Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Live reporting: Legislation to Closing

J. Legislation for Action
1. Resolution 17-62: Acceptance of Gift - Franklin Fire Department (Motion to Move Resolution 17-62 - Majority vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

a yearly donation, great to corporate citizens step up to do so

J. Legislation for Action
2. Resolution 17-63: Acceptance of Gift - Franklin Police Department (Motion to Move Resolution 17-63 - Majority vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

same as above; a yearly donation, great to corporate citizens step up to do so

Pellegri - do we send thank you's, yes...

J. Legislation for Action
3. Resolution 17-64: Request to Town of Norfolk Zoning Board of Appeals to Request a Traffic Study of the Intersection of Mill Street and Chestnut Street in Franklin (Motion to Move Resolution 17-64 - Majority vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

Norfolk has a housing development (approx 200 homes/condos) near the corner of the intersection but the prior approvals by Norfolk did not include this intersection

the traffic study is online at Norfolk ZBA (will add link later) but none of Franklin was included

apparently, over a million yards of material to come out of the development

a lot of land but a lot will be left open

Part of it is a 40B and comment about their need for water
we should not be in a position to send any their way

in addition to the bridges, they will be looking for alternate routes through Franklin; the amount of material to come out of there could take years at 50 trucks a day

what is the impact to Franklin?

Pellegri - is this a scenic road?
no it is not

Kelly had met with some residents which got this started
a bridge is being talked of being replaced

Buckley and Mann site, it is contaminated and would be bringing that stuff through here

Amazon was looking at a site in Bellingham, if we don't have a way to fix this, we are going to be in trouble

Richard Ciccone - Chestnut St
speaking for the study to be done, this is going to be an issue

if there is a public hearing, we can speak. I don't believe they have closed the hearing yet

Let's get ahead of the curve. Why can't we ask for mitigation?

Nutting - the best way would be for the ZBA to put in a truck route, so it would be a binding ruling. That is the construction phase, wand what is the ongoing phase.

J. Legislation for Action
4. Bylaw Amendment 17-796: Chapter 63, Buildings, Numbering Of - 2nd Reading (Motion to Move Bylaw Amendment 17-796 - Majority Roll Call vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0 (via roll call)

green construction is more expensive, but the energy efficiency should pay off over time

there are good points to this, when we built the high school, we got 2 point (or 2M) for building green

J. Legislation for Action
5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 17-797: Setbacks for Accessory Buildings and Structures - 2nd Reading (Motion to Move Zoning Bylaw Amendment 17-797 - 2/3 Majority Roll Call vote (6))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0 (via roll call)

correction of the code to bring the amount of space (10 vs. 15) in alignment with other bylaws

K. Town Administrator's Report
K. Town Administrator's Report

Harvest Festival on Saturday, should be biggest ever

L. Future Agenda Items
L. Future Agenda Items

M. Council Comments
M. Council Comments

flu shots on Oct 17

lights for trees where we didn't own the trees? apparently held over from last year

harvest festival, took over a dozen years and now we have the benefit for having the Festival

Oct 18, CPR course at Fire Dept

NARCAN training also being offered Oct 18 at the Fire Dept
Condolences to the Peachy family, she would have been 100 on Dec 1

Elks ride thjrough Clinton and back, raised $6500

acknowledge the passing of Bob Fahey
acknowledge American Legion post 75 had an honor guard for him

Larry Bedarian to show off his new stuff, All MA and All US VFW member

N. Executive Session
N. Executive Session
O. Adjourn
O. Adjourn

(Note: where there are active links in the agenda item, it will take you to the associated document)

You can also download and review the 50 pages of documents released for this agenda (PDF)

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