Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2021

Franklin's Event Outlook: Dec 24 - Dec 30, 2021

The Christmas holiday weekend is upon us. Many of the Interfaith Council of Churches ( services scheduled for in-person and remote participation. Sunday, you can join the group walk on the rail trail to "walk off the cookies" at 9 AM.

Otherwise, given COVID is still rather prevalent, PLEASE be careful when you gather. We all need to be healthy going into the new year. There is a whole lot to do. Health first, civil conversation next to take on the tasks ahead.

Friday, December 24

Christmas Eve
Day off for Christmas Day

Saturday, December 25
Christmas Day

Sunday, December 26
9:00am - walk off the cookies
1:00pm - Historical Museum (always free)

Find the full calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Town meeting calendar is found
The School district calendar is found

Community Calendar
Community Calendar

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Franklin Latter-day Saints Invite Town to Watch Worldwide Broadcast on Peace

In a time of such uncertainty, random acts of kindness and neighborly love has and continues to be shown in abundance around the globe. A worldwide pandemic, such as the one we are facing now in COVID-19, has a way of uniting people of all denominations, races and beliefs. It's as if we are all brothers and sisters in an expansive global family. It just takes something as drastic as our current conditions to realize it.

Members of the local congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Franklin would like to invite all to watch a global broadcast this weekend that aims to uplift, strengthen, and ultimately restore the sense of peace we all seek.

Saturday 12 PM, 4 PM, 8 PM
Sunday 12 PM, 4 PM

Broadcast Link:

Franklin Latter-day Saints Invite Town to Watch Worldwide Broadcast on Peace
Franklin Latter-day Saints Invite Town to Watch Worldwide Broadcast on Peace

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

In the News: Hoffman Farm stops milk sale; US Catholic bishops forced to change plans

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Raw milk sold by Hoffman Farm in Franklin tested positive for small traces of antibiotics early this month. 
The farm voluntarily recalled the tainted milk because the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) has a no tolerance policy for the presence of antibiotics in milk. 
Hoffman Farm holds a Certificate of Registration from MDAR that permits it to legally sell raw – unpasteurized – milk, according to the state agency. To date, the state has not received any reports of adverse events, according to a press statement from the agency. 
The state tests raw milk produced by local dairy farms monthly."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)
Hoffman Farm in Franklin
Hoffman Farm in Franklin

"At the Vatican’s insistence, U.S. Catholic bishops abruptly postponed plans Monday to vote on proposed new steps to address the clergy sex abuse crisis roiling the church. 
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said he was told on the eve of the bishop’s national meeting to delay action until after a Vatican-convened global meeting on sex abuse in February. 
“We are not ourselves happy about this,” DiNardo told reporters in an unusual public display of frustration at a Vatican pronouncement. 
“We are working very hard to move to action — and we’ll do it,” he said. “I think people in the church have a right to be skeptical. I think they also have a right to be hopeful.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

St Mary's church at night
St Mary's church at night

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Franklin Historical Museum: "The Churches in Franklin"

Joe Landry's next presentation at the Franklin Historical Museum will be on Sunday, May 21 at 1:30 pm. 

Joe will be discussing "The Churches in Franklin" and the role that the Puritan church played in the formation of Franklin as a town. He'll talk about Franklin's beginning as the "Second Precinct of Wrentham" and how it became a separate town in 1778. 

Joe will discuss the different religious denominations that came to Franklin during the early years and the churches that their followers worshiped in. Some structures were lost as a result of fire or hurricane and some were moved to different locations and sold to other religious groups.

Hope you can make it! 

Franklin Historical Museum: "The Churches in Franklin"
Franklin Historical Museum: "The Churches in Franklin"

For more about the event, visit the Historical Museum on Facebook

or the Historical Museum webpage

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Anglican Church of the Redeemer - Easter Services

Father Dan Sylvia and all the people of Redeemer invite you to come and worship with us on Sundays at 10 a.m. Children’s Church is offered most Sundays during the service. We especially invite you to join us on Easter Sunday on April 16 at 10 a.m. and Good Friday, April 14 at noon or 7 p.m. for a candlelight service. Anglican Church of the Redeemer is located at Moseley Mill, 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA. A time of fellowship and refreshments follow the service.

