Sunday, January 6, 2019

"We no longer are a nation of joiners, we are a nation of shoppers"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

Seeking to boost to civics education

"Policymakers want to enhance civics education from kindergarten to college, and educators say civic engagement by students could be a way to learn by doing. 
A 2017 national report by Tufts University found that high school civics education has been stagnant since the 1990s. Test scores for eighth grade National Assessment of Education Progress in U.S. history and civics have either increased moderately or stayed the same since 1998. The proportion of students taking AP courses on American history has declined, although the proportion of students studying government and politics has increased, the study found. 
But test scores are not the only indicators of declining civics education. The Tufts report says Americans have become increasingly isolated and less likely to participate in churches, unions and political parties, which have historically encouraged civic engagement. 
A more alarming phenomenon, indicated by the title of the report, is “civic deserts” — communities where people have no opportunities for civic engagement."

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The direct link to the report

direct link to the report
direct link to the report

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