Sunday, October 3, 2010

Traffic Survey Comments - Yes and No

The survey conducted on the Franklin Downtown Partnership website resulted in many comments for an against the proposal to change the Main St traffic flow from 1-way to 2-way.

While the survey is not an exact science nor can the results be taken as an 'official' reflection of the will of the people, the comments do provide valuable insights.

While the Town Council did indicate that they are for the change to 2-way traffic, they will still need to vote on a bylaw change to do so. The bylaw change will require additional discussion at 2 public meetings (of the Town Council).

What do I think one should take from the comments?
The need for better communication on the details, the reasons, and the numbers remains great. While some number of folks have spent a lot of time working on this over the years, and I have great respect for that effort, there are folks who are just now becoming aware of it, who need to be able to find clear information on what the change is and how it was arrived at.

As much time as I personally have spent reporting on what is happening in and around Franklin, I do not feel that I have all my questions answered. This is what is continuing to drive my own efforts to share what information I can. This website (Franklin Matters) and the information shared here is not and has never been about me. I truly believe that Franklin matters. I do believe that information sharing can be improved. Franklin doesn't have nor can it afford a "Community Information Director". Hence I have assumed that title on a volunteer basis.

These are the comments associated with NO

Comments to Traffic Survey Where They Responded No

These are the comments associated with YES

Comments to Traffic Survey Where They Responded Yes

Prior posts

Franklin, MA

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