Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Consumer Confidence Report: 2018 (part 3 of 3)

This is part 3 of 3 featuring sections from the Consumer Confidence Report published annually by the Franklin, MA DPW - Water and Sewer Division.
"This report describes Franklin’s drinking water sources and treated water quality for the calendar year 2018, and programs that protect the high quality of our water supply. This publication is mandated by the federal public right-to-know regulation requiring community water suppliers to provide specific treated water quality information annually to their customers. This report includes additional information beyond the minimum federal requirements in order to respond to typical questions our customers ask about Franklin’s water system."

Franklin’s Water Sources

Currently the Town of Franklin obtains its drinking water from 12 groundwater supply wells. In recent years this supply has been unable to meet peak water demands due to rapid growth and development in Franklin as well as declining water quality and capacity in some of our wells. As a result, and as required by our water withdrawal permit, annual water usage restrictions have been implemented during the spring and summer months. Franklin’s water mains have interconnections with Bellingham, Medway, Wrentham, and Norfolk. In the event of an emergency, Franklin could utilize these interconnections to maintain water pressure throughout the distribution system.

In addition to the 12 active water supply wells, the Town operates 6 booster pumping stations, 6 water storage tanks, 2,000 hydrants, 158 miles of water main and approximately 9,000 water services."

The full report can be found online

One of the frequent comments from residents about the amount of growth Franklin is seeing is that it is too much and will negatively affect our water supply. No, it won't. The water restrictions we have are part of the permit from the MA EPA. We have sufficient capacity. We are limited by the permit to pump less than we could.

In January 2019, Director Brutus Cantoreggi and Water Supervisor Laurie Ruszela provided an update to the Town Council. The recording of that portion of the meeting (along with the slides shown here) should answer the question on our supply.

The audio recording is found here:

DPW Director Brutus Cantoreggi and Water Supervisor Laurie Ruszela provided an update to the Town Council, Jan 2019
DPW Director Brutus Cantoreggi and Water Supervisor Laurie Ruszela provided an update to the Town Council, Jan 2019

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