Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Message from the Attorney General's Office

As the “People’s Law Firm,” the Office of the Attorney General is committed to serving all residents of the Commonwealth, especially during the current pandemic we are experiencing. We are working diligently to ensure that our dedicated staff has the resources and direction needed to adjust to the new normal and continue operating at the highest level possible.

Our goal is to continue protecting all residents of the Commonwealth during the on- going and unpredictable COVID-19 crisis on a wide-range of issues. Please contact me with any questions, including about earned sick time and workers’ rights, price gouging of critical goods and services, charitable donations, harmful debt collection practices, student loans and consumer scams. 

Some basic information is available
here: https://www.mass.gov/news/ags-office-issues-guidance-on-coronavirus-resources-warns-of-consumer-scams.

A helpful digital tool available through our office (https://www.mass.gov/news/ags-office-issues-guidance-on-coronavirus-resources-warns-of-consumer-scams) addresses the many resources we are providing that may be valuable for the Veterans residing in your respective towns and cities. I have also attached a PDF of the 2018 Resources Guide for Veterans and Servicemembers (below).

The Office and I are committed to working with each of you to honor the deserved rights and well-being of Veterans during this crisis. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any question you might have.

Steven Pfister
Senior Investigator; Medicaid Fraud Division Veterans Affairs Coordinator
MA Office of the Attorney General (617) 963-2699

The doc referenced can be found on the MA Gov site

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