Thursday, December 5, 2019

"We need more age-appropriate remedies"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"Supporters of bills that would change the consequences teenagers face for sharing explicit images described the current penalties as “draconian,” and urged lawmakers to adopt an approach that focuses on education.

The Judiciary Committee on Tuesday heard testimony on similar bills filed by Gov. Charlie Baker and Franklin Rep. Jeffrey Roy that each propose to change how state law handles cases involving minors sending and receiving sexually explicit messages. Baker’s bill (H 67) would also make it a felony offense for adults to share a sexually explicit image without consent from the person depicted, a practice sometimes referred to as revenge porn.

Under current law, minors who share sexually explicit images among their peers are subject to felony child pornography charges.

Elizabeth Englander, the founder and director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center, said the threat of a felony and its associated consequences can discourage young victims of sexual harassment from seeking an adult’s help if a peer is pressuring them to send nude or explicit photos."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The full text of Rep Roy's proposal can be found online   I could not find the text in reference to Gov Baler's proposal. If anyone has the link, please share it.

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