- Facilities Update
- Transportation Update
- H1N1 Update
- Superintendent’s Goals
The report on the listing of projects completed during the summer in all the schools will be added later.
90% of the work done was done at the High School, the remaining items will be done this fall.
Roy - typically at the end of the school day, the technology center is empty. A recent visit revealed 30-40 students working in the new area.
The following chart was not part of the School Committee package but was prepared with the FPS data as provided. The data tells a story at a glance on what the pay-to-ride fee increase has done to the numbers of students riding the buses.
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No route changes on the transportation side.
While ridership is down, the same number of buses is still be run as last year.
Q - Is there a way we can recover some costs with a half ride program, having parents pay for the ride home.
A - We would have to look at the bus capacity by route. Some buses we have already heard have some extra seats. We would be better able to do the analysis as the situation settle.
Q - Can you clarify the rule on the free ride?
A - There was a school committee policy some years ago that if there was not a safe walkway to school, it used to be a free ride. It is not a state requirement. The State requires free busing for those within 2 miles. The State allows a student to walk a half mile to a bus stop. We try to minimize that.
Comment - caution on some parents who have bought the pay-to-ride to get the afternoon ride home. You may need to implement some re-funds to for those parents if the half ride goes through.
H1N1 - spending much time on this health issue instead of instructional issues. Part of the town-wide planning process. The State may be sponsoring the vaccination clinics. The schools put the information out, people tend to listen rather than if the Police or other Town departments.
The Schools are collecting data weekly on attendance and illness rates.
Dr Timothy Johnson will be doing a town hall style meeting next week on Channel 5 to review the does/don'ts.
Purell can't be stored in the schools due to the alcohol content. They are working to obtain a non-alcohol based with aloe to avoid overwashing and creating additional issues.
Superintendent's goals
Roy - suggestion to bring it up to see how it would be handled this year.
Mullen - to take lead on developing goals for Maureen. Committee members can send their suggestions to her.
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