Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Franklin Annual Report 2014: Historical Commission

Continuing our walk through the Annual Report we arrive at the Historical Commission


Franklin Historical Museum (free) Location: 80 West Central St, downtown, near the fire station.

Hours: Thursdays 5 to 8; Saturday 10 - 1; Sunday 1 - 4

Monthly Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Museum and all are welcome to attend.


We have now completed our fourth year at the new museum and have been well received by the citizens of Franklin and surrounding communities. The museum continues to explore and celebrate the Town's cultural diversity, achievements and unique place in history.


Our mission is to preserve, protect and develop the historic and archeological assets of Franklin.


The commission is appointed by the Town Administrator and ratified by the Town Council. We have 7 full time members with voting privileges along with non-voting associate members. We invite all residents, with an interest in Franklin, to contact us to become associate members.


All of our members take turns hosting at the museum at one time or another. We have continued to increase our hours of operation so that we are available to the public at diffi:rent times. We are always loolda& for people to belp as host at the mueeum. It is a fun, relaxing and a great learning expericiK:e. Try it ....... you'll like it!


We held many events during this past year and had over 1,000 visitors at the museum. Some of the events included:

Birthday Party

We once again enjoyed celebrating Ben Franldin's Birthday.
We served a birthday cake and sang "Happy Birthday".

Wedding Gowns

Once again, we had our famous event exhibiting gowns from 1893 through 2010. Both young and old seem to enjoy this display.

Veterans Uniform Display

This is always a favorite display both with young and older residents. It's strriking to walk info the museum and see all the uniforms from all branches of the armed services standing at attention.

Sebool Participation

We encourage elementary and high scbool student visits to the museum to learn about Franklin throughout the year. It's important to see how Franklin "used to be" as compared to the present time. One student said "I wish I lived back then!" Teachers are welcomed to make arrangements with us to bring their class in for a visit.

Antique Appraisal Day

This is a very popular event that we hold each year at the museum. People are invited to bring up to three (3) items to be appraised. Very well attended.

Movie Night

One June 29th we showed the musical 1776. This was a first time event and enjoyed by all who attended. The popcorn was good too!

Annual Events of the Downtown Partnership

The Commission takes part in the annual events planned by the Downtown Partnership such as Harvest Festival (pumpkin carving contest) and Strawberry Festival. Our museum was opened and many first time visitors came by.

Demolition Requests

Under the demolition bylaw passed by the Town Council, the Commission is instructed to review any demolition request of a property 60 years and older. We look into the property to see if there is any historical significance and then write a review. In some instances, we ask that a plaque be displayed representing what existed on the parcel of land. Developers are very agreeable to this.

Audio Conversion Project

We are working with a FHS student, Micbael Labine and instructor Mark: Brady who spearheaded this project. We are converting all our old record albums to digital status. The turntables being used are fimded by a grant from the Teacher's Association secured by Mr. Peacock. It's great to be able to work hand in hand with Town and School personel. Thanks to all involved in this project.

Old Museum on Washington Street

We continue to look into possible uses for the "'Od Museum" on Washington Street. Any thoughts, give us a call.

Frieads of Historical Museum

The Friends, along with our regular and associate members, work very bard to bring special events to the museum. Without their support, we could not bring these special programs to the museum. Donations are always welcomed!

In conduslon, we feel that the Franklin Historical Museum has reached so many of its goals and we look forward to offering the residents of Franklin continued years of enjoyment. We are grateful for your support and look forward to another exciting year.

Respectfully submitted,
Franklin Historical Commission
Deborah L. Pellegri, Chair
Delwyn Arnold
Bob Percy
Marlene Oliver
Mary Olsson, ViceChair
Colette Ferguson. Treasurer
Connie Lawson

Associate Members
Mary O'Neill
Kai Olsson
Alice Vendetti
Minessa Konicki

Franklin Historical Museum
Franklin Historical Museum
The full annual report can be obtained from the Town Clerk's office (hard copy) or viewed and/or downloaded from the Franklin website here

Annual reports of prior years can also be found online at

screen grab of Franklin Historical Museum webpage
screen grab of Franklin Historical Museum webpage

You can also find more information on the Historical Museum webpage here

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