Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Live reporting: School Committee - June 12, 2018

Present: Feeley, Linden, Douglas, Scofield, Bergen, Schultz, Zub
Absent:  none

1. Routine Business
a. Review of Agenda
no adjustments

b. Citizen’s Comments
i. In the spirit of open communication, “the School Committee will hear public comment not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee Meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment” – from Policy BEDH
c. FHS Student Representative Comments
seniors have graduated

d. Superintendent’s Report
Commend and congratulate the high school for the graduation, it was a great community event; dignified and moving, congrats to all behind the scenes to make it happen

Culmination of senior week events; thanks to all the organizations for the scholarships, totaled over $140,000

Students recognized for NCTE as "promising young writers", 2 from Annie Sullivan

Project 351 Ambassador sent a handwritten note to provide an update

last school committee meeting of the school year, will meet on June 26
2. Guests / Presentations
a. Recognition
for Peter Light, who will not be in attendance at the next meeting

b. Community Group Updates

  • SEPAC – Jennifer Hiscoe, Sara Mulcahey
programs for pre-K through to transition to adulthood
"the only way we can take care of our children is to take care of ourselves"
monthly workshops, always free and always open to whomever would like to come
started a sunshine fund this year
funding two scholarships for FHS grads next year
once a month meet at Cole's Tavern for support

Jennifer talked about her daughter Allison who is served as an out of district placement
she was adopted from Russia
has a sensory processing disorder among other things
moved to Franklin from CT as it had the best special education program
started at ECDC, now in Oak St Reach program
now attending a school in Lexington, one of only 33 children in the school
she started reading this year, making great progress
touchy story about visiting Russia thinking it would be a happy thing but in fact was creating anxiety for Ali

  • FEF – Kit and Lisa Brady
projects funded over the years have supported every grade, every school and this year also included some professional development

Kit Brady presenting on the FEF activities and funding
Kit Brady presenting on the FEF activities and funding

one slide with a sample of grants awarded
one slide with a sample of grants awarded
applications are out now, can be worked on over the summer and are due in October

$30,000 available for grants next year
can award grants for multiple years but need to show progress

FPS vs. Harlem Wizards - 11/16/18 the new date, no tickets on sale yet
Trivia Bee usually in Mar/Apr - didn't run this year due to lack of volunteers

wine tasting event at La Cantina
Paint night at Horace Mann

How can I help?
money always helps, but sweat equity is also desirted

a large re-tweeter of FPS accounts
acting as a big fan

c. Athletics Recap – Tom Angelo, FHS Athletic Director
30 varsity team, 56 teams including frosh and JV, largest in Hockomock League

$800,000 expenses; coaches, official, event workers, police details, equipment fees, uniforms, etc. and transportation ($141,000 this year)
ice rentals, gymnastics, and pool time

we win things and awards cost money...

user fees of $389,000 

varsity coaches go through an evaluation with Tom at the end of each season
coaches are on a one year contract

Play in the large division of the Hockomock League, Kelly-Rex 

Tom Angelo, Athletic Director
Tom Angelo, Athletic Director

winter sports highlights
winter sports highlights

year summary
year summary
Unified Sports presented at the MIAA Conf to share on the success of the program

28 fall captains going to Foxboro to the conference on Thursday morning

33 chemical health violations prior to 29 to 10, year over year improvement
captains have bought in, coaches have bought in
needed to change the culture, the expectations are being set

Our DPW is incredible, they do wonderful supporting us
also Ryan Jette, Recreation dept is great to work with
the feeder programs are great, we all work together

a plug for the athletic information webpage
a plug for the athletic information webpage

3. Discussion / Action Items

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