Saturday, September 22, 2012

"people with disabilities can actually use it"

The Milford Daily News writes about the ribbon cutting on Friday for the new playground at the JFK Elementary School. This was a great example of a community effort and every community effort begins with a core group of people.

The mothers — Renatta Gilarova, Sandy Brown, Ariel Doggett, Tisha Arffa and Nikki Wisniewski — were honored on Friday afternoon during a ribbon cutting ceremony for the school’s new playground. 
They spearheaded an extraordinarily successful fundraising push to replace the 12-year-old wooden one.
The drive was "extraordinarily successful" because they were determined and persistent. What they did can be used as a text book case study for another group to try. They combined all the tools they had available. They found the Pepsi grant online and leveraged Facebook to drive that. They used email, they used Twitter. They also relied on the 'old fashioned' feet on the street visiting the ball fields on the weekend and the commuter train platforms during the week.

Regular readers here saw some of their efforts. They found this webpage and our Facebook page and we helped frequently. It was a worthy cause, a great effort with excellent results. My thanks to the core group for showing how it can be done!

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