We seek to be a faithful Christian community where the joy of knowing Jesus spills out into our families, our relationships with others where we live, work and go to school. Worship, Sunday school, small groups, opportunities for prayer and community service are offered for all. You don’t have to be a believing Christian; if you are a “seeker,” please come and seek God with us. There is ample parking and the church is accessible to all. 

The Church of the Redeemer is a parish of the Anglican Diocese in New England of the Anglican Church in North America.

Questions? You can us at 508-346-3423, email or on the web at

Anglican Church of the Redeemer is located at Moseley Mill, 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA
Anglican Church of the Redeemer is located at Moseley Mill, 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Anglican Church of the Redeemer invitation to join them for the season of Lent

Father Dan Sylvia and all the people of Redeemer invite you to come and worship with us on
Sundays at 10 a.m. Children’s Church is offered most Sundays during the service. We especially invite you to join us for the season of Lent which begins with Ash Wednesday on March 1 and leads into Holy week with Easter Sunday on April 16. 

Anglican Church of the Redeemer is located at Moseley Mill, 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA. A time of fellowship and refreshments follow the service.

We seek to be a faithful Christian community where the joy of knowing Jesus spills out into
our families, our relationships with others where we live, work and go to school. Worship,
Sunday school, small groups, opportunities for prayer and community service are offered for

You don’t have to be a believing Christian; if you are a “seeker,” please come and seek
God with us. There is ample parking and the church is accessible to all. The Church of the
Redeemer is a parish of the Anglican Diocese in New England of the Anglican Church in North America.

Questions? You can us at 508-346-3423, email or on the web at

Anglican Church of the Redeemer is located at Moseley Mill, 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA
Anglican Church of the Redeemer is located at Moseley Mill, 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, MA

Friday, October 2, 2015

Franklin Federated Church: Blessing of the Animals - Sunday, October 4th

of the Animals

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Franklin Federated Church - 171 Main Street

3 p.m. – Outdoors on the Front Lawn

(Rain date is Sunday, October 11th also at 3 pm)

Pets are treasured gifts from God and worthy of blessing.
Join us for prayer, celebration, blessings, and treats for our beloved special companions. All creatures great and small are welcome!
We ask that all pets be leashed/caged/restrained.
If your pet is no longer living, you may bring a photo in their honor.

People and pets of all faiths are welcome!!

Please bring a lawn chair for your comfort and convenience.

Pastor Charley Eastman - 508-528-3803 -
A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation affiliated with the United Church of Christ and American Baptist Churches USA
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Franklin Federated Church plans colorful kickoff - Sep 13

Franklin Federated Church is planning to kick off the program year on Sunday, Sept. 13, with a splash of color. As part of the 10 AM worship service, a rainbow flag will be hung outside the front door and dedicated. It will join the new rainbow marker that has been added to the church's front lawn sign.

Franklin Federated Church
Franklin Federated Church

The two rainbows are symbols of the congregation's commitment to welcome all into the life and ministry of the church, as explained in a statement adopted by the congregation in 2013. It reads in part:

"We welcome all those who come to worship God and declare ourselves to be open to all for participation in the full life and ministry of the church regardless of age, ethnicity, faith background, mental abilities, physical abilities, or sexual orientation & gender identity." (read the entire statement at:

The Sept. 13th service is called Reaffirmation Sunday. Fall is a time of reconnecting, so this day is an opportunity for everyone to refresh their spiritual connection and for church members to reaffirm their commitment to the church. The 10 AM service will include Communion (all are invited to partake) and will be followed by a picnic on church grounds.

Reaffirmation Sunday also marks the kickoff of the church's program year, and includes:
An opportunity, prior to worship, for children in preschool through middle school to register for Sunday school, which will begin meeting on Sept. 20.

A chance for people of all ages to sign up for a Connect group. These are groups that meet weekly for 10 weeks around shared interests, such as art, nature, playing Scrabble, watching and discussing movies, and more.

