Saturday, September 14, 2019

Franklin Democratic Town Committee Votes To Endorse The Green New Deal

The Franklin Democratic Town Committee approved a motion to endorse The Road To The Green New Deal at their September 9 monthly meeting voicing their support of the principles of the Green New Deal, which include:a rapid decarbonization of the economy and government investment in green jobs and infrastructure.

The Committee has been working hard to promote awareness among Franklin voters of the impact of the Climate Crisis on our environment and citizen's health. The Committee has six active sub-committees, including a Forum Committee chaired by Richard Halpern that chose as its first activity to cosponsor a climate crisis forum: "Franklin 2050:The Climate Crisis." 

The Climate Crisis forum will be held October 17 from 7 - 9:00 pm at the Elks Lodge,1077 Pond Street. Speakers will include Marjorie Decker, State Representative, 25th Middlesex District, FDTC member Ted McIntyre, PhD, Board Member, Mass Climate Action Network (MCAN), and Carolyn Barthel from 350 Mass for a Better Future, Carolyn Barthel, Coordinator and Steering Team, 350 Massachusetts For A Better Future.

"Franklin 2050:The Climate Crisis" is free, but seating is limited. Registration is recommended. Pre-registration is available at:

Franklin 2050:The Climate Crisis
Franklin 2050:The Climate Crisis

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great opportunity for Franklin residents to learn what’s happening and going to continue to happen in local economic, legislative, climate-related effects ... and what we can do about it at the local and stste levels
