Wednesday, April 11, 2018

live reporting: Town Council - April 11, 2018

Present: Hamblen, Casey, Dellorco, Mercer, Kelly, Jones, Padula, Pellegri, Earls
Absent:  none

Agenda ItemSummary
A. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Approval of Minutes - March 28, 2018
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

B. Announcements
B. Announcements - This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may also be recorded by others.
C. Proclamations/Recognitions
C. Proclamations/Recognitions

budget hearing meetings May 17-18 for Town Council
D. Citizen Comments
D. Citizen Comments - Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the Agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Coucnil will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.
E. Appointments
E. Appointments
F. Hearings
F. Hearings
G. License Transactions
G. License Transactions
H. Presentations/Discussions
H. Presentations/Discussions - Legislative  Update - Senator Karen Spilka, Representative Jeffrey Roy, Senator Richard Ross

Senator Spilka not feeling well and wanting to reschedule a future meeting

Senator Ross on his way, was in a hearing before heading out to come here

Representative Roy - House released the budget today, will be pushing for an increase in Chap 70 aid; Senate will add their budget in May, and they'll come together in June

FHS students were at the State House lobbying for Tabacco21 to raise the age to 21; they took a leadership role, displayed a video they prepared, "for me to be their Representative to see them in action, it was a treat"

Chronicle episode features the Franklin Library (link to be added later); what better American story is their to share than that Horace Mann was self educated with the books donated by Ben. 

I am working with my collegues on our behalf all the time; $100,000 for SAFE Coalition; deaths reduced while overdose calls have continued, proud of these efforts

Senator Ross walked in to join the meeting

$50,000 for the Horace Mann statue and plaza

$1M for the SNETT trail work design for the tunnel

$275,000 grant for THE BLACK BOX

$25,000 for the Charles River Meadowlands to develop trails

continued list of grants received for area

11th year MA leads nation in education test scores

41% of the budget goes to Mass Health for health services

MBTA running weekend service via bus, as construction work is being done on the rails

Senator Ross, it is a joy to see you hear tonight

looked at the Mount Ida situation
working on the Ethics Committee, received an 81 page report

looking to request $90K to help with the Veterans Walkway at the Town Common

Bill to allow the capping at the transfer station and land transfer between State and Franklin

Dellorco - thank you, you always return our phone calls

Rep Roy highlights a point from the House Budget to the Franklin Town Council
Rep Roy highlights a point from the House Budget to the Franklin Town Council

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