Franklin Federated Church is located at 171 Main Street, across from the corner of the Common. There is a handicapped access ramp leading from the driveway at the left of the church into the Sanctuary. There are large print bulletins, hearing assistance devices and activity bags for children all available for use during the service.

All are welcome. To learn more, visit You can also stop in to Pastor Charley Eastman's office hours at Panera Bakery on Thursday, Sept. 10, between 8:30 and 10:30 AM, or contact the church at (508) 528-3803.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Franklin Community Blood Drive - July 22

Boy Scout Troop #112 is sponsoring a blood drive on Tuesday, July 12, 2014. It will be held at the LDS Church, 91 Jordan Road from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

blood drive - July 22  2:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Week Services at the Franklin United Methodist Church

Thursday 7:30 pm Service
Franklin United  Methodist Church
Franklin United  Methodist Church

Good Friday
7:30 pm Service

Easter Sunday
10 am Worship Service

Franklin TV - Stations of the Cross broadcast schedule

Steve, is it at all possible to re-post the information about the broadcast of the Stations of the Cross on Franklin TV on Good Friday at 2:00 PM. Comcast Channel 8 and Verizon Channel 26? 
There is also a special REFLECTIONS show for Holy Thursday being broadcast @ 1:30 PM on the same Channels, and the Easter show is being broadcast @ 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM also on Comcast Channel 8 and Verizon 26

The post on the Stations of the Cross schedule

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter Worship at Franklin Federated Church

FRANKLIN - ALL are welcome to the Easter Festival Worship service at Franklin Federated Church Sunday, April 20, at 10 AM. 
The festivities will begin in front of the church, when all are invited to take part in decorating a large wooden cross with flowers. The cross will then be carried into church for the start of worship. The service will include the welcoming of new members, a children's message, and a sermon entitled "Do Not Be Afraid" by the Rev. Charley Eastman. At the end of worship, all in attendance will be invited to join with the choir to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. 
Franklin Federated Church
Franklin Federated Church
There will be no Sunday School on Easter - children will stay with their families throughout worship. There are activity bags available for young children, and the nursery will be open (but not staffed) if any family would like to use the nursery while listening to worship.  
The church is handicapped accessible via a ramp on the left side of the church. Large print bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available. For more information, visit or find us on Facebook. Or, if you have questions or wish to speak to the pastor, call the church office at 508-528-3803.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Stations of Cross Broadcast

The Franciscans of Divine Mercy/ Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus of the Independent Old Catholic Church of the Americas will have a special televised Stations of the Cross often called Via Dolorosa @ 2:00 PM on Good Friday April 18th. 
The Franciscans of Divine Mercy's weekly televisions show REFLECTIONS and the special Good Friday Stations is broadcast through the Franklin Community Cable Access TV Studio on Comcast Channel 8 and on Verizon Channel 26. 
The REFLECTIONS television show airs every Sunday at 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Franklin Community Cable Access TV Studio. 
The show is available to all local Cable Access stations in New England in accordance with Massachusetts law simply by a resident of station manager requesting it. 
All the REFLECTIONS Shows are also available on YouTube by going to: 
For more information contact Rev. Fr. Bob Johnnene OFD @ 508-520-0992 or by email @

Pax et Bonum

Peace & All God's Goodness be with you
Rev. Fr. Bob Johnnene OFD

Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus
Divine Mercy Old Catholic Parish
Independent Catholic Church of the Americas

Link to Fr. Bob's Weekly TV show

Our Facebook page:
Mission Web Site
Franciscan Web Site
ICCA Seminary Link
Diocese Office:

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Then and now: Crossway Church

I thought of a new series of photos that I can share here as the occasion arises. As I have been capturing Franklin scenes for some time, a 'this was then' and 'here it is now' comparison would make sense. Of course while walking Saturday, this is the idea that occurred to me!

Back in 2010 the building on Summer St was decrepit and an eyesore.

