Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Live reporting - Action Items

4. Action Items
a. I recommend acceptance of a check for $5,000 from the Keller PCC for the 1st grade field trip to Jane & Paul’s Farm Stand and the 3rd grade field trip to Plimouth Plantation.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

b. I recommend acceptance of a check for $5,000 from the Jefferson PCC for field trips for grades 1 to 5.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

c. I recommend acceptance of a check for $10,000 from the Davis Thayer PCC for field trips for grades K-5 as detailed for the school year.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

d. I recommend acceptance of a check for $107.14 from the Remington PCC for a nurse for the 6th grade field trip to the YMCA.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

e. I recommend approval of adding a 0.5 position ELL Teacher.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

f. I recommend approval of the Horace Mann Middle School field trip to the Space Academy in Huntsville, Alabama from July 11-16, 2010 as detailed.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

g. I recommend approval of the FHS Art Department’s request for a field trip to New York City on Saturday November 14, 2009 to the Museum of Modern Art as detailed.  Motion to approve - passed 6-0

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