Sunday, July 17, 2022

Franklin DPW update & reminder on water conservation measures in effect due to drought conditions

Hey friends,

Just a reminder we are still in a Level 3 drought here in Franklin. We know your lawns are going into "Dormancy" (i.e. brown) right now, as they should, but please follow the Town's Water Conservation Plan and water only on your Trash and Recycling day during outlined hours.
Remember even though our Water Conservation Plan is required by Mass DEP, it is also important to be a good environmental steward and neighbor and conserve water for all. Franklin draws all drinking water from the ground, not reservoirs or rivers and it is a very limited supply.
FYI, last week as required by DEP, we patrolled the Town looking for violators of the Water Conservation Plan and we had to send out over a 100 letters of warning with possible fines. This is an action we do not like to do, but have to. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE US BE THE WATER POLICE!
If you have a private well, remember you have to put a sign out in front of your property that is clearly visible from the road. This helps the Town and your fellow neighbors know you have a private well. If you have a private well, we recommend you follow the one day a week water plan as your fellow neighbors do because we all draw from the same aquifer.
Helpful links:

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