Crossway Church - 2010
Crossway Church - 2010

Today, it is respectable place of worship

Crossway Church - 2014
Crossway Church - 2014

Their sign on Summer St

Crossway Church - 282 Summer St
Crossway Church - 282 Summer St

For more about Crossway Church, you can visit their webpage ->
There you can also find photos of the project as the church was renovated ->

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Franklin Interfaith Council Service - Nov 24, 7:00 PM

The Interfaith Council of Franklin will be celebrating with our annual Thanksgiving Interfaith service - this Sunday - November 24th , 7pm.  St. John's ( 237 Pleasant St ) will be hosting the service - and all houses of worship that are members of the council will be participating.  There will be music, readings, prayers - with songs by our Interfaith Choir - all within an interfaith framework.   People from all walks of life - people of faith and those with no faith affiliations are invited and welcome to share an hour or so of Thanksgiving with us.  Plenty of free parking and refreshments will be served afterwards.  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Good News from Franklin Federated Church

Hi Steve -

I thought you might be interested in including a piece in Franklin Matters about the new bench in front of Franklin Federated Church. There is an interesting story behind it.
Franklin Federated Church - Sidney Maxwell bench
Franklin Federated Church - Sidney Maxwell bench

Early in the year, the church lost a beloved member Sidney Maxwell.  Sidney was very wll known in the church for his calling to care for the environment, and after his death, The Rev. Charley Eastman challenged each member of the congregation to find "one substantive way to give health to the Earth in Sidney's honor."

A member of the church, Deb Colella, took him up on that and decided to sign the church up for the Trex Plastic Bag Recycling Challenge.The goal was for the church to collect more than 30,000 plastic bags for recycling in a six-month period from Feb. 15 to Aug. 15. This included grocery bags, dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, packaging film,, etc. The idea was not to encourage church members to use plastic, but rather to show how much of it comes through our lives and how important it is to recycle it. 
Church members and friends brought the bags to worship each week, and delivered them to Colella, who with the help of family and friends counted and then recycle them all. The Sunday School children got involved counting them (and sometimes popping bubble wrap, much to their delight).The church beat its goal by one month, collecting over 30,000 bags by mid-July. 
Trex awarded the church the composite bench (made partially from recycled plastic) which was recently installed on the lawn in front of the church. 
I'm attaching a photo of the bench, although you may want to take a better one yourself when you are out and about.

Tiffany Vail Miller
Communication Coordinator
Franklin Federated Church

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2 important events this weekend at Franklin Federated Church

There are 2 important events going on at Franklin Federated Church this coming weekend - I was hoping you could help us spread the word!

On Saturday, Oct. 13, is the Annual Rummage/ Yard Sale from 9 AM to 2 PM at the church, 171 Main Street.
This important fundraiser helps to support the work of the church. Buyers can find bargains galore as they browse through books, toys, clothes, household items, jewelry, electronics, unique and antiques, and holiday decor. Many items are brand new with others priced to sell. Items half off last hour of sale, so come early and then come back! Rain or shine, this is a fun event for the whole family. Much of the sale is held inside the church. All items not sold will be donated to charity. No early birds please.

On Sunday, Oct. 14, at 6:30 PM the public is invited to a U2charist - a communion service accompanied by a live performance of U2 music – at the church.

 A U2charist service combines the spiritually expressive music of U2 with worship, communion, and a message of God's call to address issues of justice, peace and helping the oppressed. The service includes readings and reflections on the meaning and symbolism of U2's songs. The evening will be thought-provoking, addressing issues of spirituality and social justice, interspersed with rocking renditions of classic U2 songs.

A U2charist service is designed to bring together people of different generations and backgrounds in a worship context while raising awareness and encouraging others to rally around concrete action to address global reconciliation, justice for the poor and oppressed, and the importance of caring for our neighbors.  U2 has waived its copyrights for any of its songs used by churches in this way, as long as any proceeds collected are given to fighting poverty.

100% of the offering collected at the Franklin Federated U2charist will be donated to Church World Service, an organization that works with partners around the world to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice. There is no admission charge.

Performing the music of U2 will be a dedicated group of musicians led by Willie Sordillo on sax and the Rev. Lisa Durkee-Abbott on lead vocals and guitar.

Find out more about Franklin Federated at, find us on Facebook or call 508-528-3803.

Thanks so much!