quickly mobilize to help other residents in emergency situations. It is a simple idea with tremendous impact in providing relief to those in crisis while strengthening the fabric of a community. 
Neighbor Brigade's volunteers provide critical support services such as home delivered meals, transportation to and from medical appointments, and home maintenance help. The organization is comprised of town-specific chapters, each managed by screened and trained volunteer Chapter Leaders who recruit and coordinate volunteers within their town. Chapter Leaders utilize online management tools to alert their volunteer base of recipients' needs and schedule their volunteers to meet these needs. There are no eligibility requirements for recipients and all help is delivered quickly, with care, and completely free of charge. Recipients may be self-referred or referred by others, either via phone or an online referral through Neighbor Brigade's website.

This was also posted on Facebook: 
If you would like to help, donations can be made to:
The Lexi and Sean Munroe Memorial Fund
c/o Dean Bank
PO Box 307
Franklin, MA 02038

Submitted by Lisa Buccella

Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Monthly Meeting - January 14, 2014

Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee
Meeting Reminder
The Franklin and Bellingham Rail Trail Committee will have a meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at the YMCA in Franklin starting at 7:30 pm. This meeting will constitute our Annual meeting, and as such will include an election of officers and approval of our annual budget. We hope you can attend.

Please also consider renewing your annual membership contribution at

Thank you.
Marc Kaplan, Chair

p.s: we hope you like the look of our new email format
Agenda Download this month's agenda (32 KB)
Minutes Download last month's minutes (223 KB)
Bylaws Download By-Laws of the FBRTC (108 KB)
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Franklin and Bellingham Rail Trail Committee Monthly Meeting
Franklin YMCA
January 14th, 2013

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Poor Richard's Wine and Spirits
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