Sunday, December 26, 2010

FM #81 - Second Half 2010 Summary

This internet radio show or podcast is number 81 in the series for Franklin Matters.

MP3 File

In this session, you give me about ten minutes and I'll fill you in on what matters in Franklin as the 2010 calendar year draws to a close. This segment will review the major events that occurred each month from July through December. The notes that go along with this segment will contain links rich with the details.


The introduction of the new trash/recycling process

Third Thursday occurred on July 15th

The Affordable Housing Strategy and Plan was out for review

The Native Plants of Franklin series by Michelle Clay was introduced


opened with Bill Glynn of the School Committee holding a “Sit and Chat” on the Town Common

Town Council meeting on the 4th
Affordable Housing Strategy approved
Economic Development Areas established along Grove St
DelCarte house purchased on Prospect St
The Spanish War Memorial gun was removed

School Committee meeting of the 10th covered the District Improvement Plan amongst other items

The Franklin Matters survey on the trash/recycle process results were published

Town Council meeting on the 18th
Underground utilities for downtown were discussed

Third Thursday occurred Aug 19th

School Committee meeting on the 24th
Middle School Improvement Plan was reviewed amongst other items

The survey results to pay for the underground utilities were published

The School Committee added a meeting on Aug 31 due to late word on the receipt of additional stimulus funding which they chose to spend part of reserving part for next years budget cycle..


Finance Committee and Town Council initially looked at a proposal for funding the design and permitting for repairs of the dams on the DelCarte property

School Committee on Sep 14th
Elementary school Improvement Plans amongst other items

Town Council meeting of Sep 29, 2010

Executive summary for the Traffic Changes

Project presentation from May 2010

Downtown Partnership letter in underground utilities


Town Council meeting of 10/6/10

DelCarte - Town Council discussion

Where is the DelCarte property?

Photo tour of the DelCarte property in May 2010

Economic Development Summit fostered by Councilors Jones and Powderly along with the Dept. of Planning and Community Development

The School Committee met on Tuesday 10/12

Most of the night was spent on the high school reviewing
The school improvement plan
The senior project
The school discipline process and statistics showing the improvements

Copies of the presentations are posted to Franklin Matters.

Town Council meeting 10/20
a bunch of presentations from the DPW on their operations (water, sewer, and snow/ice storm preparations.)
The Council also completed the public hearing on the underground utilities, determining not to pursue putting them underground due to the expense

On the weekend prior to Election Day, November 2 I spent time on the weekly podcast providing information on the ballot questions, in particular the two charter questions


The election of Nov 2 resulted in one of the two charter changes passing. The technical changes passed, the proposal to move the Treasurer/Collector to an appointed position failed.

Town Council Nov 3, Senator Richard Ross came to visit and speak with the Council, Jeff Nutting spoke to provide an extensive outlook on the FY 2012 budget

School Committee meeting on Nov 9th
heard the capital budget as well as the DPW presentation on snow storms

School Committee meeting on 11/16 - Mostly about MCAS

Town Council 11/17 - heard about the proposal to form a cable access non-profit to run the cable TV operations on behalf of the Town. The second major item on the agenda was the initial presentation on the proposal for a new zoning district downtown along with a host of changes to bylaws and signs, etc.

I took the opportunity to provide feedback to both the SchCom and TC on back-to-back nights encouraging their outreach efforts and also reviewing their attendance records which I have been updating and publishing with each meeting.


Town Council met three times this month
on the 1st to approve funding to continue the water and sewer repairs

On the 8th, the tax rate hearing was formally held to set the tax rate for 2011 at $12.95/thousand and keep a single rate

I had updated my numbers and analysis on the tax information prior to the hearing

and on the 15th the third and final meeting to renew the liquor licenses for 2011
and hear a revision of the downtown zoning proposal

The School Committee met only once, on the 14th
The anti-bullying plan was reviewed and approved

So we bring a close to 2010, this will be the last of the weekly summaries this year. There will be more in 2011.

The year ahead looks to be a challenging one. The budget situation will likely result in an override vote sometime in May or June. The high school renovation project is also on schedule to come before the voters late next year. The Town Council, School Committee and other Franklin elected positions will be up for vote in November. Whether the high school project will make it to the same ballot remains to be seen.

So fasten your seat belt, the information train here at Franklin Matters and Franklin Matters Weekly will continue.

In case you missed the mid-year (Jan to Jun) review, you can find that here

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This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can use your help.

How can you help?

If you have an interest in covering the Planning Board and or the Zoning Board of Appeals meetings, please let me know.

As always - If you like this, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don't like this, please tell me.

Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!

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